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Australian Doctor Injured by COVID Jab Slams Regulators for ‘Censoring’ Public Discussion, Calls for More Research

Australian Doctor Injured by COVID Jab Slams Regulators for ‘Censoring’ Public Discussion, Calls for More Research

 Dr. Kerryn Phelps, a physician and former member of Australia's Federal Parliament, said that the COVID-19 jab caused "devastating" side effects to both her and her wife.

Phelps, a former president of the Australian Medical Association, charged government health authorities of stifling debate regarding vaccine side effects in a submission to a current parliamentary inquiry into extended COVID.

Phelps went into great detail about the negative effects from the jab on her and her wife and urged researchers to look into harm beyond myocarditis and pericarditis.

Jackie Stricker-Phelps "suffered a significant neurological reaction to her first Pfizer jab within minutes," according to her testimony, and she now experiences continuing neurological problems, musculoskeletal inflammation, and exhaustion.

Following her second Pfizer dose in July 2021, Phelps was also identified as having side effects, including intermittent fevers and cardiovascular problems.

She informed the government agency that regulates jab safety, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, about both of their reactions, but no one there followed up, according to her.


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