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Judicial Protest Filed Against Superintendent of Public Health over Unconstitutional Covid 19 Measures and Denial of Fresh Air

A Judicial Protest has been filed by 62 persons against the Superintendent of Public Health and the Minister of Health over the failure to properly address a number of public health issues, including the issue of draconian measures in relation to the Covid 19 crisis, some of which are Unconstitutional.

A Judicial Protest is the last judicial procedure that is used prior to initiating a court case.

The Judicial Protest covers a wide spectrum of failings on the part of the department of public health, that are laid out over 20 pages, which include a number of links to studies, official statements, appeals and reports from the global medical and scientific community.

Among the complaints listed in the judicial protest, the protesters accuse the Superintendent of going beyond her powers by causing the issue of a number of regulations that are not supported by science, not supported by a large part of the medical and scientific community as represented by the 45,000 signatures to the Great Barrington Declaration, and therefore cannot be argued to be “reasonable in a democratic society”. Failing to meet this very important and specific criterion as laid down in the Constitution of Malta, any restrictions to people’s fundamental rights, such as freedom of movement and freedom of assembly, are unconstitutional.

Apart from the unconstitutionality of a number of measures, the judicial protest also states that the Superintendent of Public Health has gone beyond the remit of her powers by issuing a number of draconian regulations on the basis of an epidemic without having ever declared a state of public health emergency, as is required of her by Law.

The Judicial Protest has also taken the Superintendent to task over the extreme measures of making it unlawful to appear anywhere in public without a mask, even in the most absurd cases when one is socially distant from others, such as on a beach or walking alone in the countryside. This is nothing short of a denial of Fresh Air, one of the most important rights of any biological being, and one that helps us to maintain a healthy immune system and excrete toxins from our bodies when exhaling. The protest is also extremely critical of the failure of the new law to define what constitutes “intense exercise”, which is the only exception to the wearing of masks when not in one’s own home or car. Even walking uphill, or with heavy bags, or for some persons, can be deemed to require more intake of fresh air than usual, as with a form of exercise.

The Protest highlights the important fact that the World Health Organisation WHO has limited its recommendation to the public to wear masks only when they cannot social distance at least one metre from others in enclosed or tight spaces. It does not recommend wearing a mask all day whenever you are out of your house or car. The Superintendent and Minister of Health have therefore been called upon to desist from going beyond the recommendations of the WHO in the mandating of masks.

The Judicial Protest also quotes 2 very important studies that indicate an increased vulnerability to respiratory illnesses when taking the influenza vaccine. Yet despite these studies the Superintendent has jumped the gun by soliciting the public to take the influenza vaccine at a time when covid 19 could also add to respiratory infections.

The Judicial Protest is holding the Superintendent of Public Health and the Minister of Health responsible for any damages that may ensue as a result of their actions or inactions, in the fields of both public health and the infringement of Human Rights.

Media Coverage of the Judicial Protest can be seen here:

For a full list of the protesters’ demands, see the last two pages of the Judicial Protest below. (There is a version in Maltese and English)

In the First Hall of the Civil Court  

 Today 11th of November 2020 To: 

1. Superintendent of Public Health 

 Office of the Superintendent 

 St. Luke Hospital 

 OPD (level1) Saint Luke Square 

 Pieta’ PTA 1010 

2. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health 

 Ministry of Health 

 5, Palazzo Castellania 


Judicial Protest by (names of protesters – see Maltese version) Respectfully submit: 

The Superintendent of Public Health has legal power and jurisdiction  over Article 465 of the Laws of Malta, i.e. the Public Health Act to  manage the spread of decease. 

According to Article 14(1) of the same Law, the Superintendent has  the power to declare a Public Health Emergency. 

According to Article 15 (1) (g) of the same Law, the Superintendent  has substantial power to order the ‘appropriate’ provisions according 

to her discretion after she declares a state of emergency as mentioned  above. 

According to Article 27 (c) the respondent can decree measures to  control the epidemic. 

During the past months the Respondents have decreed various  measures and regulations in connection with an outbreak of a decease  called SARS Cov 2 or Covid19. 

One of these measures was a type of test decreed by the respondent  Superintendent of Public Health, in the attempt to identify persons  infected with Covid 19; namely the PCR test. 

Despite the exigencies of Article 14 and 15 of the Law no 465, the  respondents never declared a state of emergency and neither did they  declare the existence of an Epidemic in any part of or a widespread  epidemic over the whole of the Islands; therefore the regulations and  the measures adopted and enforced by the Respondents are null and  void and have no effect or validity in Law, since they were introduced  in a manner ‘ultra vires’ of their power of jurisdiction or against the  regulations mentioned in the above articles, either tempestuously or  without any scientific basis. 

Besides, the above mentioned PCR test, is not accurate enough to  identify which persons are infected with the Covid 19 virus, as many  scientists and experts affirm, including Professor Karl Henaghan, Director of ‘Centre for evidence based medicine’ at the University of Oxford and Dr. Michael Yeadon, chief science officer of the Company  Pfizer, who both publicly confirmed that the PCR test should not be  used to produce diagnostic results of the virus and that this test is  producing a large number of ‘false positives’ in 50% to 90% of all PCR  Tests.

Up to this day the so called Covid 19 Virus has not been categorically  and scientifically isolated to be accepted and acknowledged by the  scientific community. 

Besides the facts are confirming what these scientists and experts who  have been critical of the use of the PCR test have stated that because  a big number of person who allegedly test ‘positive’ for Covid19, have  no symptoms of the decease , they should not be considered to be  sick. 

Rather than acknowledge the fact that those persons who have no  symptoms are indeed healthy and are not infected with a contagious  decease, they are considered and counted by the respondents under  another category i.e. as not healthy but sick although ‘asymptomatic’. This category prejudices persons who are healthy and yet are being  labelled as sick and therefore considered as a potential risk of  infection to others; a consideration which has no scientific basis.  These persons are being subjected to strict measures imposed by the  respondents, in order to allegedly restrict the spread of a contagious  virus which so far has never been isolated. These measures include quarantine which is a right of the respondents to impose only in cases  when persons are sick and not when a person is healthy. 

This liberal and exaggerated interpretation without any legal or  scientific basis, of who is to be considered sick or otherwise, presents  a health risk to the whole of society, the effects of which are causing  panic on a national level and a great fear among the population; a fear  that has not been experienced since the time of the second World  War. 

Contrary to the perception of the public which has been influenced by  the statistics and the interpretations which were published by the  department of public health, this disease called Covid19 is not serious  to an extent that it effects the whole of the population in general more  than for example seasonal flu or bronchopneumonia that effects the

elderly in general and the ‘immunosuppressed’ from which they  normally succumb to. 

Influenza and pneumonia are not a threat to the majority of people  who normally recover and for this reason they are not considered to  be serious enough to warrant a medical crises in our island. Those who fail to recover do not do so because of the flu or pneumonia but  because of underlying conditions which were present in the body  beforehand. Statistics show clearly that this applies also to Covid 19  with which so far most of those who died had also underlying  conditions or died from the negative effect of the treatment as for  example the use of ventilators, similar to what happened in many  cases in other countries. This opinion is one that is reflected in the  Great Barrington Declaration signed by more than forty-five thousand  (45,000) doctors and medical scientists around the world. 

Besides the details mentioned about the exaggerated policies that  have no scientific basis which were similarly implemented in other  countries like Belgium leading to a Letter of protest sent to the Belgian  Government by 665 doctors and another 2,175 professionals in the  health sector, 

(video) ,on the 5th of September 2020 which states : 

“After the initial panic surrounding covid19, the objective facts now  show a completely different picture- there is no medical justification  for any emergency policy anymore. 

The current crises management has become totally disproportionate  and causes more damage than it does any good. 

We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate  restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal  structures and of all our civil liberties .

The letter continues as follows: 

‘A cure must not be worse than the problem’ is a thesis that is more  relevant than ever in the current situation. We note however, that the  collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a  greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the  population than the number of people now being safeguarded from  corona. 

In our opinion, the current corona measures and the strict penalties  for non-compliance with them are contrary to the values formulated  by the Belgian Supreme Health Council, which until recently, as the  health authority, has always ensured quality medicine in our country: 

“Science - Expertise - Quality – Impartiality - Independence – Transparency.” 

We believe that the policy has introduced mandatory measures that  are not sufficiently scientifically based, unilaterally directed, and that  there is not enough space in the media for an open debate in which  different views and opinions are heard. In addition, each municipality  and province now has the authorization to add its own measures,  whether well- founded or not. 

“Moreover, the strict repressive policy on corona strongly contrasts  with the government’s minimal policy when it comes to disease  prevention, strengthening our immune system through a healthy  lifestyle, optimal care with attention for the individual and investment  in care personnel.” (Video) 

These type of disproportional policies together with a lack of  information about the real extent of the seriousness of the Covid 19  and the treatment given thereof has given rise to an Organization in  the United States which calls itself “America’s Frontline Doctors”, 

which has clearly criticised these policies in its statement of the 17th of October 2020.(Vide). 

These policies have also instigated a setting up of an Association in  Spain called ‘Medicos por la veridad-Espania’, while in Germany  another Association of doctors was formed called ‘Doctors for  enlightenment’ supported by 500 doctors. These Associations have  opened an Inquiry called ‘The COVID 19 Extra Parliamentary  Committee’.(vide..). The President of this Association Dr. Heiko  Shoening, who publically and categorically declared: 

“We see the evidence and we see it obviously, and we have a message:  we do not need to have anxiety about covid19 because this is not  different to normal seasonal flu that we have every year.” 

Another letter was written by Canadian doctors and experts in public  health, addressed to the Canadian Government on the 6thof July2020 (vide) with their declaration (vide : 

Furthermore on the 11th of August 2020 a press conference was held  representing different organizations comprising of 640 doctors where  it was declared that the measures taken were part of a Global scam.  (vide  


However the respondents ignored and continue to ignore all the  declarations of thousands of prominent doctors and scientists across  the world while they still insist on implementing even harsher  measures at an accelerated pace against all these recommendations  and continue to give the impression to the Maltese population of  Malta and Gozo that the crises is more serious than it actually is. The  public has also been considerably influenced by the respondents  because of the statistics issued by the department of health. These 

statistics do not follow the usual standard procedures as they do not  provide a clear and realistic indication of the cause of death. 

In the past the department never published the number of elderly or  immunosuppressed who died of influenza or pneumonia on a daily or  weekly basis; a number that counts into the hundreds every year.  Moreover the statistics that have been published regularly by the  Department of Health this year included all those who died not  because of Covid 19, but had merely resulted positive to the test for  Covid 19, according to the PCR test. Therefore even when death  results from another disease or condition, the respondents are  arousing much fear and panic on a national level because they are  making people believe that all those deceased on the list published by  the respondents actually died of Covid 19.In fact it has not been  established by the respondents how many of those that resulted  positive for Covid 19 were actually ‘false positives’. 

The respondent Superintendent of Public Health therefore failed to  practice ‘due diligence’ in her position when she recommended  drastic measures without announcing a state of public health  emergency as the Law dictates and furthermore she did not limit  herself to the numbers of those persons who actually died of Covid 19  in order to present to an apprehensive public a clear picture.  Furthermore she has not taken any steps to certify that the tests used  to identify those effected by Covid 19 were realistic and not mixed  with the false positives. She did not exclude from the list of positives  those who were without symptoms and therefore were not sick.  These person were all considered to be sick by the respondents. 

The respondent failed to practice ‘due diligence ‘and fulfil her duty in  her position when she failed to give adequate and transparent  information to assail the anxiety and worry of the public by reassuring  them that the majority of patients who had some symptoms and had  been diagnosed with Covid 19 were not necessarily suffering from  serious symptoms. If she had done this and explained that there were 

those who may have tested positive but had no symptoms, she would  have given a clearer picture of the situation in the Country and  therefore there would not have been needless panic about a disease  which is more or less as serious as influenza or pneumonia as many  doctors worldwide have explained. 

The respondent also failed to practice ‘due diligence ‘in her position  when she failed to adequately and clearly inform the public about the  treatments that are being applied either in Malta in private and public  hospitals and also in hospitals abroad for those who were suffering  with symptoms connected to Covid19. Once again this omission  caused more panic in the minds of many who perceived this illness to  be more widespread and serious than it actually is. Many have been  led to believe that there is nothing one can do to recover from this  illness after one is infected. 

