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To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

The Explosion Of Cancer And Latent Disease After COVID Jabs

The Explosion Of Cancer And Latent Disease After COVID Jabs

By The Epoch Times

Published May 24, 2022

Dr Richard Urso :

“A normal vaccine stays in the arm, pretty much… 99.9 percent. A lipid nanoparticle needs a door crack to get out. A large majority of the lipid nanoparticle does not stay in the arm. In fact, we now know that a large part of it goes into the lymph node right underneath here and still making spike protein 60 days later. … That should’ve been looked at well before this product (mRNA COVID-19 shots) was out. They never told people that, hey, we’re going to stick it in your arm… it’s going to show up in your lymph node, it’s going to show up in your brain, it’s going to show up in your ovaries, your bone marrow, your adrenal glands, your liver, your spleen, which is then going to track up through the vagus nerve and go to your basal ganglia.”

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Video :

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