While Mainstream Media Shows How Australians Are Getting “Super Cold” Official Data Show They In The Midst Of A Pandemic Of The Fully Jabbed — Natural Health Community

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While Mainstream Media Shows How Australians Are Getting “Super Cold” Official Data Show They In The Midst Of A Pandemic Of The Fully Jabbed

While Mainstream Media Shows How Australians Are Getting “Super Cold” Official Data Show They In The Midst Of A Pandemic Of The Fully Jabbed

Daily Mail UK issued article on 22 March 2022 titled :

“How thousands of Australians are getting sick with a 'super cold' - but it's NOT Covid - here's how to tell the difference”

A 'super cold' is breaking out in Australia after two years of Covid isolation as health experts warn of more respiratory illnesses as the country re-opens.

The super cold first appeared in the UK in November, with victims suffering flu-like or Coronavirus-like symptoms, but repeatedly tested negative to Covid.

Now a similar outbreak is happening in Australia, with thousands reportedly being struck down.

Health chiefs have a flu shot campaign set to rollout within weeks but medics are worried vaccine fatigue will stop many from getting the jabs.


'We do have a vaccine and it is highly effective,' Dr Hespe said.

'But I'm hearing a lot of people saying, 'For goodness sake, I've had enough of this...' Please don't think that - it really does provide you with really good protection.'


Read more : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10638175/Covid-Australia-Super-cold-super-flu-fears-nation-braces-sick-winter.html


According to detailed research article issued in “The Daily Expose” on March 3, 2022 data shows jabs are indeed effective but in making people sick :


Australia has just experienced its largest wave of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths to date despite the fact the country is in the middle of summer, and despite the fact leaders spent the majority of 2021 coercing the public into taking an experimental Covid-19 vaccine.


But official data published by the Government in Australia confirms this record breaking wave has been anything but a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and instead shows the fully vaccinated population accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 cases, 9 in every 10 hospitalisations, 9 in every 10 ICU admissions, and 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths.


Read more : https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/03/australia-9-in-10-icu-covid-deaths-fully-vaccinated/


In another article also issued in “The Daily Expose” on  April 7, 2022 more updates on increase in deaths than at the start of “pandemic” :


“Record breaking wave of Covid-19 across Australia sees deaths 1700% higher than the start of the Pandemic; & the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 of them”


Australia is currently recording a 7 day average of 72 Covid-19 deaths every day. But during the first wave of Covid-19 to hit the country back in March 2020, the 7 day average equated to no more than 4 deaths per day.


Meanwhile official New South Wales Government figures shows that throughout the whole of March 2022, the vaccinated population accounted for over 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths.


So why is it that the 7 day average number of Covid-19 deaths is currently 18 times higher two years on from the beginning of the pandemic?


And why is it that according to official Government figures, the vaccinated population account for 84% of the record breaking number of Covid-19 deaths in Australia?


Australia – “Vaccines May Also Be Administered OPPORTUNISTICALLY While Patients Are Undergoing Sedation For Unrelated Procedures”

Australia – “Vaccines May Also Be Administered OPPORTUNISTICALLY While Patients Are Undergoing Sedation For Unrelated Procedures”

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