The respondent also failed to exercise ‘due diligence’ in her position and used her powers ‘ultra vires’ when she ordered a Quarantine  on people who were evidently not sick and this on the basis  already mentioned of a PCR test that results in many false  positives. 

While the Respondents chose to impose various measures and regulations  according to article 465 in an ‘ultra vires’ hurriedly while failing to  declare a state of public health emergency as we already mentioned,  the law dictates, and introduced many draconian measures which  effected and still effect certain fundamental rights of the plaintiffs  and of all the residents of the Maltese Islands. These include the right  of free movement on these Islands and overseas, the right to convene  together and the right to live a normal life, to work and study in a  normal way, to carry out their business and open their shops.

These regulations moreover were introduced with no scientific bases and  conflict with the opinions of the Community of doctors that have  spoken worldwide. 

The respondents have never produced publications of Studies that clearly  show the necessity, the efficiency and the safety of each one of these  measures. For this reason one cannot assert that all these restrictions  on the fundamental rights of the plaintiffs are “reasonable in a  democratic society”, as the Supreme Law, the Constitution of Malta  dictates. The argument that the respondent put forward in  Parliament that he is issuing these measures on the recommendation  of the World Health Organization (WHO) does not exonerate him  from basing these measures on science. 

Where there is a conflict of opinion between committees, like the WHO  and the scientific community, it’s the scientific opinion that should  prevail since it is able to prove that the measures are reasonable in a  democratic society. If this fails then its Technocracy that overrules  reason and science and hence also democracy and the rights of man. 

The fact that many of these restrictions are unnecessary is obviously clear  when compared to those countries that have not adopted these  measures and also according to the expert opinion of more than forty  five thousand doctors and medical scientists who signed and support the Great Barrington Declaration. 

The Great Barrington Declarations of the Belgian doctors, the Association  of German ‘Doctors for Enlightenment ‘and that of the ‘American  Frontline Doctors ‘have all explicitly criticized many of the measures  taken and are still ongoing in certain Countries; the same measures  adopted and are still being used by the respondents. 

Contrary to what the Respondent declared in Parliament, even the World  Health Organization (WHO) recommended much less stringent  restrictions than those issued by the respondents. The WHO  recommends that members of the public wear a mask only in 

circumstances where the distance in a public place is less than one  meter from another person. 

In spite of this and with no sound basis or logic, the respondents went  beyond all recommendations mentioned by doctors in other  Countries that do not advise the wearing of masks. They exceeded  the advice of the WHO by ordering the use of masks everywhere and  all the time when they are not in their homes or their cars or doing  some intensive exercise. This rule was imposed without them  declaring a state of Health Emergency as the Law requires and  without having provided any scientific proof to back it up. Therefore  it cannot be considered to be ‘reasonable in a democratic society’ as  the Constitution of Malta decrees, and for this reason it is null and  void before the law. 

This rule about the extensive and exaggerated use of masks has not been  reflected on and discussed like any other new law .The regulation  does not take into consideration certain valid exceptions, like for  example if a diabetic needs to take off the mask to ingest something  owing to his/her condition, or a person who may feel dizzy because  of lack of enough oxygen because of the mask. 

The same can be said for all those who are walking outside with a mask.  The regulation only allows exemption for those who practice  intensive exercise without offering any specification. Every law starts  with specifications but this is not the case with the regulations that  are being issued profusely by the respondents. 

The vaguely defined exemption for intensive exercise is not logically  justified because it does not take into consideration those who when  walking may need more oxygen either because they are walking  uphill, or are carrying a heavy load or a heavy bag, or because of old  age. This regulation has no scientific basis. It is one of the most  obscene regulations ever to be imposed by a Maltese authority over 

the years and show a serious lack of ‘due diligence ‘on the part of the  respondents which may result in harmful side effects to the plaintiffs. 

Experts of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) whose role it is to train  doctors and nurses on the proper use of masks, publically declare that  the extensive use of masks goes against the recommendations of the  OHS and can lead to respiratory problems. 

According to the result of study on 12 Autopsies conducted in Germany,  those people most vulnerable to Covid 19 were people who suffered  with heart problems (50%) or had respiratory problems (25%). 

The opinion of these experts is supported by the report made by Dr. Dennis  Rancourt PhD dated April, 2020 entitled “Masks don’t work: a review  of science relevant to Covid19 social policy”, which investigates the  scientific studies on the subject (vide 

It is apparently clear that there exists no scientific basis that shows the  efficiency nor the safety in the extensive use of masks, therefore any  regulation that imposes the use of masks is frivolous and contrary to  the rights of the plaintiffs. 

Apart from the fundamental right of the plaintiffs of freedom of movement  without unreasonable restrictions, according to many doctors and  experts in occupational health, the use of mask can cause health  problems even in those who don’t suffer from asthma. The health  hazard are the toxins that a person can inhale again after he/ she has  expelled them with the outbreath and then are trapped in the mask  and are pulled back into the mouth with the inhale. It is also possible  that the person is not inhaling enough oxygen so vital to the body.  The respondents are obliged to show the scientific base and clear  proof and undoubtable proof that masks do not affect the wearer’s  health after prolonged use.

One needs to mention that the regulation imposes the mask on school  children who are obliged to wear it for the whole day in class and  inside the school grounds. Apart from the physical effects on the  children this can cause even psychological effects on their minds  which are being condition to think that they are in danger of death  once they leave their home. 

According to the results that the German doctors obtained from their study  of 12 autopsies, the major cause of death of these patients was  pulmonary embolism. The doctors state: 

Massive pulmonary embolism arising from thrombi located in the deep  veins of the lower extremities was the cause of death in four of 12  cases. In three others, fresh deep vein thrombosis was present in the absence of pulmonary embolism. Additionally the investigators also  found fresh thrombosis in the prostatic venous plexus in six of the  nine men.” 

Deep vein thrombosis is not generally associated with an infectious illness  from a virus. The results of these autopsies that took place in  Germany are of significant importance towards understanding the  true cause of death of patients resulting positive to covid19.The  respondents would have been expected to carry out a series of  autopsies in Malta of patients who allegedly died of Covid19.However  the respondents never announced publically whether in fact any  autopsies were performed. If these autopsies were never performed,  this shows a serious lack of ‘due diligence’ on the part of the  respondents who failed to attempt to establish the real cause of  death of patients who were listed on the public health website as  having tested positive for Covid19 with the PCR test. 

Notwithstanding the absence of Autopsies in Malta, after the autopsies  performed in Germany, the respondents were obliged to investigate  in order to establish whether the deep venous thrombosis was one 

of the co morbidities of these patients who died and establish the  reason that caused deep vein thrombosis in these patients. 

The regulations that have been issued based on Article 465 are obliging  shops, businesses and schools to police the plaintiffs and the  residents of Malta and Gozo, by forbidding entry into their  establishments without a mask or visor. Moreover any person who  may be exempt with a medical certificate has to show this certificate  to an employee or a security guard of these establishments. This  constitutes an abuse of privacy and confidential information on an  individual’s state of health. Also this is contrary to the fundamental  principle in the Constitution of Malta which imposes a judiciary  process in order to implement or enforce any law or regulation. 

This fundamental principle in a democratic society separates the  powers of the State between the governmental /administrative organ,  the judicial and the parliamentary .In this way the governmental organ  of power cannot take the law into its hands and enforce it without  passing through the judiciary process. Yet because of the above  mentioned regulations issued by the respondents, this process which  is so vital to democracy and to the Rule of law is being bypassed, since  these establishments are being asked to take an action that effects the  rights of citizens. This action cannot be contested by the plaintiffs vis  a vis the private establishment in the moment. Unwilling though they  may be, the plaintiffs have to abide by these allegedly abusive  regulations. 

The plaintiffs cannot contest the action of the establishment in a  constitutional court as this right is only accessible in a dispute between  the citizen and the state. Therefore the regulations that empower the  establishment to police the plaintiffs and all Maltese citizens are  contrary to the constitutional principle of separation of powers of the 

state. For this reason this regulation also exceeds ultra vires the  powers of the respondents. 

The draconian regulation that obliges the plaintiffs and their children  to wear the mask continually once they are out of their home and in  the car is denying them the right to breathe fresh air for the whole  day, to let their body work normally and develop a healthy immune  system. This is essential not only for the body to fight any specific  decease but also to fight all pathogens, i.e. bacteria, viruses and all  funguses that every human being comes across during his lifetime. It  is another reason why the respondent Superintendent of public health  is seriously failing to exercise due diligence in her position. She is  failing to assure that the plaintiffs and the Maltese residents will not  compromise their immune system because of having to wear the mask  all day long. This principle is mentioned also in the above mentioned  Great Barrington declaration. 

The Respondents have failed their duty because they did not take  concrete action so Malta could sign the Convention of Oviedo of 2007  of the European Council on human rights in the Medical Health Sector.  When asked a parliamentary question 15749 on the 30th of June  regarding the reason why this Convention was not signed, the  respondent answered in Parliament that there was an ongoing  ‘technical analysis’ being done regarding this Convention. 

The Plaintiffs cannot understand how such an important treaty that  concerns the fundamental rights of the citizen and which has been  drawn up in the Convention of Oviedo thirteen years ago, is still being  examined and much less why it should be analysed in a technical  manner. The rights of man or their evolvement should never be  reduced to a technocratic exercise, because in that case, democracy  which is based in part on these rights of man would be once again  reduce to technocracy.

Among other considerations the Convention of Oviedo would be able  to limit the unlimited powers of the respondent Superintendent of  public health. Therefore any delay or any lack of a positive  recommendation on her part to the Maltese Government to sign this  Convention constitutes a conflict of interest in respect of Article 10  no. 465 . 

With regards this above mentioned article that refers to Conflict of  Interest, the plaintiffs are concerned with the connection and the oath  of obedience which the respondent Superintendent of public health may have taken with The Order of Lazarus, namely the Military and  Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem.(vide 

This is an order that has an involvement with matters to do with  Health, and therefore any order that is issued for its members may  influence the opinion, the actions and the mind-set of the respondent  in this health situation in which she has so much responsibility and  executive power. These powers should never be exercised under a  foreign influence or present a conflict of interest between the loyalty  to the Maltese Government and loyalty to the above mentioned  Order. 

With reference to the legal notice 337 of 2020, the plaintiffs and the  residents of Malta and Gozo are not allowed to convene in number of more than six persons unless they keep a distance of two meters from  each other. Again this order is not based on or justified by any  scientific studies, and therefore it is just the result of an arbitrary  decision and is not “reasonable in a democratic society”. 

This order is drastically undermining in a draconian way the  fundamental rights of the plaintiffs impeding them from convening  together, from expressing themselves openly on any subject they  choose, more so because masks make it difficult to hear and  communicate properly. This order thus breaks another human right  that is protected by the Constitution of Malta.

Among the regulations issued under Chapter 465, there was a time  earlier this year when Maltese citizens who were not registered as  residents of Gozo, and among these were a good number of the  plaintiffs, were inhibited from going to Gozo while those who were  registered and residents of Gozo were allowed to travel to Malta. 

Once again this regulation was not based on any scientific studies that  showed its validity or its efficiency .Again it was based on an arbitrary  decision and was therefore abusive. This rule cannot be considered  “reasonable in a democratic society” as the Constitution of Malta 


Furthermore this regulation was discriminatory in its implementation,  because while certain residents were allowed to travel and visit both  Islands, other residents, among these many of the plaintiffs were  prohibited from doing so. On these grounds, the regulation went  against the fundamental rights of the plaintiffs who suffered an unjust  and illegal discrimination. 

Another Regulation was issued in connection with Art. 465 which  imposes on the plaintiffs and any other person who arrives in Malta  from certain foreign countries, an above mentioned PCR test. As has  already been explained, this test has never been proved to be  effective in identifying whether a person is infected or not with Covid  19. This regulation does not give any choice as to whether a person prefers to voluntarily quarantine instead of submitting to a test. This  test consists of a medical intervention. Therefore this imposition is not  based on science and is not reasonable in a democratic society and  goes against the right that the plaintiffs have to choose whether or  not they want to submit to a medical intervention. 

