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What Many Medical Doctors DO NOT Know!

It is no secret that a silent war has been raging over the past 50 years or so, fought by the medical establishment, pushed by the pharmaceutical industry that works for profit, against another school of medical thought that is built more upon the principles of:

  1. natural remedies as opposed to alleopathic ones;

  2. prevention rather than cure;

  3. balancing the body’s energies rather than taking stimulants and sedatives,

  4. allowing the body to heal itself rather than depending on outside forces to heal it;

  5. maintaining a regular detox programme rather than argueing that the body can withstand levels of toxicity;

  6. focusing on strengthening the immune system rather than obsessing about the germ theory and the paranoia that there are germs around every corner that are out to get us. Indeed there is a strong argument that children with family pets tend to be healthier and more resistant to disease than those who live in a more sterile home environment.

There are far too many natural health practitioners to mention who have been destroyed by the medical/pharmaceutical establishment over the years. The same goes for doctors who have attempted to move away from the mainstream and dare to question Big Pharma.

While the former are happy to get on with their lives, the medical establishment and big pharma seek to “destroy the competition”, as a growing number of people worldwide start to turn to the principles of natural health.

So let us take the debate to the medical/pharmaceutical establishment, rather than allow it to remain forever on the offensive!

We are told that it knows so much and that it has all the answers that we need to maintain our health.

In reality many within the conventional medical establishment are painfully ignorant of a number of very vital issues which are ignored by the medical training establishments. The following are just some of the issues they know very little about:

  1. the proper food pyramid. Most doctors still maintain that the old version of the food pyramid, with grains as the staple foods, is the correct one. They are dead wrong. Grains have been found to be part of the cause of many health issues, and are a major source of sugars. Two of the biggest pandemics in the world today are sugar related, obesity and diabetes. Many doctors still labour under the illusion that a major problem lies in foods that contain fats. Even this is wrong, and has caused so much damage in the way of an explosion of the said pandemics;

  2. the extreme importance of detoxing the body at every opportunity. A lot of medics fail to realise that many illnesses are either caused by or compounded by toxicity levels in our body. These could be related to pesticides, herbicides, body products, cosmetics, household products, synthetic materials, medicinals, vaccines, and environmental pollution. How often do hear your doctors go on about any of these? No doubt their own homes and family members are no different when it comes to being exposed to all these. A huge part of the detox process in turn lies in fasting. Many medics are ignorant about its importance, and furthermore argue that the digestive organs are meant to keep functioning non stop, without any real need for rest, respite or cleansing; Many doctors know very little about toxins found in vaccines and their possible side effects. They do very little research, and when they do they do not look for the other side of the story, from scientists sounding alarms. Some are so ignorant of toxicology that they argue that the amounts of toxins are far smaller than those found in our foods. These seem to be ignorant of the fact that the smaller the toxic particles are, the more dangerous they are when injected into the blood stream, as they would more likely get through the blood brain barrier. The same argument lies with dioxins, for example, which are emitted from polluting power plants.

  3. Medics know next to nothing, or just about nothing, regarding the fact that our bodies are not only biological entities but also electric ones. Therefore electromagnetic fields around us play a huge part in our health and well being. Furthermore they know nothing about the perils of radio frequency sickness and radiation, although EMF scientists have been raising the alarm for many years. They do not even know that around 5%-10% of the human population is particularly sensitive to radio frequencies and subject to radio frequency sickness. They are not even aware that such a thing exists. If an electrosensitive person goes to his doctor he will draw a blank face. Even technicians working for electricity companies would know more about the perils of electromagnetic pollution than most doctors.

  4. The acid vs alkaline debate. Many conventional doctors have been lead to believe that the alkaline path to health is just bogus and scientifically unfounded. They argue that the digestive juices secrete a lot of acids and therefore there is no reason to believe that reducing an acidic diet could be more healthy. In doing so they ignore thousands of years of medical knowledge and experience coming from Asia, which has maintained a closer connection to the link between nutrition and health than the medical establishment in the west.

  5. There is also a high level of ignorance in the connection between acidity and sugar (which is ultimately also acidic) and inflammation. There is ignorance about acidic conditions forming a breeding ground for pathogens. The irony is that today so many people suffer from digestive problems and acid reflux. Yet all that most doctors seem to do about this is to prescribe medications to attempt to counter these problems, rather than seek to make the actual causes go away. They have no clue about the causes, because they have been too busy refuting and ignoring the alkaline debate;

  6. Very little seems to be known about the importance of breathing from your nose, and of regularly cleansing your air passages of any mucous, with for example salt water or adding a little apple cider vinegar. Our nose and throat are our first stages of defense, and, as filters, should be cleared regularly. Yet few doctors ever mention such things to their patients;

  7. Many medics know precious little about natural remedies. Instead they rely on the pharmaceutical industry as their main source of information. All natural remedies are therefore put aside in favour of medical drugs, which almost always have many side effects, some of them serious. They could also create a dependence upon them, turning patients into medication junkees. Never in the history of medicine has mainstream health moved so far away from natural remedies in favour of synthetic ones, which are controlled and patented by companies working for profit.

  8. for centuries the doctor stood at the centre of the world of health. He would diagnose, prescribe and even put together the remedies he would prescribe. Today the doctor has been largely pushed aside and left out on the fringe, not by natural remedies or so called alternate therapists, but by Big Pharma itself, which has stepped in to take his place. 2020 has been a record year where doctors have been squeezed out even more, as millions of people across the world have been declared “sick”, not as a result of clinical assessment by their doctors, but by “the system”, by a test not taken by doctors and not assessed by people’s own doctors. Doctors are fast becoming redundant, in a medical world dominated by big pharma, that churns out all the medications and medical interventions known as vaccines, and dominated by public health officials who dictate to both doctors and patients what is or is not to be done.

  9. In conclusion, what many medical doctors do not know more than anything else, is in fact just this, that they are being made redundant by the medical establishment dominated by the pharmaceutical industry, the World Health Organisation, by the biggest and most powerful vaccine pusher in the world, the Gates Foundation, and by the civil servants and technocrats in public health. With every year that passes, doctors are losing more of their autonomy and becoming mere agents of Big Pharma and the Big Medical Corporate tax dodging “Philanthropies” that also invest heavily in supportive media through their massive media budget spending.

    The medical community needs to take a long hard look at itself, practice a little more humility, get closer to its patients, and to the natural forms of healing. It needs to start distancing itself more from the pharmaceutical industry, as well as from the quick fix medical drug approach to health. It needs to be weary of the heavy handedness of public health officials, who are starting to treat doctors like little pawns, who are expected to fall in line with their policies and relinquish their own medical autonomy and integrity. Doctors need to stand up to be counted in the face of these growing threats to their integrity.

    If they do so, they would realise that these are the real threats to their own development and to the health of their patients, while natural remedies are actually their greatest allies.

    If many of them fail to realise this, then maybe, just maybe, these would truly become redundant, as people start to feel disenchanted and mislead, and turn away from them, in search of a more natural and safer path to their health and well being, with or without the blessing, support or guidance of such doctors.