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Calls For An Ambulance Due To Cardiac Arrest And Unconsciousness Increased Since Covid Vaccination Started For Young Adults In UK

Back on July 31st, 2021, it was published in “The Expose”, data that were published by Public Health England which showed that calls for ambulance services for people who suffered cardiac arrest or being unconscious was on increase and it was when Covid vaccination for young adults under 30 started.  

Vaccines that majority received was Pfizer and minority received Moderna. They have not been offered AstraZeneca due to known risk of getting blood clots.

But also, both Pfizer and Moderna have added reports of myocarditis and pericarditis after Covid vaccines for UK recipients for report of month of July :


Public Health England tracks data when a call to ambulance is made for certain symptoms and are recorded .

For month of July below is report of symptoms recorded where most concerning one is of cardiac arrest :

Another concerning symptom that was recorded being on increase is people being unconscious or passing out :

Latest report from January 3rd, 2022, still shows calls for Cardiac arrest are on increase while people passing out are on decrease :

It is little left to suspect of anything else, but that Covid vaccination is causing huge spike in these concerning symptoms.

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