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Rejoicing as we March off to Yet Another War

Many today might not know that in the past, including in just the last century, in 1914 and 1939/40, there were many, many sheeple who were actually rejoicing when their leaders announced that they would be going to war. Yes, that’s how much the propaganda machines and brainwashing worked.

Many might not know that many sheeple welcomed the Nazi troops with open arms when they marched through their countries in Eastern Europe. They saw them as liberators from another oppressor further east, under the yolk of Bolshivism/Stalinism. They could not see that there was little to distinguish between one oppressor and another, that oppressors always come dressed as liberators.

Such deceit is nothing new.

The brainwashing that makes it easy to send people to war rejoicing no longer works, and the power elite knows it. The tactics change, but the agenda hardly does. The power elite still see people as human fodder to feed into their machines to implement their devious plans for more money and power.

Today many sheeple are rejoicing as they march off to war against a hidden enemy called Covid 19

….as they all stand in line and push and shove in order to take their vaccines….

…and they rejoice when their leaders announce the latest batch of vaccines they have managed to procure for them.

If you think we are exaggerating about how sheeple rejoiced in the past, just watch what happens here with the announcement of a declaration of war…