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Telegram Blocks 64 Channels In Germany

According to information from the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Telegram has blocked a total of 64 channels in the past few days. The closure was due to pressure from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), it said.

Further details of the contacts between Telegram and the federal government became known on Friday. According to the information, there was a second working-level meeting between the government and Telegram on Thursday. The government and the company wanted to “continue to be in close contact,” it said after the talks. Company founder Pavel Durov already promised this in the first meeting he took part in himself.

“Telegram is used, among other things, by radical opponents of vaccination and lateral thinkers to network for protests against the corona measures. The Thuringian protection of the constitution had recently complained that a particularly large number of concrete overthrow fantasies were being spread there. Numerous right-wing extremists also used the platform. In December, Telegram users wrote in a chat about wanting to kill Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) because of his Corona policy,” Sueddeutsche Zeitung wrote.

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