In the Light of all the above, with regards to the actions of the  respondents in the management of disease during this year 2020, the

plaintiffs are concerned about the exercising of their rights when  taking decisions concerning their children’s health and their own. It is  an absolute priority for them that any vaccine that is introduced and  adopted in Malta is accompanied and backed by independent  scientific studies that assure its safety and that these studies are  carried out according to the prescribed protocol for safety in  medicines; in other words a clear indication of safety for whoever  receives it. 

The importance of the publication of all studies made on any vaccine  and presented to the plaintiffs is evident from a study made in 2012  by Cowling et al , entitled, “ Increased risk of non influenza respiratory  virus infection associated with receipt of inactivated influenza  virus”(Vide 

 This Study confirmed how children were four times more  susceptible to a respiratory infection, including infections connected  to the coronavirus group, after they received the flu vaccine. 

The results of this study were also confirmed in a more recent study  published in January 2020, made by the department of defence in the  United States about that which is known as ‘virus interference’. The  name of the study is “Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus  interference among Department of defence personnel during the  2017-2018 influenza season.”(Vide 

However the respondents failed in their duty to acknowledge these  studies and never mentioned them publicly or through the  Department of Public Health. On the contrary, they encouraged all  citizens and residents of Malta and Gozo to take the flu vaccine this  year when they still admitted that the coronavirus of type Covid 19 is  still present among the population.

It is vitally important that the plaintiffs continue to enjoy their right of  choice in how to support and maintain their health and that of their  children, and that they give their consent freely without direct or  indirect coercion on them or their children when they are faced with  a medical intervention such as a vaccine. Therefore any regulation  that is enforced upon the plaintiffs is considered by the plaintiffs as a  serious abuse on their right to make their own choices with regards to their health according to their convictions and their own conscience.  This abuse can be exercised indirectly in the form of pressure or  imposition of restrictions to access in schools or University or any  other place, or in the form of restrictions on travel or employment. 

The results of the studies, namely of Cowler et al and that of the  department of Defence of the USA are of concern to the plaintiffs  because of the fact that in the USA up to this day there has been over  seven thousand five hundred families that have been compensated  for vaccine damage. These families have altogether received more  than four and a half billion American dollars in compensation  ($4,500,000,000).Therefore contrary to the position of the  department of public health with regards to vaccinations, more than  seven thousand five hundred court cases found that many of these  vaccines were not really safe at all. Moreover out of this seven  thousand, five hundred cases, four thousand three hundred and  seventy (4,370),i.e. more than half the number of court cases, were  won with a compensation corresponding to the seriousness of the  damage done by the flu vaccine. ( vide 

Meanwhile during this global crises of Covid 19, two reports were  published, including one by Prof. Magda Havas Phd of the Department  of Environmental and Resource Studies Department, Trent University,  Ontario, Canada entitled “Is there an association between Covid-19  cases-deaths and 5G in the United States?” on the 22ndApril 2020.  This report concludes that the number of cases of persons who were 

found to be positive with Covid-19 in places where 5G had been rolled  out were 95% more than in those places where there was no 5G, i.e.  almost double the amount, and those places covered by 5G had also  126% more registered deaths which were allegedly attributed to  Covid-19. (Vide 

 ) and 


 Bartomeu Cifre’) 

The respondents were sent a letter by email on the 4th of May 2020,  which mentioned the suspicion of a possible connection between the  seriousness of illness caused by Covid and the roll out of 5G in Centres  like Wuhan, Milan and many cities in Lombardy, the industrial centre  of Italy, and also in New York. A copy of the Cifre’ report was attached  with the email. The letter mentioned also, that until then, 5G had not  yet been activated on the Maltese Islands, and fortunately the cases  of illness were very low compared to those of other countries. In the  letter there was an appeal to the respondents to be aware of the  possibility of a connection between the number of sick persons and  the use of 5G and on the basis of these indications prima facie, to implement the Precautionary Principle dictated by Law and suspend  the roll out of 5G technology in the Maltese Islands until the Covid-19  Crises was over and until there was more information available and  further studies on the possible connection of the serious symptoms of  the above mentioned Covid-19 and the exposure connected with 5G  technology. 

This letter was never acknowledged by the respondents and they  never took any measures to suspend the roll out of 5G in the Maltese  Islands during the second half of the year 2020, in which there have  been many more cases of illness and deaths allegedly from Covid-19.

Moreover during these last months, the respondents have been  informed of hundreds of scientific studies mentioned in the report  entitled ‘The Bioinitiative Report’ of 2012 drawn up by 30  scientists,(vide  


 ) who clearly illustrate that exposure to non-ionizing radiation (EMF) can cause a number of  medical and biological effects on the human body as well as on  animals and insects. 

The respondents were also informed about the 5G Appeal launched in  2017 by scientists specialized in the field of EMFs and their negative  impact on health; an appeal which is endorsed by more than 400  doctors and scientists. This Appeal advises the stopping of the roll out  of more radiation through a new technology of mobile phones and  wireless , namely 5G until new safety standards are established.(vide 

 ) (vide- another report that mentions a big number of  studies on the effects of frequencies 2.4GHz 

And studies on the impact on bees which are vital to world agriculture (vide: 

Apart from the 5G Appeal of 2017 another appeal was launched  addressed to the United Nations in 2015 entitled ‘The EMF Scientist  Appeal’ that was drawn up by experts in the field of radio frequencies.  This appeal began with these words: 

We are scientists engaged in the study of biological and health effects  of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Based upon peer reviewed, published research, we have serious concernsregarding the  ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and  wireless devices. These include – but are not limited to –

radiofrequency radiation (PFR) emitting devices, such as cellular and  cordless phones and their base stations, Wi-Fi , broadcast antennas,  smart meters and baby monitors as well as electric devices and infra structures used in the delivery of electricity that generate extremely low frequency electromagnetic field(ELF EMF).” 

Scientific basis for our common concerns  

“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMFs affect living organism at levels well below most international and national  guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, and  increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and  functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory  deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well 

being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there  is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.” 

“These findings justify our appeal to the United Nations (UN) and, all  member States in the world, to encourage the World Health  Organization (WHO) to exert strong leadership in fostering the  development of more protective EMF guidelines, encouraging  precautionary measures, and educating the public about health risks,  particularly risks to children and foetal development. By not taking  action, the WHO is failing to fulfil its role as the preeminent  international public health agency.” 

This appeal was signed by two hundred and forty experts in the field  of EMF.(Vide: 

All that is being said by academic experts in EMFs has been known for  many years by the military, who, in certain Countries have kept the  information hidden from the public, so as not to lose their competitive  edge.( Vide…secret report of the Department of Defence of the United  States.

The respondents were informed in writing about the  recommendations of the Council of Europe in its resolution number  1815, about much stricter levels of emissions for the protection of  public health and biological life in general.(vide 

However, the respondents still did not take steps to establish  reasonable levels of safety on the basis of the above mentioned  resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe, on the basis of the 5G  appeal, the above mentioned EMF Scientist Appeal, the Bio Initiative  Report and on the basis of the hundreds of studies already mentioned  in this report.  

One needs to say that all these appeals and studies by specialized  scientists were never contested by the scientific community but only  by the ICNIRP, the International Commission for non-Ionising Radiation Protection, a body that has many connections with the  Telecommunications industry and with some political bodies who  gave their opinion, in spite of the studies mentioned, and stated that  there was not enough proof that showed any connection between  human health and non-ionising radiation used in 4G and 5G etc. or  that more studies were needed. This is a clear case of when  technocracy is used to overrule Science for purely commercial aims and  interests at the expense of public health. 

The failure to act and thus neglecting to take the necessary  precautions during this year of crises demonstrates that on the one  hand the respondents took exaggerated and extreme measures with  regards to covid -19 which are not based on science and they  completely ignored the above mentioned declarations of the doctors  and scientists of the Great Barrington, of the Belgian doctors, the  German doctors for Enlightenment and those of the American  Frontline Doctors. On the other hand and again contrary to the  scientific indications and advice of the experts, of the 5G Appeal and  of the EMF Scientist Appeal, they neglected to take steps to introduce  adequate levels of radiation to protect the public with regards to 4G 

and 5G,in accordance with the Resolution 1815 of the Council Of  Europe. 

Therefore the respondents ignored not only the advice of the  scientists but also the recommendations of one of the highest  institutions of Europe that safeguards the rights of citizens, and also  the recommendations of the European Environment Agency.(vide 

In the light of the studies above mentioned regarding EMFs, and in the  light of the results of autopsies performed in Germany where cases of  deep venous thrombosis were found in many of the 12 persons, the  cause of which is yet unknown, yet have no relation to the virus, the  respondents were obliged on the basis of the principle of due  diligence, to exercise the precautionary principle and take steps to  stop the roll out of 5G in Malta until it is scientifically established  whether there is any connection between EMF radiation and the  increase in cases of deep vein thrombosis. 

This failure to take positive action on the part of the respondents has  spurned the telecommunications industry to accelerate at a fast pace  the installing of 5G, 4G and 4.5G infrastructure. Therefore because of  the negligence of the respondents, this industry is exposing the public,  as also animals and insects to high radiation of EMFs and pulses  connected with the 5G technology. These pulses and this radiation can  compromise and suppress the immune system of the respondents  themselves. Consequently they too will enjoy less natural protection  against decease and will consequently become more vulnerable to  conditions of health like those mentioned in the studies of the bio  initiative report. 

Subsequently the respondents, with their actions and their omissions,  have neglected their duty to safeguard the health of the plaintiffs and  the health of the general public in general.

Therefore while the plaintiffs place the respondents in mora, dolo e  culpa for actions that they have taken and continue to take with  regards to public health in the Maltese Islands, actions that include  recommendations or no action at all and particularly for harm to  health suffered or may be consequently suffered by the plaintiffs, and  the breaking of the law connected with their fundamental rights, the  plaintiffs are requesting from the respondents or individually and  within the period of ten days : 

i. To adopt the recommendations stipulated by the Great Barrington  Declaration endorsed by more than 45,000 doctors and medical  scientists, also the recommendations written in the letter of the 5th September and signed by 567 Belgian doctors, the declaration of the  doctors in Germany namely Doctors for Enlightenment, and the 

Canadian Experts in their letter to the Canadian Government of the  6th of July 2020 and also the declarations of the American doctors’  organization namely America’s Frontline Doctors in a press  conference on the 17th of October 2020; and in so doing , desist from  adopting more measures and revoke said measures and ongoing  regulations that not only make no medical sense but are abusing the  fundamental rights of the plaintiffs , including draconian measures  that impose masks ,even in open spaces where there is more than a  meter’s distance from other persons; regulations that prohibit people  convening together ,that prohibit patients from being visited by  members of their family, especially in the last days of their life, and  also prohibitsthem the presence of their doctors,their lawyer or their  notary; and regulations that impose restrictions on families in the  organization of funerals and burials of their loved ones. 

ii. To under no circumstance introduce a regulation in future which  prohibits the use of visors instead of masks.

iii. To stop adopting measures and revoke such measures and  regulations in vigour which force establishments, clubs and schools to police the plaintiffs, all citizens and their children. 

iv. To distance themselves from and maintain their independence  from any foreign body governmental or otherwise, which can  influence their advice, their actions and their independence; 

v. To allow establishments to operate according to the  recommendations of the Great Barrington Declaration , the group of  doctors in Germany, Belgium , Spain, Canada and in the United  States; 

vi. To publish all the scientific studies that represent the basis and  the reason for the measures they adopted these past months, in the  management of the decease called Covid-19 on the Maltese Islands,  measures that should always remain reasonable in a democratic  society as stated in the Constitution of Malta; 

vii. To not issue mandatory regulations for the introduction of a  medical passport or with regards to new vaccinations given directly or  indirectly by restricting freedom of movement for those who refuse  the vaccine or this passport; 

viii. To publish all studies concerning the safety of all the vaccines that  are or will be available on the Maltese Islands and publish all the  statistics in connection with the medical reports of adverse reactions  to any vaccine used in Malta; reports which are part of VAERS , i.e. the  vaccine adverse event’s reporting system; 

ix. To publish on the Public Health Website all the details printed on  the inserts of the vaccines that are imported to Malta, so that the  information about them would be available to the plaintiffs like any  other insert is available with medicines bought in a pharmacy; 

x. To formerly recognise the right of the plaintiffs to choose the path  to their own health and their right to refuse a medical intervention 

that goes against their principles in connection with their fundamental  right of freedom of conscience; 

xi. To organise a national educational and informative campaign so  people can become informed of how they can strengthen their  immune system and know what type of vitamins and minerals and  other supplements are recommended to further strengthen their  immunity and be able to overcome decease in general ; 

xii. To take other immediate steps that lead to the signing and the  ratification of the European Convention of Oviedo by Malta  concerning the rights of man and bio-medicine; 

xiii. To introduce new standards based on the levels mentioned in the  Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe with regards to exposure to  radio frequencies called EMFs; 

xiv. To stop the rollout of 5G and 4G Plus technology, until the safety  of the whole installation is clearly established, including the radio  frequencies and the pulses connected to this technology; 

xv. To immediately pilot the necessary studies to ascertain whether  there is indeed a connection between exposure to EMFs and the  onslaught of deep venous thrombosis; 

xvi. To mitigate the exposure of the plaintiffs to EMFs by publishing  recommendations for the use of ‘wired’ rather than ‘wireless’  technology wherever possible; 

xvii. To implement a national campaign to educate on exposure of  EMFs; 

xviii. To acknowledge as in other Countries like Sweden that there are  people that are more electro sensitive than others and that their  health be protected with the adoption of siutable measures;

xix. To prohibit the use of home routers that serve the industry as  hotspots for the surrounding areas; these hotspots expose the  plaintiffs and other residents to extra EMF radiation in their homes; 

xx. To publish guidelines indicating EMF free zones in the Maltese  Islands which would also serve as guidelines to public groups who are  active in the field of protecting the natural environment and the  health of animals and fauna in general. 

