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Operation Mockingbird Update: Media Watchdogs - Wolves Watching over the Sheep - Bury Leaked Internal Government Report Exposing the Pandemic that Never Was!

Operation Mockingbird Update: Media Watchdogs - Wolves Watching over the Sheep - Bury Leaked Internal Government Report Exposing the Pandemic that Never Was!

Back in the Spring of 2020, a secret Internal Affairs document in Germany had already exposed the entire scam surrounding the Covid 19 Pandemic.

When outsiders expose the scam, they are vilified and labelled conspiracy theory nut cases. But then what do you do when an internal government report at the highest levels exposes the same scam?

This Internal Affairs report caused great embarrassment when it was leaked. But damage control was promptly exercised and the leaked document was buried away and “ignored” by the media - you know, that institution that is supposed to serve as the courier of our news and the watchdog over our governments?

Yes, that same media that has been so instrumental in carrying the flame for the international narrative about some scary virus that requires us changing our lives, our economies, and our freedoms.

The day that document was leaked back in May should have been the turning point in the whole global fraud, exposing it to the whole world for being just that, a global fraud of epic proportions.

That would most likely have happened if the media had not been sold out and taken over by the very wolves it was meant to look out for to protect the sheep.

Throughout 2020 the sold out media, actually owned by large corporations and business interests behind the global fraud, have been complicit in suppressing real facts and news while staging an endless assault on people through fear and misinformation.

Fraud is a crime.

Covering up a crime, or aiding and abetting the crime of fraud, is also a crime.

When these crimes affect millions of people across the world, they become crimes against humanity.

Not only have the gatekeepers of Justice, the Media, the so called Fourth Estate of Governance, been sleeping at the gates. No, sir, no.

They have actually been sounding out calls that all is clear in the world of global governance in relation to the crisis of 2020, despite the contrary signals being sent to them from other honest watchtowers, such as the persons filing the report in the German Internal Affairs Ministry.

The media has been relayed so many other similar signals -

  1. doctors and eminent scientists writing impassioned appeals to their Governments in Belgium, the UK and Canada,

  2. Doctors announcing that safe and effective treatments have been found and successfully used on covid 19 patients

  3. scientists who have shown that the PCR tests are a scam

  4. medics who exposed the ventilators as being a main cause of death of covid19 patients, and exposed the racket of hospitals being paid a fortune for using them

  5. the Constitutional Court of Appeal in Portugal that declared the use of the PCR tests as invalid and the subsequent quarantining of persons testing positive as unconstitutional and being illegal arrests;

  6. The European Parliament calling upon all Member States to refrain from infringing human rights, civil liberties and the principles of democracy and the Rule of Law.

The list of signals being relayed to the Media is much longer than this.

But instead of relaying these signals to the People, the corrupt media has instead been constantly relaying false messages that there was no such enemy at the gates in the world of global governance, while allowing the Trojan Horse of an engineered pandemic to go through their gates, spreading the deadly diseases of fear, panic, submissiveness, lies and the erosion of civil liberties.

One day the corrupted media will be held to account.

There are different ways it has been corrupted, either:

  1. by global takeovers, such as Time Warner and CNN being bought by AT&T the largest telecom company in the world

  2. by corporations and tax avoiders masquerading as philanthropists sponsoring a journalist’s programme or column;

  3. through direct handouts through donations to media houses in the pseudo name of forwarding the cause of journalism;

  4. through indirect handouts like certain industries gifting them with massive advertising budgets running into millions of euros;

  5. by planting moles from the intelligence agencies (ie the spies) in the media houses. Just check out the notorious Operation Mockingbird for more info on that. Have a look at the fantastic link at the end of this blog to database of info on Operation Mockingbird, if you really want to know how deep the roots go in the marriage between the spooks running the spying agencies and the journalists providing your news:

  6. By operating strict editorial control over a media house’s journalists and the content of their work;

  7. by issuing orders from above, within secret societies, like Freemasons, to editors and other journalists, who are then duty bound to follow such “superior” orders, if “they know what’s good for them”;

  8. by being cajoled into feeling that they are hobknobbing with the power elite in the corridors of power, like World Economic Forum, where they are asked to be discrete and assist in shaping the world’s future, which “cannot be understood by the populace”.

  9. by fitting the bill of the traditional boot licker, as a journalist slurps his way up the ranks;

  10. or by simply being a lily-livered weasel, who shakes in his boots and looks the other way when he sees that something is wrong, or amiss, or smells a rat - preferring to live a more protected and longer life/career as a rabbit and yes man than a shorter one as a lionhearted journalist with integrity and spine.

