
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

New Danish Study Shows that Masks are ineffective in reducing the spread of Covid-19

New Danish Study Shows that Masks are ineffective in reducing the spread of Covid-19

A study carried out in April and May on a study group wearing masks and a control group not wearing masks in Denmark, just published on the 18th November, 2020, shows a statistically insignificant difference between the two groups in the reduction of the spread of Covid-19.

Seen in the light of medical scientists speaking out against the use of masks because of the serious health effects associated with reduced oxygen intake and re inhaling one’s own toxins and carbon dioxide, it appears that there is a strong case to be made to hold persons and institutions accountable for their mask wearing regulations being imposed on the general population.

Link to the Danish Study

Renowned Neurosurgeon warns against wearing masks - "They create serious health risks!"

Renowned Neurosurgeon warns against wearing masks - "They create serious health risks!"

Top German Neurologist  speaks out on the Insanity of Masks and reducing oxygen supply.

Top German Neurologist speaks out on the Insanity of Masks and reducing oxygen supply.