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To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

How to Brainwash the Human Race and Kill Democracy

How to Brainwash the Human Race and Kill Democracy

George Orwell must be turning in his grave seeing how well the Power Elite, who pull the strings behind elected governments, through all their secret societies, connections, carrots and sticks, have mastered the art of fraud, lies and brainwashing, with their dystopian Ministry of Truth sounding out their fake narrative which has been terrorising people and bringing them to heel. The newspapers and tv just never ease on the propaganda brainwashing machine, as day and night they keep instilling fear through lies, propaganda and false information.

For anyone who has the courage and sense of objectivity, all the dots are there to be joined and a very clear picture of a global programme of control stares you in the face. Just follow all the dots below, and you will see what we mean.

  1. In 2019 many countries signed agreements that they would follow the dictates of the WHO in the event of it ever declaring a Pandemic. This was a first, where sovereignty on an issue that could so easily impact human rights and civil liberties, was ceded to an international agency.

  2. Since 2018 the EU Commission has been pushing for health policies related to infectious diseases to be dictated from Brussels. Once again this is an attack on nations’ sovereignty and jurisdiction in matters of health, with a window of opportunity surreptitiously opened up for the EU in the Lisbon Treaty.

  3. People like the Bill and Melinda Gates and Anthony Fauci invest very heavily in the vaccine industry.

  4. By October, 2019 the financial systems of the world were on the point of collapse, reaching a point far worse than 2008. The current economic model is totally unsustainable. Many Global banks are insolvent, public debt can never be repaid, and after throwing the same problem at the solution for years, by ever increasing public debt and trying to survive by going down to zero interest rates, the world is bankrupt and without any more mainstream or conventional solutions. It has been built not upon asset increase but upon debt increase. It has not created money but created debt, at the expense of the many and the enormous benefit of the very few who form the billionaires club in democracies sabotaged by plutocracies.

  5. By 2019, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation become one of the biggest financial supporters of the WHO. He who pulls the purse strings controls the organisation.

  6. In October, 2019 both the WHO and the Gates Foundation are key organisers of a desktop simulation exercise of a global pandemic management called Event 201 (And why 201? Could it be a reference to January 2020? Could the name have been a code word for all the troops out there to alert them to be ready for what they had been previously briefed on? This is exactly what the military does to prepare its troops for an impending operation, by using code names and code dates). At Event 201, world leaders in politics, international agencies, commerce and vaccine companies come together to carry out the desktop simulation exercise, where they discuss policies that would effectively shut down or stall the world economy in a first ever strategy to “contain an infectious disease”.

  7. In January, 2020 a scientific paper is published promoting the use of the PCR test to detect Covid-19, although its inventor and other top experts had argued against this, and although experience had already shown that the PCR test used to detect a virus had created a false a false alarm of a whooping cough “epindemic” that never was. The paper is riddled with 10 scientific flaws, as detailed by top experts in their peer review published on the 26th November, 2020.

  8. In March, 2020, the WHO declares a pandemic based on the revised definition of a pandemic made in 2019, and without any scientific basis to support its decision. Meanwhile some medical scientists make desktop exercises predicting millions of deaths and sending people into panic. The gloom and doom studies, carried out by persons who had been wrong before in such gloom and doom predictions, are given weight by politicians, but then turn out to have made very false predictions once again.

  9. The agreements signed by many nations kick in, ceding part of their sovereignty to the WHO. They start following all the dictates of the WHO, which are not based upon any sound science. These include using the PCR test to detect covid 19, listing ALL deaths of persons testing positive for covid 19 as cases relating to the WHO’s declared pandemic, regardless of the actual causes of death, (thus giving the people of the world a totally distorted view of causes of death, and sending them into more panic); strongly advising against autopsies of alleged Covid 19 deaths, thus making it impossible for pathologists to actually determine the real causes of death. Meanwhile procedures are set in place for immediate cremation of many of the corpses, making it impossible for these to be exhumed at a later date to attempt autopsies. Next of kin are then sent bills for the hurried disposal of their loved ones’ remains, leaving them without closure and adding insult to injury.

