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Anti-Vax Appeal – Court Asked To Stop South Africa’s Covid “Vaccination” Campaign Pending An Investigation

17 Jan 2023

The Pretoria High Court has been requested by the Covid Care Alliance, Transformative Health Justice, and the nonprofit group Free the Children - Save the Nation to put an end to the government's campaign to immunize South Africans against Covid.

The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority, National Treasury, Director-General of the Department of Health, President Cyril Ramaphosa, and Health Minister Joe Phaahla are the respondents in the case.

The case has been forwarded to the deputy judge president to assign, according to the petitioners' counsel, Riekie Erasmus, on Tuesday.

There are two components to the case. While the second is a request for a court-ordered study into the jabbing method, adverse effects, and potential deaths, the first is an urgent interdict.

The petitioners want the government to stop approving, purchasing, promoting, advertising, encouraging, mandating, distributing, administering, and supporting the Covid-19 jab in all public and private health facilities, according to documents filed with the court.

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