In the end, it does not really matter how the media or the individual becomes corrupted, the end result is the same.

The corrupted media has become just another regiment in alliance with the enemy, taking up position on one of the flanks in the battlefield, as a battle is raged by the plutocrats against the People, their democracy and their civil liberties. It must be seen and recognised as a regiment in the hands of the enemy, and one that has little chance of changing sides to join the People once again.

Eventually, as the battle rages on between plutocracy/cleptocracy and democracy, the Sovereign People fighting for Democracy will come to recognise that this Regiment has been fighting for the other side.

Like a corrupted hard drive, or a worn out old boot, even the Media will eventually be simply thrown out with the trash, seen as no more than useless garbage, and will be avoided like a highly infectious disease; a disease far more dangerous than any corona virus that has ever mutated and visited the human body.

That of course includes Big Brother in social media;

  • Google, that spent billions to buy out YouTube, and changed its algorithms to direct our searches to mainstream narratives and bury the alternative ones. Youtube goes about deleting loads of clips and videos that expose the lies found in some mainstream narratives;

  • Facebook, that spent billions to buy out Instagram, and also spent a “paltry” 16 billion dollars to buy out Whatsapp in 2014. Do you really think that Mark Zuckerberg is smart enough to have outfoxed not one but all three of his co founders of facebook to take over the company and get rid of them? Or to become one of the richest and youngest billionaires overnight, without a little help, wink and a nod from some friends over at Langley, which no doubt extended its Operation Mockingbird to cyberspace?

    One of Whatsapp’s founders Brian Acton, who went on to invest $50 million in Signal, which carried the flame of encryption of people’s messages, that Whatsapp promptly dumped under Zuckerberg, had posted a tweet on the Equinox of 2018, saying, “it is time’” followed by the hashtag #deletefacebook.

    Facebook has been embroiled in mega scandals, such as selling its personal data to big bidders. These included the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Facebook has also embarked on a global censorship campaign to censor, delete and shadow ban users exposing the lies behind many mainstream narratives. For narratives, read “brainwashing”.

    Of course Zuckerberg does not call what he is doing “censorship”. In good old newspeak fashion right out of 1984, he uses the word “fact checking”.

    Oh, how sweet! Joseph Goebbels, of Nazi notoriety, would have been proud of him. How ironic is that? I guess it’s like the child who is victim of family violence turning out to carry on the same propensities.

    Anyone who claims the prerogative and power to censor others by claiming superior knowledge of the truth is no different to the medieval inquisitors suppressing all dissenters and free thinkers in the name of heresy, by claiming the same access to the truth.

  • Twitter, which is largely owned and controlled by the likes of Mega investors, such as Vanguard Group, who own over $6 trillion in global corporations, including shares in Facebook, Google et al.

    Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose. But this time, the Grand Inquisitors, Messrs Facebook/Instagram/Whatsapp, Google/Youtube, Twitter, along with their Handlers running Operation Mockingbird, control a massive amount of people’s personal data.

    Talk of “Big Brother watching you”. Oh yeah, he is watching you, alright, but also censoring you and selling all your data and communications traffic to the spooks.

    We are slipping back to a dark age that suppresses freedom of expression and thought, as Project Mockingbird scores victory after victory in social media manipulation and control, to add to its scalps in mainstream media, while “commissioning” the so called free social and media and mobile telecom platforms to do all its spying work on everyone.

    The darkest side of the new dystopian reality so similar to Orwell’s 1984 is in fact this menage a trois marriage made in hell between the spying agencies, the media, both mainstream and social, and the telecom giants.

Those in Media found guilty of covering up a global fraud, while also aiding and abetting it, would eventually face Justice. Maybe some would get to spend time behind bars.

That day will come.

It is not known when, but it will come.

Truth is always revealed and the lies and deceit, the favourite weapons of dark forces, are exposed, and Justice eventually prevails.

When it does, the perpetrators of injustice, by their acts either of commission or of omission, and the peddlers of lies, deceit, propaganda and brainwashing, will meet their Waterloo.

What goes around eventually comes around.

That is the immutable law of the universe, so elegantly described by Isaac Newton in his law of action and reaction. It applies also in the socio-economic-political context.

This Law is applied universally, not just in physics.

For more information in English on the leaked German Internal Affairs Report, read:

Here is the link to the original Internal Affairs Report in German:

And here is the link to the database exposing Operation Mockingbird;

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