
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Extra-parliamentary corona investigation committee launched

Extra-parliamentary corona investigation committee launched

Corona has kept the whole world in suspense for months. Corona concerns us all. Many of the measures taken by the government to fight the disease from COVID-19 are disproportionate and harmful to the population. Since no independent committee of inquiry has yet been convened, the extra-parliamentary corona committee of inquiry, ACU for short, was announced on May 31, 2020 in front of 5,000 people in Stuttgart. The ACU was also referred to in the issue of the weekly newspaper with the highest circulation, "Democratic Resistance" "on June 20, 2020. 

This Corona Committee stands for well-founded, free and broad education for all citizens on a multimedia basis. In addition, information is provided internationally in several languages ​​in order to achieve the broadest possible reach. 

The ACU is intended as a cross-generational participatory project that is organized by citizens for citizens. This means that people like you and me as well as experts in their special field can support the ACU with their knowledge, experience and contributions in the form of lectures and interviews.

The Great Barrington Declaration - World Renowned Virologists Criticise Lockdowns & Masks - Endorsed by over 46,000 Doctors & Medical Scientists

The Great Barrington Declaration - World Renowned Virologists Criticise Lockdowns & Masks - Endorsed by over 46,000 Doctors & Medical Scientists

It's Happening - Politicians down under threatening to limit freedoms of citizens not "submitting" to covid vaccines!

It's Happening - Politicians down under threatening to limit freedoms of citizens not "submitting" to covid vaccines!