
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Healthy 41 year old nurse in Portugal dies just 2 days after taking Pfizer Anti Covid Vaccine

Healthy 41 year old nurse in Portugal dies just 2 days after taking Pfizer Anti Covid Vaccine

The world anxiously awaited the results of the autopsy of Sonia Acevedo, the 41 year old nurse who died just 2 days after taking the new experimental vaccine by Pfizer against covid 19. Well, the world that knows about her death, that is, because only a handful of media outlets have alerted people to this case. Links below are to two notable exceptions. Millions of people remain blissfully aware of such a case.

But the world waited in vain. Instead of publishing the results of the autopsy., a brief statement was issued by the Ministry of Justice in Portugal, declaring that the results of the autopsy showed no connection with the vaccine.

However the actual results of the autopsy have been kept secret.


Do they really think that we are that stupid????????

People have a right to see the actual official results of her cause of death.

Considering the global push to have people take the vaccine, it is in the public interest to have FULL DISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCY!

And that is what democracy and good governance are all about, in case they have forgotten.

The late Robert Kennedy Senior had once stated that “politicians lie”.

When people are fed statements without publication of official primary sources, it gives rise to a scandalous situation of bad governance that smells of cover ups, secret agendas and lies.

Despite the statement by the Ministry of Justice, we can expect both the vax pushers and their media stooges to be tearing their hair out trying to affect damage control and bury the story. The sooner it goes away the more they can push their new experimental vaccine. And make no mistake about it, that is just what it is, still at the experimental stage.

This death certainly does not inspire or encourage level headed people to fall over one another queuing up to take the jab, and being part of this extended experiment.

Meanwhile the world is left asking whatever happened to another nurse in Alabama, Tiffany Pontes Dover, who has disappeared from her social media platforms, which have been frozen (this usually happens when family freeze them upon death) and has not been seen at the hospital where she works.

Tiffany, who just turned 30 in November, was seen collapsing on national television 17 minutes after taking the vaccine, as fellow workers rushed to her aid. She has not replied to the 1,000’s of comments asking her if she is ok, leading many to question whether she is still alive.

Meanwhile her registered death popped up on a couple of searches on two websites registering death records. Even after these went viral, there has been no confirmation by Tiffany that she is alive and well.

If Tiffany is eventually declared dead, we can be sure that the official narrative will be the same as that regarding her peer in Portugal, something like: “dead, but not connected to the vaccine, but the actual results of the autopsy will remain secret. Just believe us!”

Woman in Slovenia dies following covid 19 vaccine

Woman in Slovenia dies following covid 19 vaccine

Doctors Who are speaking out warning the Public NOT to take the Covid 19 Vaccines

Doctors Who are speaking out warning the Public NOT to take the Covid 19 Vaccines