In the case of failure to fulfil the above requests, judicial proceedings  will be filed against respondents according to Law without further  notice. 

With Costs. 

Avv Rodolfo Ragonesi  

PL Davina Cachia

Maltese version below.

Fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Civili

Illum 11  ta’ Novembru, 2020 


1. Supretendent tas-Sahha Pubblika

L-Ufficju tas-Supretendent

Sptar San Luqa

OPD (Level1), Misrah San Luqa,

Pieta’ PTA 1010. 

2. Deputat Prim Ministru u Ministru tas-Sahha

Ministeru ghas-Sahha

15, Palazzo Castellania,


Jesponu bir-Rispett:

Il-Protestata Supretendent tas-sahha pubblika ghandha s-sahha legali, a tenur tal-Kap 465 tal-Ligijiet ta’ Malta, u cioe’ l-Att tas-sahha pubblika, li timmaniggja t-tixrid tal-mard;

A tenur tal-artiklu 14 (1) tal-istess ligi, il-protestata Supretendent ghandha l-poter li tiddikjara Emergenza tas-sahha pubblika.

A tenur tal-artiklu 15 (1) (g) tal-imsemmi att, il-protestata supretendent tinghata poter sostanzjali li tordna azzjoni li “jidhrilha opportun”, wara li tiddikjara stat ta’ emergenza kif imsemmi.

A tenur tal-27 (c) il-protestata tista’ tiehu mizuri sabiex tikkontrolla epidemija.

Matul dawn l-ahhar xhur il-Protestati hargu diversi mizuri u regolamenti in konnessjoni ma outbreak ta’ marda li tissejjah SARS Cov 2, jew inkella Covid 19.

Fost dawn il-mizuri, il-Protestata Supretendent tas-sahha pubblika bdiet tapplika tip ta’ test biex tipprova tasal sabiex tidentifika persuni li kienu infettati bil-Covid 19, liema test jissejjah il-PCR.

Nonostante l-ezigenzi a tenur tal-artikoli 14 un 15 tal-kap 465, il-Protestati qatt ma ddikjaraw stat ta’ emergenza tas-sahha pubblika, u lanqas biss ma ddikjaraw stat ta’ epidemija f’parti mill-gzejjer maltin, jew fil-gzejjer kollha; u ghalhekk ir-regolamenti u mizuri kollha li ttiehdu  u li gew enfurzati mill-protestati huma nulli u bla ebda effett jew validita’ fil-Ligi, stante illi gew introdotti b’mod ultra vires il-poteri taghhom, jew kontra l-kundizzjonijiet imsemmija fl-istess artikli, jew b’mod intempestiv, jew mingajn ebda bazi xjentifiku.

Illi inoltre, it-test imsemmi, il-PCR, mhux tajjeb sabiex tasal biex tistabbilixxi liema persuni huma morda bil-virus covid 19, kif jigi spjegat fl-opinjoni ta’ hafna xjenzjati u esperti, inkluzi l-Professur Karl Henaghan, Direttur tas-“centre for evidence based medicine” tal-University ta’ Oxford, u Dr Michael Yeadon, li kien chief science officer tal-kumpannija Pfizer, liema esperti stqarru pubblikament illi il-PCR test m’ghandux jintuza biex jipprova jasal ghar-rizultati diagnostici ta’ virus, u li dan it-test qieghed jirrizulta f’ammonti kbar ta’ dak li jissejhu “false positives”, anke bejn 50% u 90% tat-testijiet kollha tal-PCR. 

Sallum il-virus imsejjah Covid 19 lanqas biss gie izolat b’mod kategoriku u xjentifikament, li jista’ jigi accettat u rikonoxxut mill-komunita’ xjentifika.

Inoltre, il-fatti qieghdin isostnu dak kollu li qieghdin jghidu dawn ix-xjenzjati u esperti illi kkritiku l-uzu tal-PCR test, peress illi numru kbir tal-persuni li allegatament qed jittestjaw “pozittiv” ghal covid 19, lanqas biss m’ghandhom simptomi ta’ mard, u ghalhekk, ma jistax jinghad illi huma morda.

Minflok li dan il-fatt jigi rikonoxxut mill-protestati, illi dawn il-persuni li ma jhossux simptomi huma f’sahhithom u mhux infettati b’xi infezzjoni kontagguza, minflok, qed jigu interpretati u mnizzlin mill-protestati bhala persuni li jaqghu taht kategorija ohra, u cioe’, mhux f’sahhithom jew inkella morda, izda “asimptomatici”. Din il-kategorija hija ta’ preguzizzju ghal dawn il-persuni kollha illi jinstabu f’sahhithom, peress illi qed jigu labiljati bhala persuni morda b’xi mod li jistghu jikkostitwixxu periklu ghal haddiehor, u dan minghajr ebda bazi xjentifika. Dawn il-persuni qed jigu suggetti ghal-mizuri stretti mahrugin mill-protestati biex allegatament jikkombattu t-tifrix ta’ mard kontaggjuz li qatt ma gie izolat. Dawn il-mizuri jinkludu impozizzjoni ta’ kwarantina, li hija poter li jinghata mill-ligi biss lill-protestati f’kaz ta’ persuni li huma morda, u mhux persuni f’sahhithom.

Din l-interpetazzjoni wiesgha b’mod ezagerat u bla bazi legali jew xjentifiku ta’ min huwa marid jew li hu periklu ghas-sahha fis-socjeta’, kellha u ghad ghandha l-effett li wassal li jikkaguna paniku nazzjonali u bizgha tremenda, liema bhala l-gzejjer Maltin ilhom ma jkollhom miz-zmien it-tieni gwerra dinjija.

Ghall-kuntrarju ghall-percezzjoni nazzjonali li giet influwenzata mill-istatistici u l-interpretazzjoni taghhom, li hargu mid-dipartiment tas-sahha pubblika, il-marda msejha covid 19 mhix wahda ta’ natura serja fil-gzejjer Maltin li taffettwa il-popolazjoni in generali, iktar minn, per ezempju hija serja l-influwenza stagjonali, jew il-bronkonemonja, li jkollhom l-effett li hafna nies li jkunu anzjani u “immunosuppressed”, jibqghu serjin biha. 

L-influwenza u n-pneumonia mhumiex perikoluzi ghall-magguranza tan-nies li allura jfiequ minnha, u ghalhekk kull sena dawna ma jitqisuhx bhala mard serju li jwassal ghal krizi medika fil-gzejjer taghna. Dawk li ma jfiequx minnhom ikun mhux minhabba l-influwenza jew il-pneumonia per se, izda minhabba ragunijiet ohra ta’ mard ta’ dawk il-persuni. L-istatistici juru bic-car illi dana japplika ukoll ghal-covid 19, li minnha s’issa mietu nies li kienu diga’ morda, jew inkella mietu b’effetti ta’ treatment bhal nghidu ahna l-uzu ta’ ventilaturi, kif irrizulta minn hafna kazjijiet barra minn Malta. Din l-opinjoni hija wahda riflessa fid-dikjarazzjoni ta’ Great Barrington, (vide )  iffirmata minn iktar minn hamsa u erbghin elf (45,000) tabib u xjenzjat mediku fid-dinja.

Inoltre id-dettalji msemmija fuq il-policies sproporzjonali u bla ebda bazi xjentifici tal-protestati, li bhalhom gew implimentati f’pajjizi ohra bhal-Belgju, wasslu sabiex tintbaghat ittra iebsa lill-Gvern Belgjan minn 665 tabib u 2,175 professjonisti ohra fis-settur tas-sahha ,  

(vide ), fil-5 ta’ Settembru, 2020, liema ittra tghid:

“After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.
The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.
We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.

Din l-ittra tkompli tghid; 

‘A cure must not be worse than the problem’ is a thesis that is more relevant than ever in the current situation. We note, however, that the collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the population than the number of people now being safeguarded from corona.
In our opinion, the current corona measures and the strict penalties for non-compliance with them are contrary to the values formulated by the Belgian Supreme Health Council, which, until recently, as the health authority, has always ensured quality medicine in our country: “Science – Expertise – Quality – Impartiality – Independence – Transparency”. 1

“We believe that the policy has introduced mandatory measures that are not sufficiently scientifically based, unilaterally directed, and that there is not enough space in the media for an open debate in which different views and opinions are heard. In addition, each municipality and province now has the authorisation to add its own measures, whether well-founded or not.

“Moreover, the strict repressive policy on corona strongly contrasts with the government’s minimal policy when it comes to disease prevention, strengthening our own immune system through a healthy lifestyle, optimal care with attention for the individual and investment in care personnel”                                                         (Vide )

Dan it-tip ta’ policies sproporzjonali u nuqqas ta’ infurmazzjoni fuq il-gravita’ reali tal-covid 19 u tat-treatments ghalih, waslu wkoll sabiex twaqqfet organzzizzjoni gewwa l-Istati Uniti li jisimha “Amerika’s Frontline Doctors”, li kkritikat dawn il-policies b’mod l-iktar car fl-istqarrija taghha tal-17 ta’ Ottubru, 2020 (vide )

Dawn il-policies waslu wkoll sabiex gewwa l-Ispanja giet imwaqqfa l-assocjazzjoni tat-tobba msejha Medicos por la verdad -Espania, waqt illi fil-Germanja giet mwaqqfa l-assocjazzjoni tat-tobba msejha Doctors for enlightenment appoggjata minn 500 tabib. Dawn l-assocjazzjonijiet waqqfu inkjesta msejha The COVID 19 Extra Parliamentary Committee (vide . Il-Prezident ta’ din l-assocjazzjoni it-tabib Heiko Shoening, stqarr kategorikament u pubblikament: 

“we see the evidence and we see it obviously, and we have a message: we do not need to have anxiety about covid19 because this is not different to normal seasonal flu that we have every year.” 

Giet miktuba wkoll ittra minn tobba mlahqin u esperti Kanadizi fis-sahha pubblika indirizzata lill-Gvern Kanadiz fis-6 ta’ Lulju, 2020 (vide  u l-istqarrija taghhom, vide:

Inoltre fil-11 ta’ Awissu giet organizzata stqarrija stampa minn diversi organzziazzjonijiet tat-tobba fejn stqarru illi 640 tabib iddikjaraw illi l-mizuri li ttiehdu kienu parti minn scam globali                                                               (vide )

Madankollu l-protestati injoraw u ghadhom jinjoraw dawn id-dikjarazzjonijiet kollha tal-eluf ta’tobba prominenti u xjenzjati mad-dinja kollha, u baqghu jwebbsu rashom u baqghu ghaddejjin b’pass mghaggel sabiex jigu implementati iktar mizuri horox kontra dawn ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet kollha, waqt illi baqghu jaghtu l-impressjoni lill- pubbliku Malti u Ghawdxi li din il-krizi hija hafna iktar gravi milli hi. Il-membri tal-pubbliku gew influwenzati ukoll mill-protestati b’mod konsiderevoli mill-istatistici li nhargu mid-dipartiment tas-sahha pubblika. Dawn l-istatistici tbieghdu mill-prassi u mill-proceduri standard, billi ma tawx u ghadhom ma jaghtux indikazzjoni cara u realistika tal-kawza principlai ta’mewt.  

