
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

"Masks Don't Work!"  According to Suppressed Review of Scientific Studies on the Subject

"Masks Don't Work!" According to Suppressed Review of Scientific Studies on the Subject

In view of the heated debate on the efficiency and safety of wearing masks during the so called Covid 19 outbreak, Dr Denis Rancourt PhD reviewed the scientific literature on the subject and found that such literature does not in fact support claims that Masks work.

“Follow the Science! Follow the Science” has become the new buzzword or mantra whenever anyone questions policies and official narratives, as politicians and media moguls try to give the impression that such policies are based on science.

However in reality what we actually see when we do in fact follow the science as one should, is a number of studies being ignored by mainstream and big tech social media, and in official narratives, while these are also working hard at censoring doctors and scientists. What we are seeing is a media war against science and scientists.

Dr Rancourt’s efforts to shed light on the topic of masks are no exception, as he has been a victim of a witch hunt by Facebook, Youtube and mainstream media to delete his review.

You can find Dr Rancourt’s review of the literature on masks here, and see for yourself what policy makers do not want you to see:

Is it Really about some super dangerous virus? Or is it really about globalisation and the coming global economic reset?

Is it Really about some super dangerous virus? Or is it really about globalisation and the coming global economic reset?

Dr Carrie Madej And New Vaccine That Will Alter Your DNA

Dr Carrie Madej And New Vaccine That Will Alter Your DNA