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New Study In Germany Shows Covid Jab 40 Times Deadlier Than Previously Known

A new German study shows that the number of people suffering from serious complications linked to the Covid jab is 40 times higher than previously reported.

Article posted in MDR on May 23, 2022 by Matthias Toying translated online from German to English :


Charité researcher calls for ambulances for vaccine victims

An observational study on side effects after corona vaccinations is being carried out at the Charité in Berlin. Professor Harald Matthes is leading the investigation and is calling for more contact points for those affected.

Vaccination damage after a corona vaccination is rare, but it does exist. "Many clinical pictures that are known from 'Long Covid' correspond to those that occur as side effects of vaccination," says Professor Matthes.

The number of serious complications after vaccinations against Sars-CoV-2 could be higher than previously recorded by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). This is one of the preliminary results of a previously unpublished long-term observational study by the Berlin Charité. The head of the investigation, Professor Harald Matthes, is now calling for more contact points for those affected.

Study with around 40,000 participants

The observational study “Safety Profile of Covid-19 Vaccines” (“ImpfSurv” for short), which focuses on the side effects of the various vaccines, has been running for a year. Almost 40,000 vaccinated people are now being questioned at regular intervals across Germany . The first interim results are now available, based on the data from the first approx. 10,000 volunteers, who were regularly asked about their symptoms after the vaccination using an online questionnaire over a year.

One result: About eight out of 1,000 vaccinated people (0.8%) suffer from severe side effects. This interim result differs significantly from the results of other studies and evaluations. In its safety report from March 2022, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI), for example, reports serious side effects in 0.2 out of 1000 vaccinated people (0.02%).

Professor Harald Matthes is leading the observational study "Safety Profile of Covid-19 Vaccines" at the Berlin Charité.

Some side effects last for months

In the ImpfSurv study, symptoms that last for weeks or months and require medical treatment are considered serious side effects. Among other things, the study participants are asked whether the doctors treating them classify the disease as potentially life-threatening. These include muscle and joint pain, heart muscle inflammation, excessive reactions of the immune system and neurological disorders, i.e. impairments of the nervous system. "Most side effects, including severe ones, subside after three to six months, 80 percent heal. But unfortunately there are also some that last much longer," reports Professor Matthes.

Side effects related to a COVID-19 vaccine can be reported online to the Paul Ehrlich Institute. The aim here is to be able to identify previously unknown risks after vaccination . It should be noted that the PEI uses a slightly different definition of serious adverse reactions, namely "adverse reactions that are fatal or life-threatening, require hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization, result in permanent or severe disability, disability, congenital anomalies, or lead to birth defects". As a result, the figures cannot be compared 100%. For those affected, however, only one thing is important: that they get help quickly and competently - and that they are taken seriously.

Doctors: “discuss it openly without being considered anti-vaccination”

Around 179 million Covid 19 vaccine doses have been vaccinated in Germany so far. "In view of the individual cases with severe and long-lasting side effects after Covid vaccinations in Germany, we doctors have to take action," emphasizes Prof. Matthes, who, in addition to his work at the Berlin Charité, is on the board of several medical specialist societies and medical director of a clinic with a focus on anthroposophic medicine medicine is. He was also head of a corona station and a vaccination center. "We have to come to therapy offers, discuss them openly at congresses and in public without being considered anti-vaccination," he emphasizes.

Victims must be taken seriously

It is particularly depressing for those affected that their complaints are often not taken seriously. Doctors in private practice would too often not associate the symptoms with the vaccinations because they were either not prepared for them or because they did not want to position themselves in a heated political mood. This is also evidenced by the many letters to Professor Matthes, in which those affected describe their often months-long search for effective medical help and recognition. They show that suspected cases in these cases are apparently not officially reported. This could be an explanation why the numbers of serious vaccination reactions at the Paul Ehrlich Institute are so low at 0.2 reports per 1,000 vaccine doses.

Special outpatient clinics for vaccination victims required

There are already a number of facilities that would be able to take on at least the initial care of patients with vaccination complications: "We already have several special outpatient clinics for treating the long-term consequences of Covid disease," explains Prof. Matthes. "Many clinical pictures that are known from 'Long Covid' correspond to those that occur as side effects of vaccination." The doctors in such clinics are therefore experienced enough. Now it is about opening the outpatient clinics to patients with vaccination complications. Depending on the extent of the complication, patients could then be referred to specialist departments such as neurology or cardiology. And intensive care units and dialysis centers could also be involved in the treatment: “They have experience with blood washing”

Hemodialysis as therapy

Both at the Charité and in other clinics, effective treatments for people with vaccination complications are being developed. "The cause of the problem is often the presence of too many autoantibodies in the blood plasma of those affected," explains Prof. Matthes. "Therefore, it must first be determined which and how many of these autoantibodies are present." Laboratories that can carry out the relevant tests must therefore also be brought on board.

As soon as the diagnosis is clear, the aim is to remove the excess antibodies from the blood by means of immune suppression drugs or a special blood wash. The method has been known for a long time, but is too unspecific: "We only want to reduce incorrectly formed autoantibodies, i.e. those that have developed against Sars-CoV-2." The problem, however, is that the treatments for long Covid, including rehabilitation measures, are now paid for by the health insurance companies, but comparable treatments for vaccination complications only in very rare cases. The doctor emphasizes that there is an urgent need to improve this and advises patients and their family doctors: "If the health insurance company refuses to cover the costs of a measure, file an objection, if necessary a second time."

Contact points for Long Covid: nationwide contact list

Contact points for Long Covid can be found all over Germany. You can find a list of addresses here. Some of these post-Covid outpatient clinics also offer consultations for people suffering from vaccination complications.

Editor's note An earlier version of this article stated that the figures from the ImpfSurv study on serious vaccination side effects are also confirmed in the data from other countries such as Sweden, Israel or Canada. Research by the MDR has not confirmed this. In addition, the editors have taken into account the different definitions of "severe" and "serious" side effects of vaccinations in the safety report of the PEI and the ImpfSurv study and have no longer compared the numbers directly with one another.

The article also refers to the different fields of activity of Prof. Matthes. The Charité has distanced itself from the study mentioned in the article and the figures it contains and has arranged for a review. The study has since been taken offline. We will report on the results.

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