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COVID-19 Test Kits Were Sold In 2017 And 2018!

COVID-19 Test Kits Were Sold In 2017 And 2018!


The World Bank official website of WITS which stands for “The World Integrated Trade Solution” and is a trade software provided by the World Bank for users to query several international trade databases.


It shows all countries ,amounts and other details.


Same website had an active record for “COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Instruments and apparatus (902780) exports by country in 2018” even though the World Health Organization did not name Coronavirus “COVID-19” until February 2020 amid same year’s outbreak. There is also a record for COVID-19 tests exported in 2017.


As per WHO website :

" On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak, first identified in Wuhan, China. The new name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated as COVID-19"

The creation, approval, and distribution of COVID-19 test kits would have been impossible during 2017 and 2018, as there had yet been no infection of COVID-19 at that time. In 2017 and 2018, there were not yet any reported infected cases, and no research yet conducted to identify the genomic sequences used in the RT-PCR tests for SARS-COV-2, the “virus” alleged to cause COVID-19.

When checking the data provided by the WITS platform, one can find two different “HS Codes” referring to different types of COVID-19 test kits.

The HS codes used for Covid-19 items can be found here.


This document on the World Customs Organization website indicates that

·  HS Code 300215 (specifically, 3002.15) is for “diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions”

·   HS Code 382200 (specifically, 3822.00) is for “diagnostic reagents based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) nucleic acid test.”

 The data sets in the table are for 2017 and 2018, showing import and export for 121 countries, for both types of COVID-19 tests:


·  Data for HS Code 382200 (immunological) COVID-19 test kits

·  Data for HS Code 300215 (RT-PCR) COVID-19 test kits


You may also find below page insightful, showing tariffs that China imposed on COVID-19 related products.

Below are links to data of trade with COVID-19 test kits and other COVID-19 items that were going already in 2017 – 2018.

Links are provided via WayBackMachine, because they have made a cover up and renamed the test kits to Medical Test kits.


2017 Imports

Year 2017. Imports by country. Kit 300215.

2017 Exports

Year 2017. Exports by country. Kit 300215.

2018 Imports

Year 2018. Imports by country. Kit 300215.

2018 Imports

Year 2018. Imports by country. Kit 382200.

2018 Exports

Year 2018. Exports by country. Kit 382200.

2018 Imports

Year 2018. Imports by country. Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus 902780.

2018 Exports

Year 2018. Exports by country. Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus 902780.


This data was discovered by someone on September 5, 2020, who posted it on social media.


 It went viral all over the world.


The next day, on September 6 the WITS suddenly changed the original label 'COVID-19' into the term 'Medical Test Kits'.


They however forgot to delete one detail.


The bottom of the webpage still showed the product code for these 'Medical Test Kits': 300215 which means 'COVID-19 Test Kits'.

A few weeks later the HS code was also changed by the WITS to 'Medical Test Kit' with zero announcements to the effect, but their coverup came too late which was already uncovered and being revealed by millions worldwide.


Here is a link to PDF which you can download that shows the original data of this website :

They deny this discovery by saying that label 'COVID-19' was only added in 2020 which does not add up since the very product code for these test kits is 'COVID-19 Test Kit'.


What is very hard to deny is that 2 years before “pandemic” suddenly almost every nation in the world started to distribute hundreds of millions of medical test kits that are specifically used for COVID-19.

And even if we exclude label of COVID-19 it is very strange that whole world would suddenly be importing and exporting hundreds of millions of Medical Test Kits.

World Bank’s WITS platform shows that that $476,718,343,280 (that’s BILLIONS) was spent by 121 countries worldwide on almost one billion kilograms of COVID-19 Test Kits in 2017 and 2018, long before the supposedly “novel” coronavirus emerged in late 2019.


In 2017, Top exporters of COVID-19 Test kits are :

·  Switzerland exported 2, 538,500 kilograms of COVID-19 test kits.

·  Germany exported 7,242,210 kilograms COVID-19 test kits.

·  The EU exported 8,953,990 kilograms COVID-19 test kits.

·  The United States exported 7,020,260 kilograms COVID-19 test kits.

·  Ireland exported 590,259 Kg kilograms COVID-19 test kits.


Ø     Switzerland ($23,684,716.51K , 2,538,500 Kg)

Ø     Germany ($17,464,406.19K , 7,242,210 Kg)

Ø     European Union ($16,940,789.16K , 8,953,990 Kg)

Ø     United States ($8,283,146.64K , 7,020,260 Kg)

Ø     Ireland ($6,356,054.92K , 590,259 Kg).”




·  2017 imports for the Immunologic COVID-19 Test Kits total $85,992,654.93 in 1000 USD; in other words — $85,992,654,930.00 (almost $86 billion).

·  2017 exports for the Immunologic COVID-19 Test Kits total $97,578,209.84 in 1000 USD; in other words — $97,578,209,840.00 (approaching $100 billion).

·  2018 imports for the Immunologic COVID-19 Test Kits total $104,042,414.65 in 1000 USD: in other words — $104,042,414.650.00 (over $100 billion).

·  2018 exports for the Immunologic COVID-19 Test Kits total $123,022,634 in 1000 USD: in other words — $123,022,634,000.00 (over $123 billion).

·  2018 imports for the PCR COVID-19 Test Kits total $31,856,382.86 in 1000 USD; in other words — $31,856,382,860.00 (over $31 billion).

·  2018 exports for the PCR COVID-19 Test Kits total $34,226,047 in 1000 USD; in other words — $34,226,047,000.00 (over $34 billion).



·  2017 imports for the Immunologic COVID-19 Test Kits totalled 27,842,184 kg.

·  2017 exports for the Immunologic COVID-19 Test Kits totalled 37,136,035 kg.

·  2018 imports for the Immunologic COVID-19 Test Kits totalled 39,690,220 kg

·  2018 exports for the Immunologic COVID-19 Test Kits totalled 49,582,835 kg.

·  2018 imports for the PCR COVID-19 Test Kits totalled 426,607,452 kg.

·  2018 exports for the PCR COVID-19 Test Kits totalled 402,976,802 kg.


Questions that come to mind :

  • From where (which companies) are all these tests coming from, and to where (which organizations or governments) were they going to?

  • Where is the spending of this money accounted for?

  • Who are those involved that have foreknowledge and who have known for months that the premise of this “pandemic” is false ?

  • Why did they not make an announcement to the public prior as in they have in the past that they will change the title of the items?

  • For example, the HS code 382200 did not exist before they created/ modified one in 2020. So why would it encompass items that were sold years or the year before under a different code when it is a completely new product?


And of course, Fact-Checkers were trying hard to “debunk” this - for example in article by “Reuters” :

Interesting information can be found on the website “WhatDoTheyKnow” we find user under the name Bartholomeus Lakeman who was suspended :

He did propose questions about same purchase of test kits on WITS website which is titled “COVID-19 Test kits purchases in 2017/18” :

Same user who is truly exemplary UK citizen made more excellent Freedom of Information Act requests and tried numerous times to challenge members of same website to provide him with answers on different topics considering “Covid pandemic” of which he was denied in most cases. which you can check on link below :

What is website “WhatDoTheyKnow” for?

This is a website where under the Freedom of Information Act, it’s everyone’s right to request information from UK Government and UK public bodies.

“WhatDoTheyKnow” shows you how to make a Freedom of Information request and access information about central government, local government, Parliament, the NHS, the armed forces, state funded schools and universities and other public authorities.

You can also use the site to find out information that regulators hold about businesses, charities and other organizations.


 Malta purchased all these COVID-19 kits back in 2017 also :

Video :

See this content in the original post