
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Covid-19: Fully vaccinated people can carry as much delta virus as unvaccinated people, data indicate

Covid-19: Fully vaccinated people can carry as much delta virus as unvaccinated people, data indicate

“Adults who have been fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 can carry the same viral load of the delta variant as those who are unvaccinated, a preliminary analysis of UK data suggests”, begins a study published in the British Medical Journal. Further down the study states:

“Although people who are fully vaccinated have a lower risk of becoming infected, those infected with the delta variant can carry similar virus levels as unvaccinated people, the data show.”

So let us get this straight. Having a viral load of any particular virus in your body, in this case SARS COV II, does not in itself mean that you are sick, we know that. In fact we have trillions of viruses in us everyday. It is the extent of the viral load of a particular virus that could indicate that one is sick, or as the study puts it, one “gets infected”, in this case, with the disease Covid 19.

So if the vaccines have no impact on the actual amount or ‘viral load’ of SARS COV II, then how exactly can one argue that the vaccine works as a vaccine? The vaccine has not reduced your chances of getting sick, because it has not reduced the viral load.

Granted, it could well be that the vaccines reduce the gravity of the symptoms suffered if the viral load leads to sickness, and therefore we are said to be “infected”. But then, how exactly is this different from say, the effect of regular doses of vitamin C? Or the effect of eating healthy food? Or the effect of maintaining cardio and respiratory health through exercise? Or the effect of avoiding obesity? Or the effect of avoiding tobacco inhaled into your lungs? Do all these not also reduce the gravity of the symptoms of respiratory infections? In all these cases, as with the cases of those vaccinated, they could still get infected, but their bodies would manage and control the symptoms better. But that is not what a vaccine sets out to do.

Of course the second bombshell fallout of the findings of this study is that if the vaccinated would still be carrying the same viral load as the unvaccinated, then where is the evidence based science to prove that they are not shedding the virus to the same extent as unvaccinated persons?

Now the counter argument one might try to make to this is that if a person is less less “infected” as a result of being vaccinated, then it stands to reason that s/he is less “infectious” and thus would shed the virus less.

Ah, but here lies the rub!

Does that argument not also apply to persons who have been labelled as “asymptomatic”? They might have the SARS COV II virus but since they have not registered any symptoms, then it cannot be said that they are “infected”, and therefore infectious.

And yet all those persons unvaccinated are being discriminated against because they are being forced into quarantine upon return to Malta, and are being denied access to many venues and events, when the real issue of being infectious to others is not about whether one is vaccinated or not, but about whether one is symptomatic or not. A vaccinated person who feels symptoms is more infected and therefore more infectious than an unvaccinated person who feels no symptoms.

Then there is the third bombshell!

If the real problem, as indicated as a corollary to the findings of this study, is the person with symptoms, then why have the extremist health authorities been barking up the wrong tree all this time and insisted that persons not feeling symptoms are obliged under pain of hefty fines to wear masks, and to take tests in order to travel or to enter health facilities, under the false allegation that they may transmit the disease to others?

The stark reality is that after after all the scare mongering, sending people into panic and the introduction all so many liberty crushing measures, scientific studies today are confirming what medical science has always indicated, namely that it is only persons who feel the symptoms of sickness who are likely to transmit infectious diseases.

So in essence all these liberty crushing measures have been futile, for the only thing the public health officials needed to do was to have people continue what they have always done when they got sick, that is, to stay home until they felt better, and to ask their doctors to recommend treatments traditionally used to treat respiratory infections.

The Full study can be accessed here:

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