
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Rockefeller Foundation Still at the Forefront in Shaping and Influencing World Politics

Rockefeller Foundation Still at the Forefront in Shaping and Influencing World Politics

Despite its innocent sounding label of a Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation has for many years been at the forefront in seeking to shape and influence world policies in order to push it’s globalised agenda.

The Rockefellers are one of the most powerful family dynasties on the planet. They are not just multi billionaires, but they seek to play the role of one of the new “royal” families of the world, as they go about their empire building.

Their policies can be as sinister as they are devious and surreptitious.

By the way, the United Nation’s GHQ in New York was built on a prime piece of Real Estate provided by the Rockefellers.

Just have a look at this policy paper on Covid 19 and global health policies to get an idea of how such family dynasties are influencing “decisions” being “made” by elected representatives, in the name of the “Public Interest”:

Oh, and in case you were wondering, the Rockefellers have been ardent supporters of Eugenics and global population control - very much like their protege’ and front man, Bill Gates, another greedy plutocrat who operates out of his innocent sounding, tax saving, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Here is a Little Background to the Rockefeller Dynasty

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Is Dr Cassola on the Wrong Side of History on the Covid 19 Narrative?

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