Id-dipartiment fil-passat qatt ma ppublika kuljum jew kull gimgha n-numri ta’ nies anzjani u immunosuppressed li jcedu ghall-influwenza jew ghan-pneumonia, liema numri jkunu fil-mijiet kull sena. Inoltre, l-istatistici li gew pubblikati regolarment mid-dipartiment tas-sahha din is-sena kienu ghall-persuni kollha li mietu mhux minhabba l-covid 19, izda biss, li kienu rrizultaw pozittivi bil-covid 19, skond il-PCR test. Allura anke jekk il-mewt taghhom kienet ikkagunat minn mard iehor, jew kundizzjonijiet ohra, il-protestati qed iqajmu biza’ u paniku nazzjonali ghaliex n-nies qed jahsbu illi dawk kollha li mietu fil-lista pubblikata mill-protestati mietu propju minhabba l-virus Covid 19. Inoltre ma giex stabbilit mill-protestati kemm mill-persuni li allegatament irrizultaw pozittivi bil-Covid 19 kienu “false positives”. 

Il-Protestata supretendent tas-sahha pubblika ghalhekk naqqset milli tezercita “due diligence” fl-inkarigu taghha, billi irrikkamondat hafna mizuri drastici minghajr ma tiddikjara stat ta’ emergenza tas-sahha pubblika skond il-ligi, u inoltre ma llimitatx ruhha taghti figuri ta’ persuni li mietu propju minhabba il-covid 19, biex taghti stampa cara ghall-pubbliku nkwetat. Inoltre ma haditx passi sabiex ticcertifika illi t-testijiet uzati sabiex tidentifika min kien marid bil-covid 19 kienu realistici u mhux imhaltin fil-false positives. U lanqas ma waslet biex teskludi mil-lista tan-nies allegatament infettati bil-covid 19, dawk il-persuni li kienu qed ihossu ruhom bla ebda simptomi, u ghalhekk ma kienux morda. Dawn in-nies baqghu jitqiesu mill-protestanti bhallikieku kienu morda.

Il-Protestata naqset ukoll milli tezercita “due diligence” u taqdi d-dmirijiet fl-inkarigu taghha billi ma nfurmatx b’mod adegwat u trasparenti lill-pubbliku li kien tant mhasseb u inkwetat, illi l-maggoranza kbira tal-pazjenti li attwalment kellhom xi simptomi u li kienu diagnosed bil-covid 19, ma kienux fil-fatt qed ibaghtu b’simptomi qawwija. Kieku ghamlet hekk, u kieku kienet taccenna ghal dawk il-persuni li kienu allegatament covid 19 positive, li lanqas biss ma hassew simptomi ta’ mard, kienet tpingi stampa hafna iktar cara u realistika ghas-sitwazzjoni nazzjonali, u ghalhekk ma kienx iqum paniku shih fuq marda illi rrizultant ftit jew wisq serju bhall-influwenza jew in-pneumonia, kif spjegaw hafna tobba d-dinja kollha.

Il-Protestata naqset ukoll milli tezercita “due diligence” fl-inkarigu taghha billi ma nfurmatx b’mod adegwat u trasparenti lill-pubbliku bil-kuri li qed jigu applikati sija Malta, fl-isptarijiet pubblici u privati, kif ukoll barra minn Malta, ghal min kien gie identifikat li kien qed ibaghti b’simptomi konnessi mal-covid 19.  Ghal darb’ohra, din l-inadempjenza waslet sabiex tikkreja iktar paniku fl-imhuh ta’ hafna nies illi baqghu jahsbu li l-marda hija hafna iktar mifruxa u serja milli hi attwalment. Dawn in-nies qed jahsbu illi ma hemm xejn li wiehed jista’ jaghmel biex jiggieled kontra din il-marda, galadarba jkun marad biha.  

Il-Protestata naqset ukoll milli tezercita “due diligence” fl-inkarigu taghha, u agixxiet ultra vires il-poteri taghha billi ordnat kwarantina fuq nies illi ma werghewx illi kienu morda, u dana fuq il-bazi biss, kief diga imsemmi, ta’ PCR test illi jirrizulta d-dinja kollha minn numru kbir ta’ false positives.

Waqt illi l-protestati ghazlu illi johorgu diversi mizuri u regolamenti a tenur tal-kap 465 b’mod ultra vires u/jew b’mod intempestiv, fin-nuqqas ta’ dikjarazjoni ta’ emergenza tas-sahha pubblika, kif titlob il-ligi, kif diga’ imsemmi, hafna minn dawn ir-regolamenti huma drakonici hafna u ghandhom l-effett illi raznu jew qed irazznu certi drittijiet fundamentali tal-protestanti, flimkien mar-rezidenti kollha tal-gzejjer maltin. Dawn jinkludu d-dritt ta’ moviment liberu fil-gzejjer, kif ukoll barra mill-ixtut ta’ Malta, dritt li jingemghu flimkien, u dritt illi jghixu l-hajja normali taghhom, li jahdmu u jistudjaw b’mod normali, u fl-ambjent normali, u li joperaw in-negozji u jifthu l-hwienet taghhom.  

Dawn ir-regolamenti inoltre gew introdotti minghajr ebda bazi xjentifika, u kif inghad kontra l-opinjoni tal-kommunita’ tat-tobba li tkellmu d-dinja kollha. 

Il-protestati lanqas biss hargu pubblikazzjonijiet ta’ studji li juru bic-car il-bzonn, l-efficenza u s-safety ta’ kull wiehed minn dawn il-mizuri. Ghalhekk ma jistghax jinghad illi dawn ir-restrizzjonijiet kollha tad-drittijiet fundamentali tal-protestanti kienu jew huma “ragonevoli f’socjeta’ demokratika”, kif titlob il-Ligi suprema, il-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta. L-argument tal-Protestat li stqarr fil-Parlament illi qed johrog dawn il-mizuri a bazi tar-rakkomandazzjonijniet tal-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tas-Sahha (WHO) ma jezonorahx milli jibbaza tali mizuri fuq ix-xjenza. 

Fejn hemm kunflitt ta’ opinjoni bejn kumitati, bhalma huwa l-WHO, u l-komunita’ xjentifika, ghandha tirbah l-opnijoni xjentifika sabiex tipprova illi l-mizuri huma ragonevoli f’socjeta’ demokratika. Fin-nuqqas tkun qed tirbah it-teknokrazija fuq ir-raguni u fuq ix-xjenza, u ghlahekk anke fuq id-deomokrazija u fuq id-drittijiet tal-bniedem. 

In-nuqqas ta’ bzonn ta’ hafna minn dawn il-mizuri jirrizulta car uminn dawk il-pajjizi li ma ghaddewx dawn il-mizuri, kif ukoll mill-opinjoni esperta ta’ il fuq minn hamsa u erbghin elf tabib u xjenzjat mediku li iffirmaw u appoggaw id-dikjarazzjoni ta’ Great Barrington.

Dawn id-dikjarazzjonijiet ta’ Great Barrington, tat-tobba Belgjani, tat-tobba Germanizi Doctors for Enlightenment u tal-American Frontline Doctors fil-fatt marru oltre billi ikkritikaa b’mod l-iktar car hafna mizuri li ttiehdu u li ghadhom jittiehdu minn certi pajjizi, liema mizuri jinkludu mizuri li ttiehdu u li qed jittiehdu mill-protestati.

Inoltre, u kontra dak li stqarr fil-Parlament il-Protest, anke l-organizzazzjoni dinjija ghas-sahha (WHO) harget rakkomandazzjonijiet ferm inqas stringenti minn dawk li hargu l-protestati. Il-WHO qed tirrakkomanda li membri tal-pubbliku jilbsu maskra biss f’cirkustanzi fejn ma jistghux jitbieghdu iktar minn metru minn persuni ohra, meta jkunu f’xi spazju pubbliku. 

Minkejja dan, minghajr ebda bazi jew logika, il-protestanti mhux biss marru hafna oltre d-dikjarazzjonijiet imsemmija tat-tobba f’pajjizi ohra, li ma jirrakkomandawx l-uzu ta’ maskri. Marru ukoll oltre il-WHO billi ordnaw l-uzu tal-maskri kullimkien u kull moment li xi l-protestanti u r-rezidenti kollha ta’ Malta ma jinsabux gewwa d-dar jew l-karrozza taghhom, jew ma jkunux qed jaghmlu ezercizju intensiv. Dan ir-regolament, minghajr ma gie ddikjarat emergenza tas-sahha pubblika kif titlob il-Ligi, u minghajr ma gie pprezentat ebda prova xjentifika biex issostnih, ghalhekk ma jistax jigi meqjuz bhala “ragonevoli f’socjeta’ demokratika” kif titlob il-kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta, u ghalhekk huwa null u minghajr ebda effett fil-Ligi.

Inoltre, dan ir-regolament fuq l-uzu estensiv u ezagerat tal-maskri lanqas biss ma gie mahsub kif ghandha tigi mahsuba kwalunkwe ligi gdida. Ir-regolament ma jikkontemplax eccezzjonijet validi, bhal nghidu ahna, f’kaz li persuna bid-dijabete trid tnehhi l-maskra f’post pubbliku sabiex tiehu xi haga bzonnjuza ghall-kundizzjoni taghha; jew persuna li tibda thoss li qed tistordi, jew li mhix qed tiehu bizzejjed ossigenu fin-nifs. 

L-istess jista jinghad ghall-persuni kollha li jkunu qed jimxu bil-maskra. Ir-regolament jaghti eccezzjoni biss ghal min ikun qed jaghmel ezercizju estensiv minghajr ma lanqas biss jaghti definizzjoni ta’ dan il-kliem. Kull ligi tibda bid-definizzjonijiet, izda dan mhux il-kaz fir-regolamenti li qed johorgu mill-protestati bhallikieku qishom qed johorgu l-hobz mill-forn

L-eccezzjoni bl-uzu tal-kliem li mhux definit ta’ ezercizju intensive mhix ibbazata fuq il-gustizzja u lanqas fuq il-logika, ghaliex ma tikkontemplax il-kazijiet kollha ta’ persuni illi anki bil-mixi, forsi minhabba t-telghat, jew minhabba xi toqol jew xi basktijiet li jkunu qed igorru, jew minhabba li huma anzjani, ikollhom bzonn ossigenu iktar mis-soltu. Dan ir-regolament huwa assolutament minghajr ebda bazi xjentifiku. Huwa fost l-iktar regolamenti oxxeni li qatt hargu minn xi awtorita’ Maltija tul dawn is-snin kollha, u juri fil-minimu tieghu nuqqas kbir ta’ “due diligence” min-naha tal-protestati, li jista’ anki forsi jippericokla s-sahha tal-protestanti.

Esperti fuq Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) li parti minn xogholhom huwa illi jittrejnjaw it-tobba u n-nurses stress kif ghandhom juzaw maskri, iddikjaraw pubblikament illi l-uzu estensiv tal-maskri jmur kontra l-prassi tal-OHS, u jista’ jwassal ghall-problemi respiratorji. 

Skond studju fuq 12 l-awtopsia li saru gewwa l-Germanja irrizulta illi l-persuni li l-iktar kienu vulnerabbli ghall-covid 19 kienu propju persuni li baghtew b’problemi tal-qalb (50%) u problem respiratorji (25%).  (vide

L-opinjoni ta’ dawn l-esperti hija sostenuta mir-rapport ta’ Dr Dennis Rancourt PhD data April, 2020, imsejjah “Masks don’t work: A review of science relevant to Covid-19 social policy”, li jifli l-istudji xjentifici fuq is-suggett (vide

Ghalhekk jidher car illi ma tezistix ix-xjenza li turi la l-efficenza u lanqas is-safety tal-uzu estensiv tal-maskri, u ghalhekk kwalunkwe regolamenti mahruga li jinponi l-uzu tal-maskri huma frivoli u jmorru kontra d-drittijiet tal-protestanti.

