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Anti Lockdown Activist Dr Andreas Noack arrested in Bavaria after armed police break into his attic

Shocking footage of an extremely heavy handed police arrest this week of a German anti lockdown activist was caught in a webinar that has gone viral over the internet.

Police can be heard screaming like maniacs as they break in to Dr Noack’s attic where he had been conducting a webinar. They point an automatic rifle in his face - they must have seen him as a very serious threat to their own security!!! - They then arrest him and remove the webinar equipment, and the footage ends.

Though the arrest took place on Wednesday 18th November, it is still not known three days later why he was arrested or whether it was connected to his activism. A brief statement was released by the police on Friday 20th November, which did not give any reasons.

The arrest comes in the wake of new laws passed just this week in Germany giving extensive powers to the Government to curtail civil liberties in the face of the handling of covid 19 outbreak. It is rumoured, from some comments on related youtube links of the incident that other anti lockdown activists in Germany have been visited by police in these past days, but this has not been confirmed at this time.

This post will be updated once we have more information about the circumstances of the arrest and the state of Dr Noack.

Police are seen breaking into the attic and arresting Dr Noack in the 43rd minute into the webinar. The entire webinar is shown here, showing that this is not fake footage.


Abridged version showing the break in and arrest is shown here