
Our Vision

To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Israeli Man Reportedly Dies of Heart Attack Just Hours after getting COVID vaccine

Israeli Man Reportedly Dies of Heart Attack Just Hours after getting COVID vaccine

Here is another to add to the number of deaths following the experimental Pfizer Covid Vaccine;

At this stage it is safe to believe that no matter how many persons die just after taking this experimental vaccine, the medical authorities are just never going to release autopsy details, and will keep repeating until they are blue in the face that the deaths are unrelated to the vaccine.

Funny how the tables have been turned 180 degrees...

Do you remember not so long ago in 2020, how all those deaths were being attributed to the covid 19 virus, regardless of actual causes of death? Remember how autopsies were being discouraged and how death certificate procedures were ignored as the covid 19 death figures were hiked up?

Now the hypocrites who had sworn their Hippocratic oaths to do no harm never seem to ascribe any deaths following the new experimental covid vaccine to the vaccine itself.

And to think that there are still millions of people out there who show blind faith in all the medical narratives, as they fail to see all the vaccine profiteering that is going on at the expense of their own health.

Senior Citizen Dies Day after taking the Covid Vaccine in Sweden

Senior Citizen Dies Day after taking the Covid Vaccine in Sweden

The Last Time a Vaccine Was Rushed, 40,000 Kids Got Polio

The Last Time a Vaccine Was Rushed, 40,000 Kids Got Polio