
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Best Health Comes from Nature and Natural Fresh Air. But is this Part of the New Normal Planned for us all?

Best Health Comes from Nature and Natural Fresh Air. But is this Part of the New Normal Planned for us all?

Well, clearly not. The photo above says it all. Would skies like that by any chance be part of the new normal?

How many of us are old enough and observant enough to remember clear skies for weeks on end, without even a hint of a cloud in the sky? This was the case over the Maltese Islands, for example, for around 7 whole weeks, from mid June up to the first few days of August EVERY SINGLE YEAR. I remember as a kid having a fascination both for the stars and watching planes flying overhead. An uncle of mine used to tune in to the frequency for air traffic control just for fun and I remember being very curious about the communications between ATC and the pilots. It was my first exposure to so many foreign accents speaking English. I asked him “why are they not speaking in their own languages” (I was a little kid, right? Curious but little). He replied “because all pilots and ATC need to know what’s going on, so all speak the international language.”

Sadly, very few people seem to know these days what is going on. And we certainly do not speak the same language when it comes to trying to communicate and understand what is happening in the world around us, as economies, finances, weather, food, medical treatments, social norms and even public information are all engineered by a few people behind the scenes with their hands on joysticks.

We do not keep our ears to the ground listening to all messages, or our eyes in the sky, looking at the beauty of nature. I remember as a kid timing the contrails and trying to measure them. They would disappear in just a few seconds, and used to be only a few airplane lengths long.

So what exactly has changed?

Why do some trails still vanish very quickly while others linger on for literally hours? Why is it that in the airspace of some regions they are never seen, while in others they are seen so often?

When I was in the Yucatan I never saw one persistent contrail in 4 whole weeks. Then, just as I crossed the Gulf of Mexico into Florida I would see them up North in the distance. But the “funny thing” is that there in the South of Florida along the famous Florida Keys, the rich man’s paradise which is exclusively made up of 1000’s of millionaire homes along the keys, a bit like the super rich Riviera we have in the Med, around Monte Carlo, but only many times longer, I would not see persistent trails at all.

Planes in transit flying very high over the Florida Keys, unlike further north, were not leaving persistent trails. But somehow they started leaving persistent trails when they were far out over the Atlantic and there was an offshore wind. Same with those planes coming in from the ocean. I would see persistent contrails far in the distance when they were still out at sea, but then they would suddenly disappear as they flew at the very same altitude (hence same atmospheric conditions) when flying over the millionaires’ paradise.

It seemed clear to the eye that something was being switched on and off. Nature does not work with a button, things are more gradual. But we humans use lots of buttons and switches. That is the dead giveaway.

How “lucky” for the Florida Keys and their residents. They have never seen a sky like the one above In South Georgia.

Same with the Yucatan. But the Government in the Yucatan seems to be smart and refuses to sell out its airspace and the health of their inhabitants living below.

But not so lucky for the more humble folks living in South Georgia, where the photo above was taken last December 19th. I guess, like in Orwell’s Animal Farm, some animals just so happen to be more equal than others, and planes somehow act differently when they fly over them.

Maybe it was Santa Claus flying across their skies with his sleigh bringing them their Christmas gifts. Nice gifts, huh?

It is about time we get smart too, and protect our airspace to maintain clear skies. The Maltese Islands have sovereignty over their airspace. But are we exercising this sovereignty in a judicious manner, or simply using it to make a little extra cash from airline companies?

The secretly paid debunkers, working from home on their laptop, prostituting themselves to Big Brother, would have us believe that some silly argument of theirs to desperately try to explain all these anomalies would suffice to discredit the watchdogs, while taking a jab at the messengers.

They would also keep insisting that we are just seeing water vapour, since we do not have high flying planes and millions of euros to spend in high tech equipment to take samples of those trails and analyse them.

And of course Governments absolutely refuse to do the honours and commission independent forensic labs to do just this in order to come clean and show transparency in governance.

That would be the obvious way forward to decide on the matter for once and for all. But it is never done.

So what are the governments hiding?

What are they afraid of that might be detected by these forensic labs? Meanwhile this total lack of transparency keeps fueling the paid debunkers’ mantra of “lack of evidence, lack of evidence!”

But there is a truckload of evidence, which is more than enough to decide a court case on a balance of probabilities that spraying in the skies is going on. We will share this evidence over a number of blogs on the subject.

However if one obtains forensic evidence by taking samples from the contrails so high up in the sky, and subjecting them to an independent lab analysis, that would then even provide evidence “beyond all reasonable doubt”, and put an end to all the denial by governments once and for all.

So do you see why Governments have refused to put the minds of their concerned citizens at rest by commissioning such a forensic analysis?

Funny how they talk so much about stalling our economies and reducing our civil liberties just because they are so very concerned about helping us maintain our health, but then they do not spend one cent on showing us evidence that there are no toxins raining down on us from the contrails in the skies above us.

Therein lies the hypocrisy of the puppets in power who follow their masters’ voice exercising oppression masquerading as concern for and service to the People.

Then again, therein lies the beauty of the Justice System when we use it well. For there are always ways and means, and procedures to flush out the liars, to expose the false statements and the cover ups.

All you need is a strategy as sharp as the sword of Thetis, the goddess of Justice, a judicial mind as balanced as her scales, and as blind to undue influence like Thetis herself, as she wears her blindfold.

But hey, even if the sold out debunkers keep insisting that we are just seeing water vapour, ie, anthropogenic clouds formed by passing planes, why should we even accept to have these anyway? These paid debunkers have no argument to this obvious fact.

Why should we not ban transiting air traffic from our airspace and help to maintain clear skies like in the old days? Where is their argument to this?

Will it break our back if our government foregoes the payments from airlines to use our airspace when transiting?

Are our clear skies and natural fresh air not more valuable to our natural health than the money our government charges for using our airspace? And would it not be a small price to pay to give us back our peace of mind? After all, is it not we who are Sovereign?

For more information on clean skies and weather modification, check out and follow the geo engineering debate at this great website:

Oh, and you might wish to check out this report below, put together by the US Airforce about “owning the weather by 2025”, that is, just 4 years from now.

This highly revealing and damning paper from 1996 was leaked to the world by a whistle blower. It is one of the many smoking guns that makes denial by the paid debunkers of weather modification programmes a total absurdity.

We will bring you a number of other smoking guns in some future posts; hard evidence, as we would provide in a court of law, so that you, the People, can decide for yourselves whether there is enough evidence to show that our skies are being manipulated, in the same way the US Air Force presents in its case for owning the weather.

And one last thing. The sudden explosion of contrails just lingering in the skies happened around 1996, the time when this once secret military paper came out. What a strange coincidence! Don’t we just love coincidences?

Look out for the next post that covers what happened 5 years later, in 2001. Something very revealing happened in the US Congress…

Operation Mockingbird Update: Media Watchdogs - Wolves Watching over the Sheep - Bury Leaked Internal Government Report Exposing the Pandemic that Never Was!

Operation Mockingbird Update: Media Watchdogs - Wolves Watching over the Sheep - Bury Leaked Internal Government Report Exposing the Pandemic that Never Was!

5G Wireless Technology: Millimeter Wave Health Effects

5G Wireless Technology: Millimeter Wave Health Effects