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Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance In The Vial Of The Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine

Ricardo Delgado Martin, Founder and Director of Quinta Columna who is responsible for coordinating the Spanish research team’s analysis of the impacts of graphene oxide nano-particles that were found in the vial of the mRNA vaccine.

The results of the Spanish study which is still to be fully confirmed suggests that the vaccine related deaths and “adverse reactions” recorded in US by the CDC and in the EU are attributable to the graphene oxide nanoparticles contained in the Covid vaccine vial.

Graphene oxide is a toxin which triggers thrombi and blood coagulation which also has an impact on the immune system. If accumulated in the lungs can have fatal outcome.

Graphene oxide is also contained in the face mask which is acknowledged by national health authorities

Graphene has electromagnetic properties which have been detected in people who have been vaccinated. These effects have been documented and confirmed in a study titled “Study on the electromagnetism of vaccinated persons in Luxembourg” :

Study on the electromagnetism of vaccinated persons in Luxembourg | European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (


Original study in French :

etude-sur-lattraction_eda42.pdf (

translated study in English :

study-on-electromagnetism-of-vaccinated-persons-in-luxembourg_6edfa.pdf (

Below is what study reveals :

For the past few months, hundreds of amateur videos have been popping up all over social media featuring people who have visibly become electromagnetic following vaccination.


After many questions were raised by a number of our members about this “supposed” electromagnetic effect in vaccinated subjects, our association decided to take a concrete interest in this intriguing subject.


This survey, of a purely statistical and sociological nature, on this supposed electromagnetic effect, which is the subject of this report, raises at least three important questions:


Is it true that people show an electromagnetic effect after vaccination?

If so, is it true that only vaccinated individuals show this effect?

What is actually injected into individuals under the qualification of vaccine that causes this effect?

To try to answer these questions, the survey was entrusted to Mr. Amar GOUDJIL, treasurer of the association and member in charge of demographic and sociological issues.


Presentation of the survey parameters:


For the purpose of a fast-tracked completion, it was decided:


That a panel of 200 individuals living or working in Luxembourg would be interviewed.

That this panel would be divided into 2 groups. The first would be composed of 100 individuals vaccinated in Luxembourg and the second of 100 unvaccinated individuals for comparison purposes.

That each of these groups should have 50 women and 50 men.

That only active individuals would be selected to participate in the study due to the fact that they are much more constrained to vaccination than inactive individuals.

That the location of the study would be the Belle-Étoile shopping centre and the route d’Arlon in Strassen.

That the variables retained would therefore be sex, age, occupation, number of injections, the pharmaceutical origin of the injections, the date of the injections, the magnetic attraction, the emission-reception of an electric field and the town of residence of the respondent.

It should also be noted that for practical reasons, only people wearing short-sleeved or sleeveless clothing would be interviewed.

Presentation of the method of approach and execution:


The interviewer introduces himself/herself to the individuals, presents the association and then introduces the survey.

“Hello Madam or Sir, sorry to bother you but my name is Amar GOUDJIL, I work for the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV) and I am currently carrying out a statistical and anonymous survey on vaccinated and non-vaccinated people living in Luxembourg.” … “It’s a survey about information according to which vaccinated people show electromagnetic effects and at EFVV, we are trying to find out what the observed reality is”.


The interviewer then asks the respondents if they would be willing to participate in the survey on a voluntary basis.

“Would you please spare a few minutes and would you be interested in participating in our survey? “.


The interviewer then explains the interests of the survey to the interviewees and introduces the individuals to the subject by presenting them with a magnet which he sticks, by magnetic effect, to a metallic object (post, car, etc.). He then explained that magnets do not adhere to humans and that they only adhere to metallic objects, but that information had been received claiming that vaccinated people generated an attraction to the magnet because they had been vaccinated.

The interviewer then asks the respondent if he or she is willing to play the game and apply the magnet to the place where he or she was injected.

When the magnet sticks to the skin on the shoulder, the interviewer then asks the respondent to stick the magnet on the other shoulder.

The interviewer then asks the respondent if he or she is willing to have an electric and magnetic field tester (Meterk brand, model MK54) be placed on the shoulders, explaining that information had also been reported to our association that vaccinated people also generate electric fields.

The interviewer continues the discussion and continues to respond, as far as possible, to interviewees who are interested in the conducted experiment and in the results of the survey.

Summary presentation of the results for the study week from 1 June to 5 June 2021:


Only 30 vaccinated and 30 unvaccinated people were finally interviewed while the target was to interview 100 for the first group and 100 for the second.

The condition of gender distribution was met. In each group, 15 women and 15 men were interviewed.