  10. One would think that with the onset of a new infectious disease, the scientific community would be carrying out a record number of autopsies to find out as much as possible of the new disease and whether it was actually causing deaths, and exchanging notes across borders. But no, the priority has been reversed, and the entire policy has been based upon a PCR test which does not work, according to top scientists and the Court of Appeal in Portugal.

  11. Spring 2020, millions of euros and dollars of taxpayers’ money are given to vaccine companies to produce vaccines against covid 19 which has never been isolated, ie identified. Exemptions are made for the first time shortening the all important safety trial periods for such vaccines to be licensed.

  12. The draconian covid measures narrative changes surreptitiously through the weeks, as people’s patience is tried and beaches in civil liberties are gradually increased. First there were lockdowns justified by the narrative that hospitals might be swamped because of a lack of ventilators that some genius had argued were needed for covid 19 patients. Then patients started dying because of the ventilators that were the first reason for the lockdowns. Then when the declared pandemic casualties, distorted as they were, started to diminish it was turned into a pandemic of people testing positive for covid 19 based on the PCR test not fit for purpose, even if most of these were perfectly healthy anyway...

  13. By this time doctors around the world start speaking out, declaring that they have found a number of treatments for covid 19 to be very successful, and that the virus is mostly effecting the immuno-suppressed, just as influenza and pneumonia do every year, which by definition means that the virus is not one that should be classified as pandemic material. These treatments include intravenous vitamin C in Asia, vitamin A, blood plasma from persons recovered from covid 19, and a combination of hydroxichloroquine, zinc and azithromycin. Others used aspirin, which helped to thin the blood and reduce problems related to Thrombosis.

  14. In spring 2020, Some German and Italian patholgists break rank and carry out a number of autopsies. These show that one of the main causes of death of so called covid 19 patients died of complications arising from deep vein thrombosis and not from an infectious disease. Their results are published but promptly ignored.

  15. Instead of welcoming the findings of the doctors publicising their treatments and the pathologists carrying out the autopsies, these doctors are vilified and their findings rubbished both by governments and the so called watchdog media, as well as by some doctors known for pushing vaccine agendas. Instead, all attention remained on producing the miracle vaccines that Bill Gates had stated in 2010 were his very best investment he had even made (ie more than his investment in Microsoft which had become notorious for its global monopoly games!!) Of course the greatest threat to any new vaccine would be an existing successful treatment. But many people fail to join the obvious dots and remain blinded by the narrative that “only the future vaccine can save you”.

  16. More doctors and medical scientists break rank, but are ignored by the media which instead keeps publicising all the figures related to the highly unreliable PCR tests and deaths of persons testing positive, making people wrongly believe that these persons actually died of the covid 19 disease and not of other morbidities. One of the main issues of the PCR test is the number of cycles the testers use to obtain results. Cycles over 30 give 70% false positives. Even Dr Fauci admits in public that running the test more than 35 cycles is absolutely useless. Countries conveniently refuse to make public how many cycles they are running the test at, keeping such vital information a state secret.

  17. By mid spring, results from hospitals start to become clear that many deaths actually resulted in the use of ventilators, for which hospitals in some countries were being paid thousands of euros each time they reported using one and reported a covid 19 death. On the other hand, In hospitals and clinics that were not using ventilators but used hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin, the success rate was extremely high, even with persons who were weak and immuno compromised. News of the ventilator death scandal and the tested treatments are both systematically blocked out from the global media, which has insisted instead on continuing to peddle the PCR pandemic narrative, the false reported deaths statistics and the claim that the only saviour will be a vaccine.

