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 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Legacy Media For Efforts To Exclude Rivals From Internet Platforms

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Legacy Media For Efforts To Exclude Rivals From Internet Platforms

With the goal of silencing smaller publishing competitors in violation of antitrust and free speech rules, gigantic media outlets have colluded, according to a prominent attorney who is joined by medical professionals, independent journalists, and media outlets.


Austin, Texas — The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), The Washington Post, Reuters, and Associated Press are the targets of a groundbreaking antitrust lawsuit filed against them on Tuesday. The lawsuit demands millions of dollars in damages for the conspiratorial censorship of online political and health news publishers who dared to challenge the official line on important issues like the “COVID-19 pandemic” and jab requirements.

With the goal of silencing smaller publishing competitors in violation of antitrust and free speech rules, gigantic media outlets have colluded, according to a prominent attorney who is joined by medical professionals, independent journalists, and media outlets.


Austin, Texas — The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), The Washington Post, Reuters, and Associated Press are the targets of a groundbreaking antitrust lawsuit filed against them on Tuesday.

Lawsuit :

The lawsuit demands millions of dollars in damages for the conspiratorial censorship of online political and health news publishers who dared to challenge the official line on important issues like the “COVID-19 pandemic” and jab requirements.


The lawsuit indicates that by March 2020, a collaboration between Big Tech and legacy media, known as the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), had been established to bar rival publishers from the leading internet platforms.

TNI decided on December 10, 2020, to concentrate on combatting the spread of harmful jab disinformation. This concerted action is, by definition, a traditional illegal “group boycott” designed to hurt the ability of smaller publishers to compete, let alone thrive.


Traditional news organizations including the BBC, The Washington Post, Reuters, and Associated Press are members of the TNI, as are social media and technology behemoths like Twitter, Meta (Facebook/Instagram), Microsoft/LinkedIn, and Google/YouTube.


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