In the non-vaccinated group, out of the 30 individuals interviewed, the number of people showing attraction to the magnet was 0 (zero). Therefore the experiment ended there for this group.

In the vaccinated group, on the other hand, 29 of the 30 individuals interviewed showed attraction to the magnet. That is, the magnet adhered to their skin without difficulty.

Of these same 29 individuals, 22 have the magnet adhering to only one shoulder and only to the injection area. These 22 individuals are those who received only one injection. The other 7 people in this same group have the magnet adhering on both shoulders.

In this group, known as the group of vaccinated people living or working in Luxembourg, it appears that:

17 received at least one injection from Pfizer

7 received at least one injection from Astra Zeneca

3 received at least one injection from the Moderna laboratory

3 received the single injection from Johnson & Johnson

6 received both Pfizer injections

1 received the 2 injections from Astra Zeneca

1 received the 2 injections from Moderna

Two of the individuals in this group, a nurse working at the CHL who was one of the first to be vaccinated, and a financial analyst, showed totally abnormal electric field emissions. In the case of the nurse, a video was even made showing the values emitted by the tester in the area around the left shoulder. For the analyst, the values emitted by the tester were approximately the same, but the individual abruptly ended his participation.

Out of the 30 respondents in the vaccinated group, 29 reside or work in Strassen. Only 1 lives in Metz but works in Strassen.

It seems that people who were vaccinated earlier within the government vaccination programme are much more electromagnetic than people who were vaccinated more recently. The magnet adheres faster and holds better than in freshly vaccinated people.

More precise measurements should be taken in relation to this last finding.


Note: The exercise being totally destabilising for the respondents, at no point were they asked to apply the magnet to any area other than the shoulders. It would have been very interesting to know whether the magnet also adhered to the neck, chest, forehead or leg areas and whether other objects such as spoons, scissors and smartphones also adhered.




It was found that vaccinated individuals do give off an electromagnetic field and that the earlier the individuals were vaccinated, the stronger the field they gave off. This sensation and appraisal, which is purely a tactile experience when the shoulder magnet is applied and removed, should be verified much more accurately with much more precise equipment.

It was extremely difficult to find individuals willing to play along with this extremely disorienting experiment.

Individuals are interested in the experiment out of curiosity and then when they see that the magnet clings onto their skin, they become dubious at first, then they suddenly become cold. Some of them even become extremely nervous, even completely shocked.

People sincerely wonder how a magnet can stick to their skin as easily as it sticks to a metal pole.

They ask for an explanation and the investigator reassures them that there must be an explanation. They are referred back to the doctor who advised them to get an injection.

One lady even cried and told me that she did not want to be vaccinated but was forced to because her employer said she had to because she works in contact with customers.

In the conversations, it emerged that people do not even vaccinate for medical or health reasons, out of conviction or fear of the disease but often in the hope of returning to a normal life and being able to travel freely again.

During the exchanges, people clearly express their dismay by saying afterwards that they are taken as hostages. Many acknowledge that this injection is non-consensual and that at no time were they given rational explanations, even if only from the point of view of the benefit-risk balance. After reflection and discussion, they then describe this act as: “mistake, madness, loophole, solution, or even blackmail”.

These exact terms were used frequently.


Here again, a psychosocial investigation should be conducted into the real motivations that led the vaccinated individuals to agree to be injected. Ideally, all conversations with the vaccinated would be recorded and filmed for further analysis.


The survey is stopped for reasons of conscience and morals because the investigator is no longer able to cope with the helplessness of people whose faces become petrified when they realise that they have been injected with a substance of which they know nothing.

The investigator, who has studied management techniques and psychosociology in the past, is very uncomfortable with these people who are wondering what is happening to them.


People become pale, white, nervous, put a hand to their forehead or cross their arms and pinch their bottom lip. Some sweat from their hands as they are seen wiping them on their hips or thighs.


These effects and expressions usually occur in states of anxiety, extreme stress or really measurable tension.


For the respondents, these uncontrolled physical manifestations are indicative of a deep malaise when they realise afterwards that they may have done something irreparable.


The act of vaccination being an irreversible act.


To the question, is it true that people present an electromagnetic effect after having undergone at least one act of vaccination, the answer is affirmative and yes, indeed, individuals do become electromagnetic on the injection zone at least.


To the question of what is injected into individuals that causes this effect, we reply that it is up to the governments and authorities responsible for the health of Luxembourgers to answer this question, as they are the ones who took the heavy decision to vaccinate the population.


