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Urgent Message From Dr Roger Hodkinson: “This Is An Experimental Vaccine Which Should Never Have Been Released”

In a podcast released on June 11th, 2021, Dr Roger Hodkinson spoke to Anna Brees, former BBC journalist and expressed how he is “extremely frustrated with what is going on.”

His very urgent message that he wants to share is:

“This is an experimental vaccine which should never have been released –there was never an emergency which predicated the development of this vaccine–there was never enough time for the clinical trials–and now we are seeing complications, which were predictable. Now we are seeing complications which are very disturbing.”

“The CDC is calling this occurrence of a large number of adverse events unbalanced–well, you’re dam right it’s unbalanced–It’s the CDC which is unbalanced. Myocarditis is never mild.”

According to latest reaction reported in young teenagers from Israel and other countries which he considers as a very serious matter commented following:

“When the heart muscle dies it’s dead, it’s never replaced. Myocarditis means a general inflammation of the heart; the muscle cells of the heart will be dying.”

Some of his very significant comments on whole Covid situation are:

“I suspect–and it’s impossible to confirm because of the intimidation that colleges across the world are putting on individual physicians including me, I can assure you there are a vast number of physicians who do not buy into this idiocy, physicians who are well trained can see through this immediately as so transparently stupid, it’s medical idiocy of the most grotesque degree that’s going on.

“None of the so-called mandates first of all is supported by any scientific consensus whatsoever. And if there had been one, we would have used them in previous flu epidemics and we never did. You simply cannot solve these things by any control– you cannot solve the spread of a pandemic with an upper respiratory tract virus with any known means to medical science, it is simply not possible.”

Anna Brees also noted that doctors who previously were recommending the vaccine have changed their minds completely in the last two months and are saying they do not recommend this for their patients anymore due to information that is now becoming undeniable and available regarding the very high numbers of adverse reactions being reported.

 Dr Rodger Hodkinson Biography

Dr. Hodkinson is the CEO and Medical Director of MedMalDoctors.

He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK (M.A., M.B., B. Chir.) where he was a scholar at Corpus Christi College. Following a residency at the University of British Columbia he became a Royal College certified general pathologist (FRCPC) and also a Fellow of the College of American Pathologists (FCAP).

 He is in good Standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta and has been recognized by the Court of Queen’s Bench in Alberta as an expert in pathology.

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