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How Safe are Vaccines? Check out the data in the compensation award programme in the USA

The proof of the pudding lies always in the eating, regardless of what either side might say in any debate.

So who does one believe?

How about the statistics showing the number of families that have successfully obtained compensation for vaccine damage? The ultimate judge is indeed the judicial process that results in financial compensation for injured persons.

So far in the USA over 7,500 families have obtained compensation for vaccine injuries, resulting in total settlements to the tune of over $4,400 million.

And shockingly enough a staggering half of those injuries have been sustained as a result of the influenza vaccine. So do not be fooled by the appearance of harmlessness in that seasonal jab that comes around every year, and that is now being pushed like never before.

So next time some doctor or public health official dismisses any concerns about vaccine safety, just ask them how they explain the fact that 4.4 billion dollars have been paid out in the USA for vaccine injuries, and see what they have to say.

Check out the stats for yourself from this official US government source