  18. Top medical scientists and doctors awaken to the fact that all the stats being issued about the so called pandemic do not make sense and run counter to standard operating medical procedures about reporting. These include: The virus that is considered so deadly has never been isolated; it hits the weak indiscriminately, while the young and fit do not even have any symptoms at all; the national death rates are not higher than in previous years, in fact in Italy they were lower in the first quarter; there has never been any proper link established between the detection of covid 19 and the symptoms suffered by a minority of persons said to have covid 19. The cause and effect relation, so important in pathology, has never been explored. The only times it was properly explored, through autopsies, the findings were ignored by governments and media alike in yet another media blackout.

  19. Millions of citizens across Europe and the USA, the regions where lockdowns are most draconian, protest against the loss of civil liberties and human rights to freedom of movement and freedom from forced quarantines when not sick. The corporate media lies and reports just a few thousand protesters on the streets, rather than hundreds of thousands. No arial footage of the massive crowds is shown.

  20. In May, 2020 Professor Magda Havas publishes a paper showing that across the USA the number of persons testing positive for covid 19 and number of allegedly related deaths are both around double in areas where people are being exposed to increased electromagnetic radiation through the rollout of 5G. The corporate media ignore her findings.

  21. Letters to the governments of Belgium, the UK and Canada are sent by distinguished groups of eminent medical scientists in their respective countries, calling upon them to change their covid19 management policies that they describe as “a cure worse than the disease”. The letters are ignored by both governments and media.

  22. In June, 2020, the world economic forum, made up of the most powerful people in politics, banking and commerce, holds a meeting to talk about “the great economic reset”, and how the 2020 crisis is a perfect opportunity to turn on this magical switch, to reset the world economy. Observers of geopolitics speak out but are labelled conspiracy theorist nuts, the main go to accusation for any challenging of mainstream agendas.

  23. In October the Great Economic Reset goes mainstream as Time Magazine dedicates an entire issue to the subject. Suddenly the claims of conspiracy theory nonsense disappear as mainstream media endorses it as part of the official narrative it is now expected to peddle, as the time is considered right, although the news is actually many months old. Top politicians also start referring to it in their discourse, including the President of the European Commission.

  24. In October 2020 top medical scientists from Oxford, Harvard and Stanford publish the Great Barrington Declaration, stating that all the lockdown policies have been bad, have produced far more harm than good, and that the whole approach to covid 19 has been a case of gross mismanagement. They advocate doing away with lockdowns and with masks, and allowing the human population to gain natural immunity from covid 19 while protecting the vulnerable. Though they are world renowned immunologists, their declaration does not list any recommendation to base disease management on a new vaccine. The declaration is supported in just a few weeks by over 50,000 doctors and medical scientists. But it is ignored by both governments and so called watchdog media.

  25. On the 11th November, 2020 a Court of Appeal in its constitutional capacity in Portugal declares the PCR test not fit for purpose, and that people can only be declared sick through clinical assessments by doctors, as it has always been, and not by a simple test which has been shown to be unreliable. It declares persons quarantined on the basis of the PCR test to have constituted an illegal arrest. The judgement should be front pages across Europe. Once again, this hugely important constitutional judgement is buried by the media and only taken up by the growing community challenging covid management, which is also ignored.

  26. Just 2 days later, on the 13th November, the European Parliament, the only democratically elected institution in the EU, but with very limited powers, passes a resolution “on the impact of COVID-19 measures on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights (2020/2790(RSP))” calling upon Member States to exercise extreme caution in impinging upon all these fundamental principles in their draconian Covid 19 measures. Following the now very familiar pattern, The European Parliament’s Resolution is totally ignored by many member states, while the Media stage yet another blackout of one of the most newsworthy items. Apparently what is the concern of the European Parliament is not a concern for the media.

  27. On the 26th November, 2020 a group of top scientists publish a peer review of the January 2020 paper on PCR tests, rubbishing the paper and calling for it to be retracted. The peer review, surprise, surprise, is ignored by the media, which keeps peddling the growing number of PCR tests turning up positive in various countries.

