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Undeclared Nanotech In The Pfizer Shots, New Zealand Scientists Also Found It

Undeclared Nanotech In The Pfizer Shots, New Zealand Scientists Also Found It

In an article posted on January 29,2022 on website called MASKS ARE DANGEROUS titled “Nanotech in the shots?” Dr Matt Shelton exposed his findings where he put one drop of New Zealand’s COMIRNATY “vaccine” and viewed it the same day through dark field microscopy at low magnification, than projected onto a TV monitor.

He also purchased in process new computer with good graphics along software for camera.

He explained :

I am a physician in good standing, having a background in mathematics and physics from university, then specialized beyond internal medicine after residency. I’ve had extensive phase contrast microscopy experience.

People who were injured by the Pfizer jab started showing up in my practice. At this time in 2021, I didn’t have a microscope.

Several doctors had come forward in other countries to report strange observations. Dr. Zandre Botha from South Africa showed the uniform strange round circles. La Quinta Columna showed what appeared to be microchips and other formations. Two other doctors talked about parasites and of all things, hydras!

This is not my first rodeo. Having previously experienced how those of us that critically look at the vaccine situation are heavily infiltrated by persons wishing to divert and control the narrative, I thought, “What is real?”, “What is put forth in order to lead questioners to look like fools?”

Because of my previous extensive microscopy experience, learning to use a dark field microscope didn’t take a huge amount of education. I took a 12 week course on live blood analysis using the most sophisticated dark field microscope and camera, that my money could buy. It magnifies up to 4000x.

Below are images under dark microscope from one drop of COMIRNATY :

After he had a close look at the blood of dozens of jab injured people, patients started asking him about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on following pictures :

Next what Dr Shelton done was to empty some vials of COMIRNATY “vaccines” which were leftovers of recent one, after shot has been given and mixed it with drop of fresh human blood and observed under the microscope. It did not make sense shapes he found in the blood in the first place, since textbooks could not identify things he found and he thought that they could be some crystals or possibly uric acid so he wanted to try to test again this way and below is what he found :

On the same day he travelled from one office to another office with some distance away. He left samples in the car. When he arrived to his destination and had a look again at samples shapes seems to change to shapes that gave him chills :

Wanting better graphics he purchased a gaming PC laptop. Then in days that followed he tried to understand all formations that happened while he was travelling to his office to view them , wondering :

  • Was it a function of time?

  • Or the vibration in the car?

  • Heat?

  • Cell towers along the way?

Since it could have been any of those, he took some more of the liquid and plated out some more slides, put them in multiple slide carriers, drove them all around the city near cell towers for two hours, and then came back to find following :

A few weeks later he got some more of jab leftovers from the same source but this time there were lot numbers and four vials. They were plated separately and mixed with some old liquid and result was as per images below :

On a second day the structures have shifted off their foundations that look like “things” and not shadows or dehydration :

He plated another batch on 16th January did same as before ,left them in the car and drove around then came back to look at his findings which were successfully repeated this time too :

He also commented following :

“It is not for me to make assumptions on what these elements are, but I don’t think this is a normal finding in old style non-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. The organisation that occurred does not appear to be simply organic, or debris, or artefact, and it is not simply dehydration of the slide.

It is highly self-organised and appears to be part of the design of the liquid.

For so many months I had pondered why this infection was so severe and important, that the vaccine has to be given to every human on the planet several times—even if one has recovered from Covid. This is unprecedented in vaccine history.

Anyone with a dark field microscope can do this same thing.

Why aren’t more people looking at the vaccine under a microscope? Why hasn’t the public been informed of the full ingredients of the only FDA approved vaccine for Covid?”

Following images are from the slide that was mixed with one drop of fresh human blood and one drop of jab liquid leftover where he noticed that when the liquid met up to the blood, the white blood cells were annihilated, and the red blood cells heavily damaged. By closer look he noticed that images showed some sort of nano-tech chips linked by “cords” :

In the end Dr Shelton advices :

“I have nothing else to say. The pictures speak for themselves.

This research should be continued by other laboratories.”

Dr Matt Shelton has been a medical doctor since 1985, mostly in primary care and general practice. He has been a lecturer and examiner in integrative medicine and believes passionately in ethical medicine that seeks to discover and resolve causes of health issues and in treating the whole person.

Dr Matt Shelton had his contract terminated in September 2021 after he sent some of his patients a text saying he didn't support Covid-19 jab for children, pregnant or fertile women.

Read more :

After this stunning evidence of nanotech particulates in the Pfizer Comirnaty jab have been found by NZ scientists and has resulted in the government being put on notice.

After being denied a meeting with the Director General of Health and other health officials, the information was presented to a Health Select Committee through lawyer Sue Grey where again attempts were made to stop the information from being presented.

Dr Matthew Shelton talks to Sue Grey about the findings and Donna Pokere-Phillips, a Maori Minister of the People outside of parliament, discusses being part of the event and what the findings mean and why she the agrees that the government is now on notice for crimes against humanity.

The fact that the jab includes such ingredients should be of concern not only to all New Zealanders, but to the rest of the world.

Dr. Matt Shelton who speaks as a private citizen and not a doctor, and Lawyer Sue Grey from New Zealand joined Zeee Media to show us evidence submitted to them by four separate groups of New Zealand scientists who have examined Pfizer COVID-19 jab vials under a microscope.

This evidence has been carefully examined, and shows self-assembling nanotechnology that appears to be forming into micro-computers in as little as fifteen minutes, as well as graphene oxide in the Pfizer vials - a matter that has been dismissed by many Fact Checker organisations.

They have submitted this evidence to police, MP's and other government officials with zero response. They have asked for people to share this information far and wide so that people stop getting these dangerous jabs immediately.

On the website ( ) concerned Peter Russell made Official Information request to Ministry of Health which was long overdue and never really answered on the same topic - it was titled :

“Presence of Nanotechnology in Pfizer COVID-19 "Vaccine" on January 30, 2022

On his profile on the same website he made some more request for information on same or similar topic from Ministry of Health :

Watch also :

Article: Nanotech in the shots?

Archived here (in case it gets taken down)

Related websites:

Orwell City:

German Pathology Conference:

 Dr. Matt Shelton's work can be found here:

Fore more videos from experts with evidence of what is in the vaccines, visit:

Sue Grey's links can be found here:

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