Natural Health Community

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The Fundamental Principles of The Natural Path to Health

People forming part of the growing natural health community worldwide approach their health and that of their loved ones under their care on the following principles, amongst others:

  1. The Fundamental Right to choose one’s own path to health, without coercion by doctors or public health officials in the taking of any treatments, prophylactics or medical interventions.

  2. The Right to be fully informed of any ingredients in any products, including GMO’s, and possible effects of any treatment or intervention.

  3. The Avoidance where possible of all toxins in foods, beverages, body products, cleaning products, medicines, dental and medical interventions and vaccines.

  4. The focus on fresh air, sunlight and exercise.

  5. The Avoidance of humidity and mold.

  6. The Avoidance of an acidic diet.

  7. The importance of detox and regular internal cleansing.

  8. The consumption of a substantial amount of clean water.

  9. The avoidance of preservatives, taste enhancers, free radicals and chemicals in foods.

  10. The substantial reduction of sugars in one’s diet, especially in latter years with reduced mobility, exercise and metabolism.

  11. The Reduction and control of stress, through the right mindset, and stress prevention techniques like exercise, yoga, deep breathing, and meditation.

  12. The avoidance of Electromagnetic pollution, which has a negative impact on the body’s electromagnetic field and electric circuits.

  13. A Positive Approach to Healing.

  14. The Preference of Natural Remedies.