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New Study and Scientific Review both indicate that drug called Ivermectin is very effective in treating and protecting against Covid-19

The Randomized Controlled Trial in the study detailed below shows that, similar to other findings with treatments like zinc, hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin c and vitamin D, and azithromycin, the drug Ivermectin has also been shown to be effective for Treating COVID-19 and to serve as a Prophylaxis.

The study is supported by a scientific review carried out by a top team of medical scientists who sought to research possibilities of treatment for Covid 19, entitled “Review of emerging evidence demonstrating the efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19 by Kory et al.

What does this say for the geopolitical reality that while there is so much hype, media coverage and investment in vaccines for covid-19, there is also a near total news blackout on all the treatments already available for covid-19 and studies related to their effectiveness?

The obvious question is, if the health and welfare of citizens lies at the heart of all the covid management policies, why are all these treatments being suppressed and ignored? Where is the duty of care of all the doctors and the department of public health, and will they be held accountable for keeping people in the dark about all these known treatments? Why are they all pushing and betting on the same horse of a new vaccine which will rake in billions of euros in windfall profits for Big Pharma, while the citizens of the world have had treatments known treatments all along that have been tried and tested?

And what is the effect of this total news blackout about known covid-19 treatments?

Simple! The effect is that it keeps people in fear and panic, waiting for that great saviour, the new vaccine, while all other known and safe treatments that cannot lead to windfall profits are not even known to them.

The reviewed, linked to below, carried out by a distinguished team of medical scientists, states:

“the FLCCC recently discovered that ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medicine, has highly potent real-world, anti-viral, and anti inflammatory properties against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. This conclusion is based on the increasing study results reporting effectiveness, not only within in-vitro and animal models, but also Review of the Emerging Evidence Supporting the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19 [FLCCC Alliance; Version 4; Nov. 19, 2020] 3 / 45 in numerous clinical trials from centers and countries around the world. Repeated, consistent, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes have now been reported when ivermectin is used not only as a prophylactic agent but also in mild, moderate, and even severe disease states from multiple, large, randomized and observational controlled trials.”

If this is not commercial manipulation and fraud of the highest calibre, then what is it ???

Is this not a massive smoking gun to indicate foul play in commercialising and profiteering from the outbreak of Covid-19 rather than seeking to exercise duty of care for covid -19 patients !!! ???

How does the Medical Community in Malta and the Superintendent of Public Health justify remaining silent all these months on treatments like Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and Azithromycin, while peddling Big Pharma’s Vaccines !!! ???

Will all this lead to massive judicial trials and inquiries in the near future? And if so, who will be held responsible within the medical community?

Link to details of the Study:

Link to Scientific Review of Ivermectin: