
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Pfizer's History Of Fraud, Corruption, And Using Nigerian Children As 'Human Guinea Pigs'

Pfizer's History Of Fraud, Corruption, And Using Nigerian Children As 'Human Guinea Pigs'

FIZER FLASHBACK: Pfizer sued by 30 Nigerian families for using children as human guinea pigs in illegal clinical trial

Back in 2001, 30 Nigerian families sued Pfizer in federal court over its illegal 1996 clinical trial in Nigeria’s Kano state. The clinical trial, which was conducted on children without their parents’ consent, killed 11 participants.

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NHS Director Confirms Hospitals Lied About Cause Of Death To Create Illusion Of “COVID” Pandemic

NHS Director Confirms Hospitals Lied About Cause Of Death To Create Illusion Of “COVID” Pandemic

Amish Farmer Sentenced To 6 Years In Prison For Making A Cancer Cure

Amish Farmer Sentenced To 6 Years In Prison For Making A Cancer Cure