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YouTube Deletes Video Of Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Satoshi Ōmura Discussing Ivermectin

YouTube Deletes Video Of Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Satoshi Ōmura Discussing Ivermectin


On June 27, 2021, Youtube deleted 2015 the video of Dr. Satoshi Ōmura discussing Ivermectin. Dr. Satoshi, together with Dr. William C. Campbell, was awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery of ivermectin. Read more about achievements of Dr Satoshi :



Australian Member of Parliament Craig Kelly, also known as a staunch critic of lockdowns tweeted,

“When the fascist at YouTube censors the Nobel Prize winner Dr. Satoshi Omura, a man whose discoveries have saved a hundred million + from blindness, the world has entered a very, very dark place. I cannot express in words how angry & sad this makes me & fearful for the future.”


Seems all the information that threatens the vaccine agenda and the “deadly COVID” narrative has been systematically removed from all platforms.


All Big Tech platforms have declared war against Ivermectin and have systemically deleted posts and banned accounts for merely using the name of the drug. They say it was done to protect people who might think of taking the drugs and cause harm to themselves. We say that this censorship is due to one reason only: they cannot let an off-patent drug-like Ivermectin crush COVID-19.


Articles and studies below show how Ivermectin is a very successful and effective treatment:


Opinion | Why Is the FDA Attacking a Safe, Effective Drug?

Ivermectin is a promising Covid treatment and prophylaxis, but the agency is denigrating it.

In fact FDA approved the drug as a safe and effective antiparasitic. Original article on link below :

Full access to article on following link :


The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

The broad spectrum host-directed agent ivermectin as an antiviral for SARS-CoV-2 ?

Source :


Brilliant Article By Dr Rudolph Ragonesi In Answer To Dr Michael Briguglios Article On The Malta Independent

Brilliant Article By Dr Rudolph Ragonesi In Answer To Dr Michael Briguglios Article On The Malta Independent

WHO Deleted Information On It’s Website That Says IVERMECTIN IS SAFE

WHO Deleted Information On It’s Website That Says IVERMECTIN IS SAFE