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Grand Jury – Session 7 – Psychology & Propaganda (19/05/2022)

Grand Jury – Session 7 – Psychology & Propaganda (19/05/2022)

Grand Jury | SESSION 7 (19/05/2022)- Psychology & Propaganda

Two well-known speakers talk about the media & journalism, and propaganda and its effect on large populations – Drs. Matthias DeSmet and Mark Crispin Miller. Then medical professional Dr. Ulrike Kaemmerer has more to say about SARS-CoV-2 and the PCR test based on new findings. Note: there was NO DISEASE among Wuhan residents, only .003% (300) of whom tested ‘positive’ for Covid out of a whopping 10 million: none of those had anything that was capable of replication, so nothing was transmissible nor was anything in fact being transmitted! And ‘asymptomatic transmission’ simply didn’t exist.

Furthermore, influenza A and B were being found in a majority of people alongside ‘Covid’; pneumonia in the elderly was also being found, which is nothing unusual at all since many old people die of pneumonia every year.


00:00:45 - Summary of Day 6 Proceedings - Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal
00:06:48 - Introducing Professor Dr. Mattias Desmet - N. Ana Garner, USA
00:07:13 - Mass Formation & Totalitarianism - Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet ( Psychologist, Expert in Mass Psychology )
01:21:01 - Short summary of Prof. Mattias Desmet's testimony - Viviane Fischer ( Attorney at Law, Germany )
01:21:57 - Introducing Mark Miller - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich ( Attorney at Law, Germany )
01:23:18 - Media Propaganda - Prof. Mark Crispin Miller ( Professor of Media Studies )
02:51:33 - Introducing Professor Ulrike Kammerer - Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal
02:52:03 - PCR-Testing Update - Professor Ulrike Kammerer ( Human Biologist, Immunologist )
03:16:54 - Q&A
04:19:03 - Conclusion

Peer-Reviewed Opinion In British Medical Journal Explains How Evidence-Based Medicine Is An ‘Illusion’

Peer-Reviewed Opinion In British Medical Journal Explains How Evidence-Based Medicine Is An ‘Illusion’

The NHS Edited Their Monkeypox Page To Make It More Scarier And Contagious

The NHS Edited Their Monkeypox Page To Make It More Scarier And Contagious