Apparti d-dritt fundamentali tal-protestanti tal-liberta’ ta’ moviment minghajr restrizzjonijiet li mhumiex ragonevoli, skond hafna tobba u esperti fl-occupational health u l-uzu tal-maskri, dawn il-maskri jistghu anke jikkagunaw problemi ta’ sahha anke ghal min ma jbaghtix bl’asthma. Dan huwa minhabba t-tossici li tista’ terga’ tibla persuna li tkun ghadha kif nehhiethom minn gisimgha bin-nifs, liema tossici jinqabdu fil-maskra u jerghu jidhlu b’nifs gdid. Jista’ anke jaghti l-kaz illi persuna ma tkunx qed tiehu bizzejjed ossigenu. Huwa l-obbligu tal-protestati li juru x-xjenza u l-provi cari u lampanti lill-pubbliku illi l-maskri ma jaffetwawx is-sahha ta’ min qed jilbishom ghal certu ammont ta’ hin. 

Ta’ min izied illi r-regolamenti jimponi fuq it-tfal tal-iskola li jilbsu maskra l-gurnata kollha fil-klassi u meta jkunu gewwa l-grounds tal-iskola. Apparti l-effetti fizici dan jista’ jwassal anke ghall-effetti psikologici fl-imhuh it-tfal, li qed jigu kundizzjonati li forsi qed jiffaccjaw xi periklu tal-mewt kull darba johorgu mid-dar.  

Skond il-konkluzjoninjiet tat-tobba li ghamlu t-12 l-awtopsji imsemmija gewwa l-Germanja, parti important tal-kawza tal-mewt ta’ dawn il-pazjenti kienet il-pulmory embolism. It-tobba ziedu jghidu: 

“Massive pulmonary embolism arising from thrombi located in the deep veins of the lower extremities was the cause of death in four of 12 cases. In three others, fresh deep venous thrombosis was present in the absence of pulmonary embolism. Additionally, the investigators also found fresh thrombosis in the prostatic venous plexus of six of nine men.”

Deep venous thrombosis mhux assocjat generalment ma marda li tittiehed bhal virus. Ir-rizultati ta’ dawn l-awtopsji li saru l-Germanja huma ta’ importanza kbira sabiex wiehed jifhem il-kagunijiet veri tal-vittmi li jirrizultaw pozittivi bil-covid. Wiehed kien jistenna li l-protestati jhejju sensiela ta’ awtopsji f’Malta ta’ persuni li mietu allegatament in konnessjoni mal- Covid 19. Madankollu l-protestanti qatt ma habbru pubblikament jekk sarux awtopsji. Jekk dawn  l-awtopsji ma sarux ikun qed juri nuqqas kbir ta’ due diligence min-naha tal-protestati biex jippruvaw jistabbilixxu l-kawzi reali tal-mewt tal-persuni li gew imnizzla fuq il-website tas-sahha pubblika bhala persuni li ttestjaw pozittiv ghal covid19 permezz tat-test tal-PCR. 

Anke fl-assenza ta awtopsji f’Malta, wara l-awtopsji li saru l-Germanja, il-protestati kellhom l-obbligu jindagaw sabiex jistabbilixxu jekk il deep venous thrombosis kien wiehed mill-co morbidities tal-persuni msemmija li mietu, u jistabbilixxu l-kagunijiet li wasslu sabiex dawn il-persuni li kellhom deep venous thrombosis spiccew mardu.

Ir-regolamenti li nhargu permess tal-poteri ta’ kap 465 qed jobbligaw ukoll hwienet, negozji u skejjel sabiex jaghmluha ta’ pulizijia mal-protestanti u mar-rezidenti kollha Maltin u Ghawdxin, sabiex ma jhalluhomx jidhlu gewwa l-istabilimenti taghhom minghajr maskra jew visor. Inoltre, kwalunkwe persuna li tista’ tkun ezenti permess ta’ certifikat mediku ikollha turi dan il-certifikat lil xi impjegat jew security ta’ dawn l-istabilimenti. Dana jikkostitiwixxi ksur tad-dritt ta’ privatezza, u ta’ infurmazzjoni kunfidenzjali fuq l-istat ta’ sahha tal-individwu. Inoltre dan qieghed imur kontra l-principju fundamentali fil-kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li tistabbilixxi process gudizzjarju biex timplementa jew tenforza kwalunkwe ligi jew regolament. 

Dan il-principju fundamentali f’socjeta’ demokratika tissepara l-poteri tal-istat bejn l-organu governattiv/amministrattiv, dak gudizzjarju u dak parlamentarju. B’hekk l-organu governattiv ma jistghax jiehu l-ligi f’idejh u jenfurzaha minghajr l-akkuzat ma jaghhdi mill-process gudizzjarju. Izda permess tar-regolamenti msemmija, li hargu mill-inizjativa tal-protestati, dan il-process tant importanti ghad-demokrazija u ghal-Hakkma tad-Dritt qed jigi bypassjat, billi dawn l-istabilimenti qed jigu inkarigati sabiex jiehdu azzjoni li taffettwa d-drittijiet tac-cittadin. Din l-azzjoni ma tistax tigi kontestata mill-protestanti fil-konfront tal-istabiliment privat dak il-hin. Iridu jew ma jridux, il-protestanti jkollhom joqghodu ghall-enfurzar ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti allegatament abuzivi. 

Il-protestanti ma jistghux jikkuntestaw dik l-azzjoni tal-istabiliment b’mod kostituzjonali, peress illi dan id-dritt huwa biss disponibbli fil-konfront bejn ic-cittadin u l-istat. Ghalhekk ir-regolamenti li jgieghlu lill-istabilimenti jagixxu bhala pulizija fil-konfront tal-protestanti, kif ukoll u tac-cittadini Maltin, imorru kontra l-principju kostituzjonali tas-separazzjoni tal-poteri tal-istat. Ghalhekk anke dan ir-regolament imur ultra vires il-poteri tal-protestati.  

Ir-regolament drakoniku illi l-protestanti u t-tfal taghhom ghandhom jilbsu maskra il-hin kollu malli johorgu mid-dar jew mill-karrozza, qieghed inoltre jichadilhom id-dritt illi jiehdu arja friska u naturali tul il-gurnata taghhom, u li jhallu l-gisem taghhom jahdem u jkompli jizviluppa s-sistema immunitarja tieghu. Din hija haga essenzjali, mhux biss sabiex il-gisem jiggieled kontra xi marda specifika, izda kontra l-patogeni kollha, u cioe’ il-bacteria, il-viruses u l-funghi kollha li l-bniedem jiffaccja kuljum fil-hajja tieghu. Din hija raguni ohra li turi kif l-protestata Supretendent tas-sahha pubblika qed tfalli b’mod gravissimu milli tezercita d-due diligence fl-inkarigu taghha. Qed tonqos milli tassigura illi l-protestanti u r-rezidenti Maltin ma jkollhomx is-sistema immunitarja taghhom iktar kompromessa bl-uzu tal-maskri l-gurnata kollha. Dan il-principju huwa rifless ukoll fid-dikjarazzjoni ta’ Great Barrington hawn fuq imsemmi. 

Il-Protestati inoltre naqsu fil-qadi ta’ dmirijiethom ghaliex ma hadux azzjoni konkreta sabiex Malta tiffirma l-Konvenzjoni ta’ Oviedo tal-2007 tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa, fuq id-drittijiet tal-bniedem fis-settur tal-medicina. B’risposta fit-30 ta’ Gunju ghall-mistoqsija Parlamentarja 15749 fuq ir-raguni ghaliex ma giex iffirmat dan il-Konvenzjoni, il-protestat wiegeb fil-Parlament illi ghadha qed ssir “analizi teknika” ta’ din il-konvenzjoni. 

Il-Protestanti ma jistghux jifmhu kif trattat tant important li jirrigwarda d-drittijiet fundamentali tac-cittadin u li ilu diga tlettax il-sena li gie trattat fil-Konvenzjoni ta’ Oviedo, ghadu qed jigi studjat, u wisq inqas li ghandu jigi analizzat b’mod tekniku. Id-drittijiet tal-bniedem, jew l-izvilupp taghhom m’ghandhom qatt jigu ridotti ghall-ezercizju teknokratiku, ghaliex f’dak il-kaz id-demokrazija, ibbazata in parte fuq dawn id-drittijiet tal-bniedem, ghal dar’ohra tkun qed tigi ridotta ghal teknokrazija.

Fost affarijiet ohra l-Konvenzjoni ta’ Oviedo tista’ twassal biex tillimita l-poteri enormi tal-protestata Supretendent tas-sahha pubblika. Ghalhekk kwalunkwe dewmien jew nuqqas ta’ rakkomandazzjoni pozittiva taghha lill-Gvern Malti sabiex dana jiffirma din il-Konvenzjoni tikkostitwixxi kunflitt ta’ interess li jistgha jkollha a tenur tal-artiklu 10 tal-Kap 465.

A tenur tal-imsemmi artiklu 10 li jirreferi ghal-kunflitt ta’ interess, il-protestanti jinsabu mhassbin ghall-konnessjoni u ghall-obbligu ta’ obbedjenza li tkun halfet il-protestata Supretendent tas-sahha pubblika mal-Ordni ta’ Lazarus, li jisimha The Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem (vide 

Din l-ordni tinvolvi ruhha fil-qasam tas-sahha, u ghalhekk kwalunkwe ordni li tohrog ghall-membri taghha tista’ tinfluwenza l-opinjoni jew anki l-agir jew pariri tal-protestata f’din il-qasam tas-sahha fejn ghandha tant responsabbiltajjiet kif ukoll poteri. Dawn il-poteri m’ghandhom qatt jigu ezercitati taht xi influwenza barranija jew bhala kunflitt ta’ interess bejn l-obbligi lejn l-gvern Malti u l-obbligi lejn l-Ordni imsemmija.

A tenur tal-avviz legali 337 tal-2020, il-protestanti u rezidenti Maltin u Ghawdin ma jistghux jingemghu b’iktar minn sitt persuni jekk ma jkunux mill-inqas zewg metri ‘l boghod minn xulxin. Dan ir-regolament ghal darb’ohra mhux ibbazat fuq jew ggustifikat minn xi studji xjentifici, u ghalhekk huwa kaz iehor ta’ decizjoni li ttiehdet b’mod arbitrarju, u mhux “ragonevoli f’socjeta’ demokratika”.

Dan ir-regolament qieghed inaqqas b’mod drastiku u drakoniku id-drittijiet fundamentali tal-protestanti sabiex jingemghu, kif ukoll sabiex jesprimu ruhhom apartament fuq kwalunkwe haga jew suggett li jidhrilhom xierqa, iktar u iktar b’hallqhom moghti b’tali mod illi lanqas biss jistghu jinfthemu b’mod car. Ghalhekk anke dan ir-regolament imur kontra dritt iehor tal-bniedem protett that il-kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta.

Fost ir-regolamenti li nhargu a tenur tal-Kap 465, kien hemm zmien iktar kmieni fis-sena meta c-cittadini Maltin li ma kienux registrati bhala rezidenti Ghawdex, u ghalhekk il-maggoranza tal-protestanti, gew imqaqqfa milli jivvjaggaw ghal Ghawdex, waqt illi dawk registrati u rezidenti Ghawdex thallew jivvaggja ghal Malta.

Dan ir regolament ghal darb’ohra ma kienx bbazat fuq xi studji xjentifici li juru bic-car il-validita’ u l-efficenza tieghu. Ghalhekk huwa bbazat fuq decizjoni li tiiedet b’mod arbitrarju u ghalhekk abuziv. Ma jistghax jinghad illi dak ir-regolament jista’ jitqies bhala “ragonevoli f’socjecta’ demokratika” kif titlob il-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta. 

