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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & other Attorneys at Law Present their Opening Statements at Grand Jury Investigation Into Crimes Against Humanity During the COVID 19 Crisis.

Distinguished lawyer Reiner Fuellmich leads a group of international lawyers who are conducting a criminal investigation modelled after US style Grand Jury Proceedings in order to present to the whole world all the evidence of Crimes Against Humanity connected with the COVID-19 Crisis and the declared “Pandemic.”

 The attorneys are claiming that the world’s governments have been co-opted and influenced by corrupt, criminal enterprises.

The opening statements dwelt on an overview of the premeditated crimes carried out by a number of players in the covid 19 pandemic, including vaccine manufacturers, that have been given blanket immunity by corrupt officials in governments that Dr Fuellmich says no longer represent the People. The evidence to be submitted will show the orchestrated plans behind the heinous crimes committed by the elites to the global population.

 With the help of real witnesses, lawyers, a judge, and experts, the Grand Jury Proceeding will be a first step on the road to Justice against the perpetrators of Crimes Against Humanity. Where judicial institutions are compromised and fail to provide Justice in accordance with the Rule of Law.

As Judge Rui Da Fonseca e Castro explains in his opening statement, Natural Justice makes it incumbent upon People to reclaim their rights which, as Thomas Jefferson had written into the US Constitution, are not granted by any Governments, but are held to be self evident inalienable rights; that is, rights that cannot be taken away by governments or denied by judicial institutions. This forms the legal, moral and philosophical basis of the Grand Jury in the International Court of Public Opinion, that has been set up for the People of the World, who have been invited to hear and decide upon the accusations being made about crimes perpetrated against the People throughout the Covid 19 crisis.

 Participants on this first Grand Jury opening were the following Attorneys who presented their case in their opening statements to the Grand Jury of Public Opinion.:

·     Ana Garner, USA

·     Judge Rui Da Fonseca E Castro, Portugal

·     Deana Pollard Sacks, USA

·     Reiner Fuellmich

·     Djipali Ojha, India

·     Dexter Reinefeldt, South Africa


At the end, Viviane Fischer invites lawyers to get in contact with the team if they would like to have evidence heard that contributes to the indictments. She also invites ordinary citizens to get in contact if they have, for example, lost their business, suffered losses as a result of the orchestrated attack on small and medium enterprises, or suffered vaccine damage, so that their details may be made known to a wider audience.

 Reiner Fuellmich: “we are appreciative of viewers’ participation in this model proceeding. Some lawyers did not appear today but will do so later on when witnesses are questioned. We implore you to support us, watch these proceedings and tell the world what is actually going on. There are few sources we can trust, and this is one of the most important ones. We aim to give you a complete picture of what has happened and what is happening. Only then will we realize that we cannot trust those we are used to trusting, such as our governments and institutions, who have been infiltrated and used to propagate this agenda. It is only us, the people, who can put an end to this. We can assure you there will be cleanup after this, including the necessary procedures to bring justice, and bring those to justice who have committed these crimes against humanity. Thank you very much.”

 Sources :

The Entire First Sitting can be viewed here:

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