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Australia – “Vaccines May Also Be Administered OPPORTUNISTICALLY While Patients Are Undergoing Sedation For Unrelated Procedures”

Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) statement from April 6 provides guidance for the use of sedation when administering COVID jabs for people with anxiety disorders, needle-phobia and behavioral disorders.

ATAGI, which advises the federal health minister on immunization issues, states that sedation can be an option “in some special circumstances”, but “should not be used as a first line option” or “as a measure to enforce compliance with vaccination requirements”.


The statement also provides advice on jabbing during unrelated elective procedures, adding it “may be appropriate for some patients and should be strongly promoted when possible as it could avoid the need for a separate episode of sedation”.


Other concerning points mentioned :

·      "the inflammatory responses and fever elicited by vaccines may interfere with the postoperative course"


·      "opportunistic vaccination should only be considered during elective procedures where the patient is not acutely unwell"


What seems is that this document encourages doctors to sedate children prior to jabbing as they seem to be very anxious and being upset about being jabbed and that would normally be because they’re coerced into doing it .

The worrying thing is that document is encouraging for this type of jabbing to take place where it’s mentioned that it should be STRONGLY promoted.


If one is concerned it should be strongly advised for anyone undergoing a procedure requiring sedation, to write a clause into the consent form (for the procedure) stating a person do not want any jabs AND/OR gene therapies administered prior to, during and post anesthesia recovery. Consent form should be dated and timed AND witnessed with signature, date and time by at least one (preferably two) of the medical staff involved in the procedure. One should express his/her wishes verbally as well to EVERYONE involved in the procedure. Also, when in theatre for the procedure band placed on wrist with instruction could help. They do this for allergies and patient identification so one more can be added. Instructions should also be on the cover of chart in big letters.


PDF on link below :