
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

181 Dead in the USA Just Hours Or Days After Taking a Covid Vaccine

181 Dead in the USA Just Hours Or Days After Taking a Covid Vaccine

Do not expect to see the document linked to below quoted in the mainstream media.

But it is one of the most important documents in the world right now in connection with the experimental vaccines for covid 19.

Yes these vaccines are nothing but experimental ones, because they have not been given the full green light by the FDA in the USA or by the ECDC in Europe. They have only obtained temporary licences that politicians have tried to justify on the basis of an alleged pandemic, based upon PCR tests that do not work. These temporary licences are conditional on the manufacturers using all the data from vaccine patients to keep assessing safety levels, which will then be reviewed by the license authorities to decide is full licences based on safety and efficacy are ever to be issued.

And this here is the data from the USA, from what is called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS. This is the standard reporting system that all doctors worldwide are obliged to use whenever any of their patients fall ill or die after taking a vaccine, regardless of the causes of death.

This VAERS system is well known to doctors, but hardly known by the rest of the world, which is made to believe that all vaccines “are safe, period”.

Have a look at the details from just 2 weeks of reporting in the USA alone, which turned up 181 deaths, including a number of persons who had no medical conditions at the time.

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