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To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Influenza Vaccine Increases Chances of contracting Covid 19, New Study Confirms

Influenza Vaccine Increases Chances of contracting Covid 19, New Study Confirms

There had already been very strong indications from previous studies that influenza vaccines increase the chances of contracting respiratory diseases.

Despite this, the Superintendent of Public Health and Minister of Health in Malta had initiated a campaign to promote the taking of influenza vaccines to try to avoid contracting both influenza and covid 19 at the same time.

This gross error of judgement was pointed out to the Superintendent and Minister in a Judicial Protest filed on the 11th November 2020 by 60 members of the Natural Health Community in Malta, which cited 2 studies indicating the heightened risks of contracting respiratory diseases with the flu vaccines.

These warnings were ignored and dismissed offhand in a most arrogant fashion by the Superintendent and Minister for Health, who ignored the warnings in these studies and thought that they knew better. They proceeded to steamroll ahead with the influenza vaccines that were ordered and taken by members of the public in their thousands, far more than in previous years.

A study has now been published showing a distinct association between the influenza vaccine and increased cases of Covid19. Here is a link to the study by Professor Christian Wehenkel

In the light of this information it is clearer than ever that the warnings given to the Superintendent of Public Health and the Minister of Health not to persist in pushing the influenza vaccines at a time when covid 19 is still rampant, were legitimate and based upon solid science.

At this stage the Superintendent and Minister cannot plead ignorance, or that the scientific indications were unknown or indicated otherwise. They are guilty of gross negligence in misinforming both the General public and the Government over the wisdom of taking the flu vaccines, in failing to exercise due diligence in their professional capacities, in failing to exercise due caution, and failing to inform the public of the possible risks, pursuant to their Hippocratic Oath.

This makes their positions no longer tenable.

They should step aside to make way for others to lead the way in addressing the covid 19 crisis, or be removed from office.

Here are the links to the 2 studies cited in the judicial protest of the 11.11.20 against the Superintendent of Public Health and Minister of Health, which called upon them to refrain from promoting the flu vaccines during the covid outbreak.

2 More Deaths Reported After Taking Covid 19 Vaccine - Norwegian Authorities Investigating

2 More Deaths Reported After Taking Covid 19 Vaccine - Norwegian Authorities Investigating

Miami Doctor Dies after taking Covid 19 vaccine

Miami Doctor Dies after taking Covid 19 vaccine