
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Whatever Happened to the Nurse who fainted minutes after taking the Pfizer Covid 19 Vaccine?

Whatever Happened to the Nurse who fainted minutes after taking the Pfizer Covid 19 Vaccine?

For an overview of the saga, check this out

After Tiffany went radio silent and her social media pages were frozen, despite 1,000’s of concerned citizens writing in on her page asking her if she was ok, and after some internet researches found her name listed in death records in Alabama, a video was uploaded on youtube in her loving memory. But still, no word from her stating that she is fact sound and well.

Who would suffer a video of him/her uploaded in memory and refrain from making a clear and evident public statement that they are actually still alive?

The clip has been seen by over 146,000 persons in the 2 weeks since it was uploaded.

Considering the doubts and the sensation this story has caused, the Ministry of Health in Malta has a duty to make an official request to the USA about the status of Tiffany Dover.

Here is a link to a clip showing a public records search listing Tiffany Dover as dead.

We have not been able to verify this source. But neither have we been able to locate any verifiable and reliable statement by Tiffany or her legal representatives that she is alive and well, and that the death record listed above is false.

Should anyone have any verifiable/reliable update on this case, please contact us by posting a comment here, so that we update this blog accordingly.

Top Medical Scientists Give sworn testimony on the known Covid 19 treatments that have been suppressed through 2020

Top Medical Scientists Give sworn testimony on the known Covid 19 treatments that have been suppressed through 2020

World Renouned Scientist in Biomedicine and Immunologist Warns Against Possible Explosion of Deaths Resulting from Coronavirus Vaccines

World Renouned Scientist in Biomedicine and Immunologist Warns Against Possible Explosion of Deaths Resulting from Coronavirus Vaccines