Inoltre, dan ir-regolament kien diskriminatorju fl-implimentazzjoni tieghu, ghaliex waqt illi certi rezidenti thallew jivvjaggaw u jduru l-gzejjer kollha Maltin, rezidenti ohra, fosthom hafna mill-protestanti, ma thallewx. Ghalhekk anke fuq din il-bazi ir-regolament mar kontra d-dritt fundamentali ta’ dawn il-protestanti li ma jkunux vittmi ta’ diskriminazzjoni ingusta u illegali.

Regolament iehor li hareg a tenur tal-kap 465 jimponi fuq il-protestanti u kwalunkwe persuna ohra gejja minn certi pajjizi li tissoggetta ruhha ghall-imsemmi test tal-PCR. Kif diga gie spjegat dan it-test qatt ma gie pruvat li huwa effettiv sabiex tidentifika persuni morda bil-covid 19. Dan ir-regolament lanqas jaghti ghazla lil dawn il-persuni li jaghmlu kwarantina volontarja minflok jissottomettu ghat-test. Dan it-test jikkostitwixxi intervent mediku.  Ghalhekk din l-impozizzjoni fuq il-gisem tal-protestanti mhix ibbazata fuq xjenza, u mhix ragonevoli f’socjeta’ demokratika, u tmur kontra d-dritt illi l-protestanti ghandhom jaghzlu iridux jissottomettu ruhhom ghal intervent mediku.

Fid-dawl ta’ dak kollu msemmi fir-rigward tal-agir tal-protestati fil-mannigar tal-mard f’dis-sena 2020, il-protestanti huma mhassba u nkwetati fuq l-ezercitazzjoni tad-dritt taghhom biex jiehdu decizjonijiet in konnessjoni mas-sahha taghhom u tat-tfal taghhom. Hija prijorita’ assoluta tal-protestanti illi kwalunkwe vaccin li jigi introdott u mehud Malta jkun akkumpanjat u bbakjat mill-istudji indipendenti xjentifici ta’ safety, u li dawn l-istudji jsiru skond il-protokol stabbilit ghal safety ta’ medicini, li juri bic-car illi huma “safe” ghal min qed johodhom. Dawn l-istudji ghandhom ikunu disponibbli ghall-protestanti sabiex ikunu jistghu jifluhom u jiddeciedu ghadhomx jiehduhom jew jaghtuhom lit-tfal taghhom.

L-importanza tal-pubblikazzjoni tal-istudji kollha ta’ safety ta’ kwalunkwe vaccin li jigi prezentat lill-protestanti tidher ukoll fid-dawl ta’ studju li sar fl-2012 minn Cowling et al, bl’isem “Increased risk of non influenza respiratory virus infection associated with receipt of inactivated influenza virus”. (Vide ) Dan l-studju sab illi t-tfal kienu ‘il fuq minn erba darbiet iktar suxxettibbli ghal xi infezzjoni respiratorja, inkluzi dawk li ghandhom x’jaqsmu mal-grupp tal-koronavirus, meta hadu vaccin kontra l-influwenza. 

Ir-rizultati ta’ dan l-istudju gew konfermati wkoll fi studju iktar recenti ippublikat f’Jannar, 2020, maghmul mid-dipartiment tad-difiza gewwa l-Istati Uniti fuq dak li huwa maghruf bhala virus interference. L-isem tal-istudju huwa Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defence personnel during the 2017–2018 influenza season.

 (Vide  ) 

Madankollu l-protestanti naqqsu minn dmirijiethom biex jiehdu konjizzjoni ta’ dawn l-istudji li ma ssemmewx pubblikament minnhom jew mid-dipartiment tas-sahha pubblika. Anzi, il-protestati heggew lic-cittadini r lir-rezidenti Maltin u Ghawdxin kollha, inkluzi l-protestanti, biex jiehdu l-vaccin tal-influwenza f’din is-sena meta skond huma ghadu mifrux coronavirus tat-tip Covid 19.

Hija importanti wkoll illi l-protestanti jkomplu jgawdu d-dritt taghhom li jaghzlu liema triq iridu jiehdu sabiex isostnu u jmantnu s-sahha taghhom, u ta’ uliedhom, u li jaghtu l-kunsens taghhom b’mod liberu u minghajr ma jkunu sfurzati b’mod dirett jew indirett, sabiex isir intervent mediku bhalma hija l-ghotja ta’ vaccin, lilhom jew lit-tfal taghhom. Ghalhekk kwalunkwe regolament li tista’ ggieghel lill-protestanti, jittiehed mill-protestanti bhala ksur serju tad-drittijiet taghhom li jaghzlu t-triq ghas-sahha li hija skond il-konvinzjonijiet u l-kuxjenza taghhom. Dan il-ksur isir anke b’mod indirett f’forma ta’ pressjoni jew imposizzjoni ta’ restrizzjonijiet ghall-access ghall-iskejjel jew Universita’ jew kwalunkwe post iehor, jew restrizzjonijiet ghas-safar jew ghall-impjieg.

Ir-rizultati ta’ dawn l-istudji msemmija ta’ Cowler et al u tad-dipartiment tad-difiza tal-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika, huma inkwetanti ghall-protestanti anki fid-dawl tal-fatt illi gewwa l-Istati Uniti sallum kien hemm ‘il fuq minn sebat elef u hames mitt familja li irnexxiela tiehu kumpens ghad-danni serji li irrizultaw minn vaccin. Dawn il-persuni hadu kumpense bejniethom ta’ il fuq minn erba’ biljun u nofs dollaru Amerikan ($4,500,000,000). Ghalhekk kuntrarjament ghall-pozizzjoni tad-dipartiment tas-sahha pubblika fil-konfront tal-ghotja ta’ vaccini, iktar minn sebat elef u hames mitt kawza sabu illi hafna minn dawn il-vaccini m’humiex daqstant safe. Inoltre, minn dawn is-sebat elef u hames mitt kaz, erbat elef, tliet mija un sebghin minnhom (4,370), jigifieri iktar min-nofs il-kaawzi, gew mirbughha fuq kumpens relatat ma danni kagunati minn vaccin tal-influenza. (vide )

Illi matul il-Krizi globali tal-covid 19 hargu zewg rapporti, inkluz wiehed mill-Prof. Magda Havas Phd tal- Environmental & Resource Studies Department, Trent University, Ontario, Canada, li jismu “Is there an association between covid-19 cases/deaths and 5G in the United States?” tat-22 ta’ April, 2020. Dan ir-rapport jikkonkludi illi n-numri tal-kazijiet ta’ persuni li instabu pozittivi bil-covid 19 fil-postijiet li kellhom ir-rollout tal-5G kienu 95% iktar minn dawk fil-postijiet li ma kellhom il-5G, jigifieri kwazi d-doppju, filwaqt illi dawn iz-zoni koperti bil-5G kellhom ukoll 126% iktar imwiet registrati li kienu allegatament konnessi mal-covid-19. (Vide ) u ta’ Bartomeu Cifre’)

Il-Protestati intbaghtu kopja ta’ ittra permezz ta’ email fl-4 ta’ Mejju, 2020, liema ittra accennat ghas-suspetti li kien hemm possibli assocjazzjoni bejn il-gravita’ tal-kawzi tal-covid u r-rollout tal-5G, li bhala centri (ghat-teknologija 5G) kien hemm il-bliet ta’ Wuhan, Milan u hafna bliet fil-Lombardija, ic-centru industrijali tal-Italia, u New York. Gie mehmuz mal-email kopja tar-rapport ta’ Cifre’. Gie accennat ukoll illi sa dak il-mument ma kienx gie attivat il-5G gewwa l-gzejjer Maltin, u fortunatament il-kazijiet ta’ morda kienu baxxi hafna hdejn pajjizi ohra. Fl-ittra saret talba lill-protestati sabiex jiehdu konjizzjoni tas-suspetti ta’ xi possibbli konnesjoni bejn in-numri ta’ morda u l-uzu tal-5G, u li a bazi ta’ indikazzjonijiet prima facie jimplimentaw il-principju stabbilit mil-Ligi ta’ prekawzjoni billi jissospendu l-attwazzjoni tat-teknologija 5G f’Malta sakemm tghaddi l-krizi tal-Covid 19 u sakemm ikun hemm iktar infurmazzjoni u studji fuq possibbli konnessjoni bejn is-simptomi serji tal-imsemmi Covid 19 u l-exposure tar-radjazzjoni konnessa mat-teknologija tal-5G.

Din l-ittra lanqas biss giet acknowledged mill-protestati, li m’ghamlu xejn sabiex jissospendu r-rollout ta’ 5G gewwa l-gzejjer Maltin fit-tieni parti tas-sena 2020, liema parti rrizultat f’hafna iktar kawzi ta’ mard u anki mewt allegatament konnessi mal-imsemmi covid 19. Ghalhekk il-protestati naqsu milli jezercitaw due diligence fl-inkarigu taghhom milli naqsu li jiehdu l-prekawzjonijiet mehtiega that ic-cirkostanzi.

Inoltre, f’dawn l-ahhar xhur, il-protestati gew mgharrfa b’mijiet ta’ studji xjentifici msemmija fir-rapport li jissejjah The Bioinitiave Report, tal-2012, maghmul minn 30 xjentist, (vide  u ) li juru bic-car li l-exposure ghar-radjazzjoni non ionizing (EMF) jista’ jwassal ghal hafna kundizzjonijiet medici u effetti biologici fil-bniedem kif ukoll fl-annimali u fl-insetti. 

Il-protestati gew mgharrfa wkoll bil-5G Appeal li gie illaunchjat fl-2017 u li sar minn hafna xjenzjati speccjalizzati propju fil-qasma tal-EMF u l-impatti fuq is-sahha, liema appell huwa appoggat minn iktar minn 400 tabib u xjenzjat. Dan l-appell jitlob illi ma jkomplix ir-rollout ta’ iktar radjazzjoni permess tat-teknologija gdida tal-mobiles u wireless, msejha 5G, sakemm jigu stabbiliti parametri ta’ safety. (vide  )  (vide rapport iehor li jsemmi numru kbir ta’ studji fuq l-effetti tal-frequenza 2.4 GHz  ) 

u studji fuq l-impatt fuq in-nahal, li huma tant important ghall-agrikultura dinjija (vide: 

Apparti l-5G Appeal tal-2017 kien gie llaunchjat ukoll appell indirizzat lill-Gnus Maghquda fl-2015, li jismu  The EMF Scientist Appeal, li jismu mighu huwa maghmul minn esperti propju fil-qasma frekwenzi radju. Dan l-appell beda b’dan il-kliem:

We are scientists engaged in the study of biological and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF). Based upon peer-reviewed, published research, we have serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices. These include–but are not limited to–radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitting devices, such as cellular and cordless phones and their base stations, Wi-Fi, broadcast antennas, smart meters, and baby monitors as well as electric devices and infra-structures used in the delivery of electricity that generate extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF).


Scientific basis for our common concerns

“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.  

“These findings justify our appeal to the United Nations (UN) and, all member States in the world, to encourage the World Health Organization (WHO) to exert strong leadership in fostering the development of more protective EMF guidelines, encouraging precautionary measures, and educating the public about health risks, particularly risk to children and fetal development.  By not taking action, the WHO is failing to fulfill its role as the preeminent international public health agency.”

Dan l-appell gie ffirmat minn mitejn u erbghin espert fil-qasam tal-EMF. (Vide: 

Dak kollu li qed jintqal mill-esperti akkademici fl-EMF ilu maghruf ghal hafna zmien mill-militar, illi madankollu f’certi pajjizi kienu qed jahbu l-informazzjoni li kellhom sabiex ma jitilfux il-competitive edge militari taghhom. (Vide rapport sigriet tad-dipartiment tad-difiza tal-Istati Uniti


Il-protestanti gew mgharrfa wkoll bil-miktub bir-rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa fir-rezoluzzjoni taghha numru 1815, ta’ livelli hafna iktar stretti ta’ emissjonijiet sabiex tigi protetta s-sahha tal-pubbliku u tal-hajja biologika in generali. (vide 

Madankollu, il-protestati baqghu ma hadux passi sabiex jistabbilixxu livelli soddisfacjenti ta’ safety a bazi tal-imsemmija rezoluzzjoni 1815 tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa, a bazi tal-appell 5G, a bazi tal-imsemmi EMF Scientist Appeal, a bazi tal Bio Initiative Report u a bazi tal-mijiet ta’ studji imsemmija f’dan ir-rapport.