  28. The Portuguese constitutional court judgement, the Great Barrington Declaration, supported by over 50,000 doctors and medical scientists, the letters by doctors to their governments in the UK, Belgium and Canada, the peer review of the PCR test for covid 19, Dr Havas’ paper on a possible connection between 5G and increased morbidity, and published studies on the successful treatments to covid 19, are ALL totally ignored by many governments and the global corporate media, in the very same way the original statements on covid treatments and the autopsies were ignored in spring and summer, 2020.

  29. Throughout 2020 5G continues to be rolled out at an accelerated pace, even during harsh lockdowns, PCR tests are actually increased instead of being phased out, creating a “PCR Pandemic wave”, while the great majority of persons testing positive remain healthy and without any symptoms but are quarantined. Schools are closed or restricted, although the young have “mysteriously” not been taken sick by the new infectious disease, although children are known by all to be front line candidates for new infectious diseases; more lockdowns are ordered, Christmas and New Year are effectively cancelled as entire nations’ populations are kept under a de facto house arrest; more talk of a great economic reset is publicised, and masks are made even more obligatory, despite judgements declaring such laws on the wearing of masks to be illegal by Courts in in Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Croatia.

  30. A pattern has been forming showing that the nations calling for or discussing a great economic reset in the very near future just so happen to be the very same nations ignoring the court judgements, the Great Barrington Declaration, the successful treatments for Covid 19, and the criticism of the PCR tests. Meanwhile many other nations right across Asia and Africa that have not been talking about or planning for a great economic reset have not been following the WHO’s dictates, have not ordered lockdowns or other restrictions, and life remains pretty much normal, ie the old normal, not the new normal being touted by Bill Gates and others. In most parts of Africa and Asia, covid 19 is no longer even news. Yet “mysteriously” there is a corporate media blackout of the non existence of a so called pandemic in these vast areas of the world. The virus has somehow chosen to cling to the western world talking about a great economic reset, while passing over other large regions in the world - a little like the mysterious death that was said to one night afflict ancient Egyptian homes, while somehow passing over the houses of the Hebrews.

  31. 2020 draws to a close, and the long awaited “saviours” of the world, the competing vaccines, are now on the market. Many nations seem to be very happy to sign over tax euros to more than one producer, rather than study which one is best, making all the producers extremely happy, and extremely wealthy. The corporate media for its part, that remained “mysteriously silent about the Great Barrington Declaration, the Magda Havas paper, the Constitutional Court judgement in Portugal, the Peer Review paper demolishing the paper arguing for the use of the PCR test, and the various successful treatments for covid 19 publicised by doctors around the world, suddenly springs into action, full steam ahead, and becomes the greatest advertising tool in history for the vaccine industry, as it freely promotes the taking of these vaccines on so many discussion and news programmes and features. Bill Gates was absolutely right about his “discovery” of the greatest investment he ever made, which, in his own words, promised a 20 to 1 return. Our brave new world has made commercial history as it has created a vaccine industry which:

    a. gets massive government subsidies to develop a new product,

    b. gets new exemptions to laws law, which shorten its safety trials from years to months,

    c. gets immunity by governments from liability for its new product,

    d. gets hundreds of millions of euros in contracts up front by governments for its new product, without ever having to spend a cent on a marketing budget to peddle and push its product,

    e. has the politicians talk of making said product mandatory for entire populations, and finally

    f. has the global corporate media, largely owned or controlled by the same entities who have investments in the same vaccine companies, perform for free massively huge marketing by pushing their product 24/7 in the name of public health.

    With such a win win win situation for the vaccine companies, a first in the entire history of commerce, the likes of which has never been seen before, no wonder Bill Gates was so ecstatic, his greedy eyes lighting up in excitement and joy, when he stated on tv that he expects a time very soon when the whole world will be vaccinated. Well, in his own words “7 billion people”.

