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Is Dr Cassola on the Wrong Side of History on the Covid 19 Narrative?

Is Dr Cassola on the Wrong Side of History on the Covid 19 Narrative?

I have a lot of respect for Dr Arnold Cassola. However I cannot disagree with him more on the opinion piece he penned for the Times of Malta, that bastion of conformism, published on the 1st February, on his take on the covid 19 crisis and the Prime Minister’s handling of it.

Dr Cassola chose to criticise the Prime Minister for failing to learn from his alleged mistakes in handling the crisis. It seems to have totally escaped Dr Cassola that the world has been split down the middle between those who have swallowed all the covid crisis brainwashing and misinformation, and those who have woken up to the enormous inconsistencies in the covid narrative.

This narrative has effectively taken the western world down a very dangerous path to dystopia, with unscientifically based lockdowns and other draconian measures that other countries acting otherwise have shown make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Dr Cassola has regrettably yet to awaken to this reality.

Expressing a different opinion is one thing. Indeed, it is something that should be encouraged in a free and open society. But the problem is not that persons like Dr Cassola express their opinions on the matter of the covid crisis, which happen to be allied to the mainstream. The problem lies in the fact that those who support this mainstream western covid narrative like he does try to have us all believe that it is the only opinion out there, and that therefore anyone not following that narrative is either stupid, ignorant or irresponsible.

With all due respect to Dr Cassola, I have no hesitation in stating that I believe that Malta’s Prime Minister has over the past few months very wisely attempted to avoid the pitfalls of all the false covid narrative that has brought the western world to its knees, while the power mongers at the World Economic Forum, who steer the western world, have been preparing the way for their “Great Economic Reset”.

This has not been easy for the Prime Minister, considering the flack he has been getting from so many sides and sometimes being at odds with his own Health Ministry, so quick to blindly follow the dictates of the World Health Organisation that has come under serious criticism by much of the global scientific community.

Unbeknown to many people, thanks to a totally biased media that stubbornly refuses to report news that would shake the covid narrative, most of the so-called developing world has absolutely no problem with the virus that has done the rounds across the entire planet. It has “strangely” become a western disease. But you would never know listening to the news, which would have you believe that the whole world and his aunt is dying from or will die from covid 19.

This of course is pathologically impossible, since pathogens spread the world over in no time at all. So if the disease persists on singling out and “plaguing” those western countries that insist on lockdowns and masks, while ignoring so many other countries, it would not take a rocket scientist to realise that the covid narrative is plain codswallop, with stats being twisted and distorted to try and substantiate the narrative and justify the draconian measures, while conveniently ignoring and keeping from their citizens all the known treatments for the disease that are being used by 100’s of doctors around the world.

This does not mean that a virus is not doing the rounds, and can be pretty nasty to some. Certainly it is and it can, and denying that would be an affront to those who have lost some loved ones.

But it does mean that the virus has been blown totally out of all proportion for political and economic gain by the few over the many. As Dr Robert Kennedy Senior, chief advisor to his brother the US President, had said, “politicians lie”. Let us stop being naive and keep swallowing all their narrative.

In my view the Prime Minister, who is obviously privy to inside information about all the wheeling and dealing going on in the international scene in relation to the covid corporate agenda, has thus far managed to limit the damage incurred on our islands, which refuse to be flushed down the drainpipes with all the covid hype that, let us remember, has been harshly criticised by over 55,000 medical scientists and doctors worldwide in the Great Barrington Declaration, amongst many others. I do not see 55,000 medical scientists and doctors countering that by signing any declaration supporting the western covid management agenda. Think about that for a moment!

The Prime Minister probably also knows that a number of very serious legal cases are being filed against governments abroad by organisations and citizens on constitutional grounds as well as civil grounds, challenging all the lies and deceit behind the lockdowns and draconian measures in the name of public health.

Dr Cassola needs to look a bit further and start smelling all the rats that have been scurrying out of the many holes in the crumbling official western (but not global) covid narrative, and the stench they bring with them.

He needs to study the Great Barrington Declaration and the scientific findings of some eminent, and I daresay courageous, scientists who have been exposing all the inconsistencies, inaccuracies, mistakes and lies of the official western covid narrative.

He needs to follow case law and read some of the judgements being delivered in other countries declaring some measures both illegal and unscientific.

He needs to read the resolution of the European Parliament delivering a stern warning to Member States not to effect civil liberties and human rights in the name of fighting a disease.

He can start by following all the posts on our website here at the natural health community covering the findings of the large part of the scientific community speaking out against the official narrative of some western countries, and other primary sources like court judgements, sworn testimonies before parliaments and parliamentary declarations.

The Natural Health Community and the Human Health Alliance are in fact both members of a new world community called the World Freedom Alliance, which is being steered by hundreds of medical scientists and lawyers working together to push back against the creeping medical tyranny that has caste a dark shadow over our free society.

Dr Cassola can also refrain from referring to covid “victim counts” and “death tolls” that he cited in his opinion piece. This has been shown time and again to be scientifically incorrect and thus misleading and false information. People who die who had tested positive for covid 19 are not people who automatically died because of covid 19, in the very same way that people who die of a heart attack who had the common cold would not have died of the common cold. This has been part of the great lie that has had the effect of terrorising populations. The public has been mislead, because the World Health Organisation has notoriously insisted with its member states to list all persons who tested positive for covid 19 in one grouping of so called covid deaths. This has gone totally against established medical protocol.

We encourage the Prime Minister to address this misleading reporting from his Health Ministry and insist on two lists, one showing persons who died who tested positive for covid, which is the only list being published by the ministry to date, and another more accurate portrayal of the actual scene, listing persons who died as a direct result of the virus called covid 19.

Dr Cassola needs to study the stats further to see that in fact the increase in overall deaths both in Malta and elsewhere for 2020 is either negligible or sometimes even non-existent. That is how you expose the great lie of a virus that has been claimed to have created a pandemic. The overall stats speak for themselves, but those stats are ignored, in the same way the stats of influenza deaths are now being suppressed, because if you are counting them as covid deaths, then miraculously we have no one left dying anymore from influenza or pneumonia. Of course you would never see this mentioned in the media. Why mention it, right???

If he looks further into the matter, Dr Cassola may begin to see that the war is not against a virus per se, but against a democratic way of life, where a new form of heavy-handed corporatism has used and is still using a health crisis to control and restrict citizens in a free and open society.

Yes, this is our opinion, and maybe Dr Cassola’s opinion may turn out to be the more accurate one in the end, though we very much doubt it. But one thing is certain. For all those of us who have stated our positions on the matter publicly and clearly, as both of us have done, history will be our judge. Our written word is there for the historians to eventually pick up and to cite, as we both well know.

In time the truth will out, and the world will come to know who has stood on the right side of history; those pushing the official narrative of the covid crisis, or those who have raised the alarm against a most surreptitious form of dystopia in a great diabolical deceit, and in the false name and cunning ploy of “caring” for and “protecting” our citizens and our elderly.

Note: This is an Opinion Piece and reflects the opinion of the writer.

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