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Why do they insist on using the PCR Test to keep declaring people sick with Covid 19, scaring the public and pushing a pandemic that never was?

This is really one of the most fundamental questions we need to keep asking.

There has been a lot of suspicion of some form of global fraud being carried out in connection with the fear mongering, covid mismanagement and now the pushing of vaccines that have been rushed through the pipeline without being subjected to the normal vigorous testing procedures.

Now we are not saying that people are not getting sick, or that there is not a new coronavirus around. But sending some regions into panic could never have succeeded if the PCR test had not been used, overused and misused in order to jack up the numbers of persons who have been classified as being infected.

So our main questions regarding the PCR test are the following. These questions need to be asked by the media if it is to retain a vestige of journalistic integrity, and answered by the covid 19 managers in public policy, if they are to retain any credibility:

  1. Why is it that public health authorities failed to learn from the revelation way back in 2007 that the PCR test lead to a false alarm of a local epidemic when it was wrongly assumed that there was an outbreak of whooping cough at a health centre in New Hampshire, USA? Check out this New York Times feature that says it all.

  2. Why is it that public health authorities and the WHO ignored the warnings of the inventor of the PCR test that his invention should never be used to try and diagnose a disease?

  3. Why is it that these authorities also ignored similar warnings by a number of very distinguished medical experts in the field, including Dr Michael Yeadon, former deputy head of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and the noble nominee Dr Stefano Scoglio?

  4. Why is it that following the peer review published on the 26th November, 2020 heavily criticising the paper published last January that formed the basis of the WHO’s decision to recommend the use of the PCR test to diagnose covid 19, the public health authorities have ignored the peer review and doggedly persist in using the PCR test to keep turning up large numbers of persons allegedly diagnosed with covid 19, which diagnosis is turning out to be largely false, with up to 97% false positive cases?

  5. Why is it that while one of the main problems with the use of the PCR test is the number of cycles it is used at to try and identify the presence of the covid 19 virus, the public health authorities across the world, including Malta stubbornly refuse to come clean and tell the public how many cycles they are running these tests at?

  6. Why is it that these public health authorities are also ignoring the judgement in Portugal of the Court of Appeal in its Constitutional capacity, dated the 11th November, 2020, that judicially declared the PCR test as being incapable of establishing if someone is sick with Covid 19, while reaffirming that diagnosis can only be carried out, as it has always been in medical protocol, by a doctor following clinical assessment?

  7. Why have these public health authorities disempowered the medical community by cancelling doctors out of the equation and deciding on a state level who is sick and who is not? What right does the State have to take over the role of doctors and interfere in the patient/doctor relationship in connection with a person’s state of health?

  8. Why is it that even when persons show no signs of ill health, the State, having disempowered doctors to make the call on these persons’ state of health, has imposed upon such persons laws of quarantine, which can only be imposed upon sick persons, and not upon persons enjoying health?

  9. Why is its that now that the WHO has also changed its policy regarding covid diagnosis, following heavy criticism by the medical community and the judgement of the Court of Appeal in Portugal, that PCR tests should be carried out with great caution, and only in conjunction with clinical assessments made by doctors, the public health authorities are even refusing to follow these new guidelines, and persist in using the PCR tests as a basis for their policies restricting people’s freedom of movement and civil liberties?

  10. Why is it that these public health authorities have also ignored the resolution passed by the European Parliament in November, 2020, calling upon Member States to adopt extreme caution in their covid 19 management policies, with a view to ensuring that these do not infringe upon human rights and civil liberties?

Rather than adjusting their draconian policies in view of what is known about the serious limitations of the PCR tests, the declarations of the medical community, including the Great Barrington Declaration, the peer review of the 26th November, of the paper on PCR tests, the court of appeal judgement in Portugal, the resolution of the European Parliament and the notice issued by the WHO, many countries in Europe have issued policies that are even more draconian, including lockdowns and serious restrictions of human rights and freedom of movement of their citizens.

These Public Health Authorities cannot raise the defence plea of ignorance at this time. They have been warned time and time again, by the scientific community, by experts in their field, by a court of appeal judgement, by the WHO, and even by a resolution of the European Parliament, that their draconian policies are unscientific, illegal, ineffective and unacceptable.

The persons behind these regulations and policies must be, and will be held accountable for all their actions. And we, as the sovereign people of our respective nations must leave no stone unturned to make sure that they are all held personally responsible.