    By the way, just to add another dot to be joined, this same media that has been so instrumental in pushing the engineered pandemic and the vaccine “pill” to solve all problems, has also obtained over a quarter of a billion dollars in “donations” by the most magnanimous Gates Foundation, while benefiting from hundreds of millions of dollars and euros more from massive advertising by the telecommunications industry so keen on 5G. Keep in mind that there is no longer a separation between investments in vaccines, medicines, chemicals, banking, oil, media and telecommunications. For example both Time Warner and CNN are owned by the largest telecoms company in the world, AT&T, which itself is owned/controlled by two of the largest investment moguls on earth, Black Rock and Vanguard. Both Black Rock and Vanguard, which just so happen to own many shares in each other’s company, making them joined at the hip, and owned by the same billionaire family dynasties, are major investors in the vaccine industry as well as banking, which, as we said, requires some major reform through an economic reset in order to avoid bankruptcy.

    The so called free media is no longer free, but owned and controlled by the very powers it should be keeping in check. The same goes for the giant social media companies like Facebook/Instagram, Google/Youtube, and Twitter (largely owned by, let’s see now, oh wouldn’t you know Vanguard). Rather than being a check on these powers, as the so called Fourth Estate of government, they are used as an extremely powerful advertising tool to peddle the products of their masters. As For Facebook, it has publicly stated that it has gone all out against anyone expressing concerns about vaccines. Their pages get deleted or shadow banned. So much for freedom of expression.

    In a nutshell, the year 2020 has seen a total departure from established medical protocol at every corner, human rights and civil liberties have been curtailed in the name of health, and the Media has sprung into action into a massive brainwashing machine of epic proportions that Dr Goebbels in Nazi Germany would have been so jealous of.

    Our overlords who dictate our lives through their policies have literally moved the goalposts and changed all the rules of the game in order to accommodate their fantastic covid 19 hypothesis - Just think of what they have done in a few weeks and months -

    1. They have changed the definition of what constitutes a pandemic;

    2. they have changed how we go about diagnosing people;

    3. how we go about declaring people sick or healthy;

    4. how we go about deciding who is to quarantined/put under house arrest;

    5. how the state gets people to police people, preventing them from entering establishments without masks;

    6. how we have abandoned the protocol of conducting autopsies to further knowledge about public health;

    7. we have changed how we report on deaths and morbidities, distorting the rules about death certificates;

    8. we have forgotten the all important issue of connecting symptoms to a disease. We now work backwards, if you have certain symptoms, ergo, you have a certain disease, no questions asked, no clinical assessments made, no post mortems carried out…brave new medical world of health management;

    9. we have introduced lockdowns to fight disease;

    10. we have ignored successful treatment protocols, nay, even demonised the doctors sharing their experience with their peers across the world - Now that must really be a first;

    11. we have ignored a large part of the medical scientific community signing the Great Barrington Declaration. Although these are over 50,000, politicians have the audacity to belittle them, saying that 50,000 are a small number of the world’s doctors. But they conveniently forget to mention that there is no declaration by 1,000’s of doctors who have openly supported the politician’s covid 19 management policies, only the odd doctors who speak out in the media, without declaring if they have any conflict of interest, like, shall we say, an interest in the vaccine business.

    12. we have ignored standard safety protocols for new vaccines - no animal trials, very small test groups, just a few months rather than years, no full public disclosure of all the side effects, no declarations as to who would be liable if things go wrong with the vaccines…

      The list is endless. Is there any standard operating procedure in public health that they have not actually changed?

      They might control most of the media, but do they really think that we are all stupid, and cannot join the dots and smell a rat, or twenty?

      If this charade that surfaced in 2020 has not given rise to one of the greatest frauds perpetrated against the world population, then can someone please cite a global fraud more widespread and more cunning and well thought out than this?