Here we will not answer for the responsibility of each party, but it is certain that if paramagnetic nanoparticles (nanocarriers or magnetic beads) have entered the composition of these so-called vaccines, it is a safe bet that we will very quickly hear about an unprecedented health disaster.


It is now the responsibility of toxicologists and pharmacologists to discover the origins and causes of these attractive effects on vaccinated subjects, and it is the responsibility of the guarantors of the health of the citizens of this country to very quickly demand the opening of an enquiry into the exact and real composition of these so-called vaccines.


Translated from French by Marie De Plume



Ricardo Delgado Martin is specialized in biostatistics, clinical microbiology, clinical genetics and immunology.


For further details on this project see the report by  Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, specialized in Chemistry and Biology, Escuela Superior de Ingenería, University of Almería.


Below is summary of their study – link to full study in English is here :





On 06/10/2021 1 vial was received by courier, labeled with the following text:

“COMIRNATY™ .Sterile concentrate. COVID-19 mRNA. 6 doses after dilution.

Discard date / time: PAA165994.LOT / EXP: EY3014 08/2021 ”

Origin and traceability: unknown

State of conservation: refrigerated

Maintenance during the study: refrigerated

Coding of the problem sample to be analyzed: RD1

Preliminary observations of the test sample RD1




Sealed vial, with rubber and aluminum cap intact, of 2 ml capacity, containing a 0.45 ml cloudy aqueous suspension.

RNA extraction and quantification is performed

Presence of uncharacterized nanometric microbiology is observed, visible at 600X in optical microscope



Sample processing


1. Dilution in 0.9% sterile physiological saline (0.45 ml + 1.2 ml)


2. Polarity fractionation: 1.2 ml hexane + 120 ul of RD1 sample


3. Extraction of hydrophilic phase


4. Extraction and quantification of RNA in the sample


5. Electron and optical microscopy of aqueous phase


Preliminary analysis: extraction and quantification of Rna in the sample


1. RNA extraction: Kit


2. Quantification of total UV absorbance in spectrophotometer NanoDrop™


3. Specific quantification of Rna by fluorescence QUBIT2.0: fluorometer-april- 2011.html


UV absorption spectrum of the aqueous phase of the RD1 sample (Nanodrop team)


Maximum absorption of SAMPLE RD1 (260-270 nm)


RNA. It presents usual maximums at 260 nm. Total concentration estimated by QUBIT2.0 fluorometry: 6 ng / ul

The spectrum reveals the presence of a high quantity of substances or substances other than Rna with maximum absorption in the same region, with a total estimated at 747 ng / ul (uncalibrated estimate)

Reduced graphene oxide (RGO) has absorption maxima at 270 nm, compatible with the spectrum obtained (Thema et al, 2013. Journal of Chemistry ID 150536)

The maximum absorption obtained DOES NOT ALLOW TO DISCARD the presence of graphene in the sample. The minimum amount of RNA detected by QUBIT2.0 only explains a residual percentage of the total UV absorption of the sample.

OBJECTIVE: Microscopic identification of graphene derivatives




1. Imaging in optical and electron microscopy


2. Comparison with literature images and reduced graphene oxide standard sample




Electron microscope JEM-2100Plus


Voltage: 200 kV


Resolution 0.14 nm


Magnification up to x1,200,000




Electron microscopy (TEM) is commonly used to image graphene nanomaterials. It has become a fairly standard and easy to use instrument that is capable of imaging individual layered graphene sheets.


Conclusions and Recommendations


1. Microscopic study of the sample provides strong evidence for the probable presence of graphene derivatives, although microscopy does not provide conclusive evidence. The definitive identification of graphene, oxidized graphene (GO) or reduced oxidized graphene (rGO) in the RD1 sample requires the STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION through the analysis of specific spectral standard sample comparable to those published in literature and those obtained from the standard sample, obtained with spectroscopic techniques such as XPS, EDS, NMR, FTIR or Raman, among others.


2. The analyzes in this report correspond to ONE SINGLE SAMPLE, limited in total volume available for processing. It is therefore necessary to carry out a significant sampling of similar vials to draw conclusions that can be generalized to comparable samples, recording origin, traceability and quality control during storage and transport prior to analysis.


There is evidence that the Covid-19 “vaccine,” which contains graphene oxide has resulted in a pattern of deaths and injuries worldwide.

Speaking on behalf of the Spanish research team, Ricardo Delgado Martin recommends that the covid-19 experimental mRNA vaccine should be cancelled and discontinued immediately.

Sources :

Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment | Europe Reloaded

Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Study on Electromagnetism of Vaccinated Persons in Luxembourg - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

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