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WHO Labels Unvaxxed People A ‘Major Killing Force Globally’

by THINKCIVICS NEWSWIRE on December 18th 2022

In a new campaign being promoted on social media, the World Health Organization (WHO) has referred to unvaccinated persons as a "major killing force globally."

The WHO is promoting a new video that calls out those who choose not to get jabbed for supporting "anti-science aggression" and targets "anti-vaccine activism."

Dr. Peter Hotez, a physician and Covid jab supporter, is shown in the video bemoaning the “devastating impact of misinformation and disinformation” regarding Covid injections from Big Pharma.

Hotez continues by equating "far-right extremism" with the alleged "anti-science hostility" of those who reject the Covid jabs.

The professor goes on to make a number of unfounded statements, including the notion that "anti-vaccine activism" now "kills more people" than terrorism, gun violence, and a number of other crimes.

He continues by asserting that "anti-science" has become a "political movement."

Despite the growing risks of the experimental mRNA shots, the WHO has made this broad criticism of "anti-vaccine activists."

The assertions made in the video that opposition to the Covid jabs is associated with extremism are not supported by any evidence supplied by Hotez or the WHO.

In addition to his position at Baylor College of Medicine, Hotez,he is a pediatrician who specializes in vaccine research and development, also serves as the chair of tropical pediatrics at Texas Children's Hospital.

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