    The majority of people, rather than seeing the blatantly obvious fact that the emperor is naked, have thus far been taken in by all the fear mongering and media brainwashing. So many have not thought of stopping to consider why all our medical procedures have suddenly been changed; or why known treatments have been suppressed; or why the elderly and immuno suppressed, those persons most vulnerable and in whose name the world economy and people’s lives have been stalled, have often been left abandoned in hospitals and care homes as their loved ones were refused access; or why people suffering depression have become some of the greatest victims, yet they are never mentioned. They are mesmerised by the media that never mentions such things but keeps instilling fear with PCR numbers and persons dying who “tested positive for covid”, while heralding the new saviour, the vaccine, for all to go running to, like the children in the Pied Piper of Hamlyn.

And there you have it, the global geopolitics that has taken shape in the year 2020. Just join the dots, keep an open mind, challenge anything that does not make sense, or anything that stinks, and you have your bigger picture of where this has been going, and what the real agendas are.

If many people still believe that this has all been about some scary and dangerous virus that has terrified them with all the 24/7 reporting of gloom and doom and their new saviour, the new vaccines, then that is precisely the REAL major crisis that we have on our hands. People and policy makers’ heads remain buried in the sand, shaking with fear over a virus that has hit the frail and the weak, the immuno suppressed, and certainly the ones who have been put on ventilators, but somehow ignores all the kids who are usually the first to pick up viruses. At the same time their heads remain buried in the sand with the explosion of electromagnetic pollution.

If we keep going down this path, our global democracy will keep slipping downhill very fast, until it becomes just a memory of something that our grand fathers and great grandfathers had fought so hard for and died for in the last century.

This opinion piece might be heavily criticised by those same people who are blinded by all the brainwashing, the lies and the fear, or by those who seek to benefit from the engineered crisis. They will attempt to rubbish it, without addressing all the points raised, of course. They will seek to shoot the messenger, for their worst fear is that the message will get through to others if the messenger is not shot down. They will call the message dangerous, the perfect way to stifle debate, as they keep peddling the policy of fear to pull the wool over people’s eyes.

But this statement here will stand for posterity as a clear one of what many of us see as the real global threat in our times. No one will be able to deny that some of us have stood up to be counted. Like the 50,000 doctors and medical scientists signing the Great Barrington Declaration, we state loud and clear that we will not be part of this charade, of this brainwashing, of this greatest of global frauds, and of the subsequent relinquishing of human rights and civil liberties, while preparations are being made behind our backs and behind closed doors, to reshape our world economic model, by those who have benefited most from the old rotten one.

We may choose to remain sleeping and follow policies of fear, convinced that our problems will go away by getting a vaccine that has been rushed through without all the proper safety trials.

We may think that the global heist of the world’s resources by the few will somehow come to an end with an economic reset engineered by those very same persons and family dynasties who have reaped the fruit of that global heist.

We may think that the global mainstream and social media are independent and objective, and choose to shape our reality on what it churns out daily, making it our new bible.

But then if we do, we have only ourselves to blame for the destiny that we shape for ourselves and our children.

If on the other hand we wake up, smell the horrific stench of macchiavellian politics, join the dots and look for safer, more natural, tried and tested ways to remain healthy, and remain free from a creeping tyranny and plutocracy/technocracy in the name of health, then we will forge a different destiny for ourselves at this very critical hour which may be no less critical than the years 1914 and 1939.

The choice is ours to be made in 2021. There will be no going back from that choice.

If we capitulate to the forces of deceit, greed and corruption, and Macchiavellian politics hiding behind a disease, and trying desperately to hide behind medical scientists, we will reap the fruit of the rotten seeds that we have let grow in our garden.

If we rise to the occasion, join the dots, and act now, then we have the chance to hold on to all the principles we hold dear, and a life for our children, who will no doubt hold us to account for our actions, when they grow and ask us, “mummy, daddy, where were you, and what did you do in 2021?”

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