
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Switzerland Reports First Death of Person Taking Pfizer Covid 19 Vaccine

Switzerland Reports First Death of Person Taking Pfizer Covid 19 Vaccine

As we approach double digit figures of persons dying after taking the Covid 19 Vaccine, Switzerland registers its own first death, after reports from the USA, Portugal, Slovenia and Norway.

Once again, in a pattern we are now familiar with, there is no official explanation as to the cause of death.

Under the circumstances, in the absence of scientific evidence to the contrary through the publication of the results of the autopsies being carried out on the victims, which publication is in the public interest worldwide, it can only be assumed that there is a connection between the covid 19 vaccines and these deaths, and that furthermore, such failure to publish the autopsy results is tantamount to a widespread cover up by official authorities.

If indeed a cover is taking place, then it is a further indication that there is a global racket for governments to purchase and push hundreds of millions of vaccines, to the enormous financial benefit of the manufacturers and others involved in benefiting in some way.

This theory has been raised early on in 2020. A cover up of vaccine related deaths would further substantiate such claims of a global racket that goes all the way to the top in governments and international agencies and foundations.

The Last Time a Vaccine Was Rushed, 40,000 Kids Got Polio

The Last Time a Vaccine Was Rushed, 40,000 Kids Got Polio

2 More Deaths Reported After Taking Covid 19 Vaccine - Norwegian Authorities Investigating

2 More Deaths Reported After Taking Covid 19 Vaccine - Norwegian Authorities Investigating