Ghandu jinghad illi dawn l-appelli u studji mix-xjenzjati speccjalizzati ma gewx opposti mill-komunita’ xjentifika, izda biss mill-ICNIRP, l-International Commission for Non Ionising Radiation Protection, li ghandha hafna konnessjonijiet mal-industrija tat-telekomunikazzjonijiet, u minn xi kumitati politici li taw opinjoni illi minkejja dawn l-istudji msemmija, ma kienx hemm bizzejjed provi li juri l-konnessjoni bejn r-radjazzjoni non ionising li tintuza fil 4G, 5G ecc, jew li kien hemm bzonn iktar studji. Dan huwa kaz car fejn it-teknokrazija qed tintuza biex teghleb lix-xjenza ghall-iskopijiet u interessi kummercjali a skapitu tas-sahha pubblika.

In-nuqqas imsemmi ta’ azzjoni u l-uzu tal-prekawzjonijiet mehtiega f’din is-sena ta’ krizi, juri bic-car illi min-naha wahda il-protestati hadu mizuri ezagerati u estremi fir-rigward tal-covid 19, li m’humiex ibbazati fuq ix-xjenza, fejn injoraw ghal kollox d-dikjarazzjonijiet imsemmija mit-tobba u xjenzjati ta’ Great Barrington, tat-tobba Belgjani, tat-tobba Germanizi Doctors for Enlightenment, u tat-tobba American Frontline Doctors. U min-naha l-ohra, dejjem kontra l-indikazzjonijet tax-xjenza u tal-pariri tal-esperti, tal-5G Appeal, u tal- EMF Scientist Appeal, naqsu milli jiehdu passi sabiex jintroducu livelli adegwati biex jipprotegu lill-pubbliku mir-radjazzjoni konessa mal-4G u mal-5G, a tenur tar-Rizoluzzjoni 1815 tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa. 

B’hekk il-protestati injoraw mhux biss il-pariri tal-ixjenzjati, izda wkoll r-rakkomandazzjonijiet ta’ wahda mill-oghla istituzzjonijiet fl-Ewropa li tissalvagwarda d-drittijiet tac-cittadin, u r-rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-European Environment Agency (vide  

Fid-dawl tal-istudji msemmija fuq l-EMF, u fid-dawl tar-rizultati tal-awtopsji gewwa l-Germanja li sabu kazijiet ta’ deep venous thrombosis f’hafna mit-12 il persuna, liema kawza taghhom mhux maghruf, izda mhux assocjat ma’ virus, il-protestati kellhom l-obbligu a bazi tal-principju ta’ due diligence, jezercitaw il- precautionary principle u jiehdu passi sabiex jieqaf ir-rollout tal-5G gewwa Malta sakemm jigi stabbilit b’mod xjentifiku hemmx konnessjoni bejn ir-radjazzjoni tal-EMF u awment fil-kazijiet ta’ deep venous thrombosis

Dan in-nuqqas ta’ azzjoni proattiva min-naha tal-protestati wasal sabiex l-industrija tat-telekomunikazzjoni mxiet dawn l-ahhar xhur bi pass mghaggel sabiex timla l-gzejjer bl-infrastruttura tal-5G u tal-4G plus u 4.5G. B’hekk minhabba l-inadempjenza tal-protestati din l-industrija qed tesponi lill-pubbliku, kif ukoll lill-annimali u lill-insetti, ghal hafna radjazzjoni tal-EMF u pulses konnessi mat-teknologija 5G. Dawn il-pulses u radjazzjoni jistghu jwasslu sabiex il-protestanti jkollhom s-sistema immunitarja kompromessa u soppressa. B’konsegwenza l-protestanti jkunu inqas kapaci li jiggieldu b’mod naturali kontra l-mard, u iktar sussexxibbli ghall-kundizzjonijiet ta’ sahha bhal dawk imsemmija fl-istudji kollha fil-bioinitiative report. 

Sussegwentement il-protestati, bl-agir kif ukoll bin-nuqqasijiet taghhom, qed jonqsu minn dmirijiethom biex jissalvagwardaw is-sahha tal-protestanti, u s-sahha pubblika in generali

Ghalhekk filwaqt illi l-protestanti jqieghdu lill-protestati in mora, dolo e culpa ghall-azzjonijiet li hadu u li jkomplu jiehdu fil-kontroll tas-sahha fil-gzejjer Maltin, liema azzjonijiet jistghu jinkludu rakkomandazzjonijiet jew nuqqas ta’ azzjoni, u b’mod partikulari ghad-danni kollha li soffrew u li jistghu jsofru l-protestanti bhala konsegwenza fuq sahhithom, u fuq il-ksur ta’ ligijiet konnessi mad-drittijiet fundamentali taghhom, il-protestanti qed jinterpellaw lill-protestati, jew min minnhom, sabiex fi zmien ghaxart ijiem utli: 

  1. Jaddottaw ir-rakkomandzazzjonijiet imnizzlin fil-Great Barrington Declaration, appoggata minn iktar minn 45,000 tabib u xjenzjat mediku, ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet imnizzla fl-ittra tal-5 ta’ Settembru tal-567 tabib Balgjan, id-dikjarazzjonijiet tat-Tobba gewwa l-Germanja tad-Doctors for Enlightenment, tat-tobba tal-ghaqda Medicos por la verdad -Espania, tat-tobba u esperti Kanadizi fl-ittra taghhom lill-Gvern Kanadiz tas-6 ta’ Lulju, 2020, kif ukoll id-dikjarazzjonijiet tal-Organizzazzjoni tat-tobba Amerikani msejha America’s Frontline Doctors fil-konferenza stampa taghha tal-17 ta’ Ottubru, 2020; u b’hekk jieqfu minnufih milli jaddottaw mizuri xierqa, u jirrevokaw tali mizuri u regolamenti in vigore illi mhux talli ma jaghmlux sens mediku, izda jiksru d-drittijiet fundamentali tal-protestanti, inkluzi regolamenti drakonjani biex jilbsu maskri, anke fl’ispazji miftuhin fejn ikunu ‘l boghod metru minn persuni ohra; regolamenti li jipprojbixxu illi jimgemghu flimkien, li jipprojbixxu pazjenti milli jkunu avvicinati mill-membri tal-familji taghhom, specjalment fl-ahhar granet ta’ hajjithom, u li jkunu avvicinati mit-tobba privati taghhom, min-nutara u mill-avukati taghhom; u regolamenti li jimponu restrizzjonijiet fuq familji fl-organizzazzjoni ta’ funerali u dfin tal-mahbubin taghhom;

  2. Taht ebda cirkostanza ma jdahhlu regolament fil-futur sabiex jipprojbixxu l-uzu ta’ visors minflok maskri;

  3. Jieqfu milli jaddottaw mizuri u jirrevokaw tali mizuri jew regolamenti in vigore, li jgieghlu lill-istabilimenti, clubs u skejjel sabiex jagixxu bhala pulizija mal-protestanti u mac-cittadini kollha, u mat-tfal taghhom;

  4. Jitbieghdu u jzommu l-indipendenza taghhom minn kwalunkwe entita’ barranija, governativa jew mhux governativa, li tista’ tinfluwenza il-pariri, l-agir jew l-indipendenza taghhom;

  5. Ihallu stabilimenti joperaw, kif rakkomandat mid-dikjarazzjoni ta’ Great Barrington u ta’ gruppi ta’ tobba u esperti gewwa l-Germanja, il-Belju, l-Ispanja, il-Kanada u l-Istati Uniti;

  6. Jippubblikaw l-istudji kollha xjentifici li jiffurmaw il-bazi u r-ragunijiet tal-mizuri taghhom f’dawn l-ahhar xhur, fl-immaniggar ta’ mard imsejjah Covid 19 fil-gzejjer Maltin, liema mizuri ghandhom dejjem jibqghu ragonevoli f’socjecta’ demokratika, a tenut tal-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta, inkluzi l-istudji kollha li juri bic-car illi l-uzu tal-maskri mic-cittadini f’ambjent mhux kontrollat gewwa sptar huwa safe, anke ghall-perjodu twil, u effettiv, sabiex inaqqas it-tixrid ta’ mard;

  7. Ma johorgux regolamenti obbligatorji ghall-introduzzjoni ta’ passport mediku jew ghall-ghotja ta’ vaccini godda, b’mod dirett jew b’mod indirett, billi jnaqqsu l-libertajjiet ta’ moviment ghal dawk li ma jiehdux tali vaccini jew jkollhom tali passaport;

  8. Jippubblikaw l-istudji kollha li ghandhom x’jaqsmu ma’ safety tal-vaccini kollha li huma jew li ser ikunu disponibbli fil-gzejjer Maltin, u jippubblikaw l-istatistici kollha in konessjoni mar-rapporti medici ta’ rejazzjonijiet avversi ghal kwalunkwe vaccin li jintuza gewwa Malta, liema rapporti jiffurmaw parti mill-VAERS, u cioe’ il-vaccine adverse event’s reporting system; 

  9. Jippubblikaw fuq il-website tas-sahha pubblika d-dettalji kollha mnizzlin fl-inserts tal-vaccini li jidhlu Malta, sabiex il-protestati ikollhom l-infurmazzjoni fuqhom bhal kwalunkwe insert ta’ medicina ohra li tista’ tinghata minn spizerija.

  10. Jirrikonoxxu b’mod formali d-dritt tal-protestanti li jaghzlu t-triq li twassal biex tmantni sahhithom, u d-dritt taghhom li jirrifjutaw intervent mediku li jmur kontra l-principji taghhom, a tenur tad-dritt fundamentali taghhom tal-liberta’ ta’ kuxjenza.

  11. Jorganizzaw kampanja nazzjonali edukativa u informativa sabiex persuni jkunu jafu kif jistghu jsahhu s-sistema immunitarja taghhom, u x’tip ta’ vitamini u minerali u supplementi ohra jirrakkomandaw biex ikomplu jsahhu s-sistema immunitarja taghhom, u jikkombattu l-mard in generali;

  12. Jiehdu passi bla ebda dewmien iehor sabiex iwasslu biex Malta tiffirma u mbagahad tirratifika l-Konvenzjoni Ewropea ta’ Oviedo fuq id-drittijiet tal-bniedem u l-bio medicina.

  13. Jintroducu standards godda bbazati fuq il-livelli msemmija fir-Rizoluzzjoni 1815 tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa fejn jirrigwarda exposure ghall-frekwenzi radju imsejhin EMF.

  14. Iwaqqfu t-trasmissjoni tat-teknologija 5G u 4G Plus, sakemm jigi stabbilit b’mod car is-safety tal-apparat kollu, tal-frekwenzi radju u tal-pulses in konnessjoni maghhom.

  15. Jordnaw studji immedjati sabiex jistabbilixxu hemmx konnessjoni bejn l-exposure ghall-EMF u l-izvilupp ta’ deep venous thrombosis.

  16. Inaqqsu l-exposure lill-protestanti ghall-EMF billi johorgu rakkomandazzjonijiet ghal-uzu tat-teknologija “wired” minflok “wireless” kull fejn dina tista’ ssir.

  17. Jimplimentaw kampanja nazzjonali ghall-edukazzjoni konnessa mal-exposure tal-EMF.

  18. Jirrikonoxxu kif diga sar f’pajjizi ohra bhall-Izvezja, illi jezistu persuni li huma iktar electro sensitive min-normal, u li s-sahha taghhom ghandha tigi mharsa b’mod partikolari.

  19. Jipprojbixxu l-uzu ta’ home routers li jservu lill-industrija bhala hotspots ghall-inhawi, liema hotspots ikunu qed jesponi lill-protestanti u rezidenti ohra ghal iktar radjazzjoni tal-EMF gewwa darhom. 

  20. Johorgu linji gwida sabiex ikun hemm EMF free zones fil-gzejjer Maltin, u sabiex jigu gwidati wkoll entitajjiet pubblici li jharsu l-ambjent naturali u s-sahha tal-annimali u tal-fawna in generali.

Fl’inadempjenza, jittiehdu passi kontra l-protestati skond il-Ligi minghajr preavviz iehor.


Avv Rodolfo Ragonesi

PL Davina Sullivan