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Germany's Highest Court Mandates Covid Shots For Medical Workers Even Though They Admit They Are Harmful, Even Fatal

Germany's Highest Court Mandates Covid Shots For Medical Workers Even Though They Admit They Are Harmful, Even Fatal

Federal Constitutional Court in Germany ruled for those medical workers who want to avoid harm from the Covid vaccines that they are free to resign despite the court admitting in their ruling that the vaccines can cause serious side effects even death.

Beatrix von Storch, who is the deputy leader of the Alternative for Germany , appealed to the court for denying an emergency appeal to end the mandatory vaccination for Medical care workers.

She said that the Federal Court no longer protects basic rights.

The Federal court’s legal ruling states explicitly:

Translated :

If the temporary injunction is not granted and the constitutional complaint is later successful, the disadvantages resulting from the application of the challenged regulations are of particular importance. If those affected comply with the obligation to provide evidence imposed on them in Section 20a (2) sentence 1 IfSG and consent to vaccination, this triggers physical reactions and can at least temporarily impair their physical well-being. In individual cases, serious vaccination side effects can also occur, which in extreme exceptional cases can also be fatal (cf. Safety Report of the Paul Ehrlich Institute of February 7, 2022 – Suspected cases of side effects and vaccination complications after vaccination to protect against COVID-19 since the start of the vaccination campaign on December 27, 2020, until December 31, 2021 – pp. 5, 8 f., 28 ff.). A vaccination that has taken place is irreversible even if the constitutional complaint is successful.

However, the law does not inescapably require those affected to be vaccinated. For those who wish to avoid vaccination, it is true that this may temporarily involve a change in the activity or job previously performed or even the abandonment of the profession. However, the complainants have not shown that the professional disadvantages that may occur in the limited time until the decision in the main action are irreversible or very difficult to revise or otherwise very serious; this is also not otherwise apparent – at least for the period mentioned. In addition, economic disadvantages suffered by individuals as a result of the enforcement of a law are in principle not suitable as grounds for suspending the application of standards (see BVerfG, Order of the First Senate of January 24, 2022 – 1 BvR 2380/21 and others -, para. 39 with further references).

Alice Weidel, the AfD co-leader, gave a hard-hitting speech in Parliament against the potential “vaccine” mandates.

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