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Mark Sexton Ex-Police Officer -March Update – They’ve Failed The People-They Are Not Working For Us,So Why Pay Them?

Mark Sexton Ex-Police Officer -March Update – They’ve Failed The People-They Are Not Working For Us,So Why Pay Them?

Retired police officer Mark Sexton gives us some updates in a video posted in the end of this write up.  

After putting the evidence together that had been put forward to the police and where he expected an investigation to proceed ,this can be found that was put by Metropolitan Police as of February 22, 2022 :


“News - 22 February 2022 17:30

UPDATE: Assessment of allegations relating to the UK Covid-19 vaccine programme


No further action will be taken following an assessment of allegations made about the UK’s Covid-19 vaccine programme.


On 20 December, a number of documents were submitted at a west London police station in support of claims that alleged people in the UK Parliament and other organisations had suppressed information about the severity of health implications for those taking the Covid-19 vaccine.


It was suggested, by the complainants, that offences including gross negligent manslaughter and misconduct in public office may have taken place.


Following an assessment of all the available evidence, it is clear that no criminal offences are apparent. The Metropolitan Police will not be launching a criminal investigation and no further action will be taken in relation to the allegations.


The complainants have been written to, informing them of this decision.


Deputy Assistant Commissioner Jane Connors said: “The vaccines in use against Covid-19 have been approved by all the relevant national and international regulatory bodies. They underwent multiple trials and were subject to stringent approval processes. They are in use in more than 100 countries.


“We have found no evidence to support any claims that information about adverse health implications is being suppressed or withheld from the public in the manner that was alleged.


“In recent months, the existence of a crime reference number in relation to these allegations has been widely misrepresented as evidence of a criminal investigation or of findings of wrongdoing. That is not the case.


“There have been a number of incidents where individuals quoting this crime reference number have attended vaccination centres, hospitals and other locations in an effort to disrupt the UK’s vaccination programme. That is unacceptable.


“Staff and volunteers working in these places are doing a vitally important job and have the right to do so free from attempts to threaten, intimidate or otherwise disrupt them. Efforts to do so will not be tolerated by the Met or our partners across the country.”


Police matters






London “


In his video he puts some excellent points :


·     What is our govt actually doing to the people of the UK? When did they ever announce some good news? Instead, the news is full of gloom and doom and fear tactics in a variety of aspects of daily life. When do they start working for us instead of against us? They work for us, contrary to what they believe. MPs get 80,000 pounds per year for this. All e-mails, petitions and protests are being ignored. We didn’t vote in the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO or the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They slip these things in by the back door. We haven’t given our permission for these people to spend our tax money as they wish. So why are these organizations telling us what we can and cannot do? We need these people to get out. Why is the UK govt changing the UK Human Rights Act? They’ll keep changing everything until our inalienable rights are taken away. We employ them to do a job for us. There is a gentleman’s agreement, which they’re going against.


·     The role of the police is to protect the citizens from harm, injury and loss – to keep the Queen’s peace. Yet they’re not doing that anymore. Many people have gone to them with evidence of crimes being committed. But they’re not doing their job, they’re no longer impartial. We know this through the Metropolitan Police case. The evidence that was submitted by Philip Highland, Lois Bayliss, Dr. Sam White and Mark Sexton, along with a number of internationally renowned experts, virologists, immunologists, doctors, professors, barristers, lawyers, &etc. The ‘evidence is vast, damning and irrefutable’. ‘The evidence is there’. There needs to be remedy for those who have died, who are suffering from loss, injury and harm. They sat on that evidence for two months and did nothing with it. They never spoke to any of the witnesses, experts, GPs, etc. They just kept ignoring these people, and ignored all e-mails, phone calls, etc. Now they are saying that no crimes have been identified. They have lied. Jane Connors (ER: deputy assistant commissioner of The Metropolitan Police) has lied and is perverting the course of justice. Tor Garnett is also a liar and is perverting the course of justice. If they had read these witness statements, they would have seen the problem. When a crime number is issued (ER: which it had been), an investigation starts. …. (he gives credit to all those who had come forward to file complaints and perform peaceful activist work, etc.) … ‘As a collective, we’ve been brilliant. But it’s not over.’ ‘We need MPs to be taken out of office – they’re not fit for purpose.’ Police constables aren’t doing the job for which they’re paid either. The Metropolitan Police are criminally liable for their actions and inactions, each and every person. We’re not stopping; the evidence is still going in. This isn’t the only thing that can be done.

·     They’re regrouping; they’re coming back. We need to do the same. … (He mentions the ongoing spraying of the skies, which prevents us from getting sunshine and Vitamin D, the chemical composition of the drinking water.) … We didn’t agree to any of this. Prices for everything are skyrocketing in order to bankrupt us. Yet people are coming in from other countries, staying in hotels with 3 meals a day all at taxpayer expense (at a cost of 4 million pounds per day). Why can’t we close the borders? Why can’t we do for the elderly during winter what we’re doing for people coming into the country? Or the homeless or the veterans? Let’s take care of our own. … (He talks about creating a bogeyman of Russia and Putin while ignoring what devastation the western countries wrought on Iraq, Libya & Gadaafi, Yemen, etc.) … The corrupt, biased media are playing us. What happened to being just, truthful, fair and honest, open caring and loving? … The amount of money out there being wasted. Where’s it going? … We’ve had two years of Covid? Where’s that gone? … Prices of everything are going up on us, yet there’s always money for wars. They’re just going to keep doing this.

·     Why don’t they use our tax money for positive things which benefit people? Instead of a vaccine passport, we could have a free gym membership where we have to develop our health. Imagine the benefits we would have as a nation, and we’d be happier and healthier, fewer visits to the doctor. Instead, we spend billions on things that we don’t need, on a virus – real or not – that has a high recovery rate. A health message could be spread throughout the media instead of gloom and doom over a virus or a war. We need to take a long hard look at what’s going on around us. The media are a disgrace.

·     We are paying these people who are making us suffer. We need to stop paying them because they’re not doing their jobs. Why are we paying road tax, council tax and national insurance, for example? Why are we paying money to be terrorized by psychopaths. Where is our money going?

·     This is two years of their 10-year Agenda 21 plan. They’ve broken all their oaths and agreements. We need a society separate from their corporate agendas. We need to stop what is happening.


Source :

 Video :

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