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It's Happening - Politicians down under threatening to limit freedoms of citizens not "submitting" to covid vaccines!

Shocking news has come out of Australia after both the Prime Minister and Minister of Health have indicated that they would consider coercing people into submitting to the new covid 19 vaccines by denying citizens entry back into Australia, and by adopting other coercive measures like no jab no play, and no jab no pay policies.

Keep in mind that this is the very first time in human history that there is talk about also forcing the entire adult population to submit to vaccination, and if you please of a vaccine that is new to the market, that even vaccinologists of integrity are declaring would be filled with dangers and pitfalls.

Many people throughout the world have been suspecting this for many months now, ever since covid 19 became the subject of the declaration of a global pandemic, although all the stats show otherwise.

This reinforces and justifies the position taken by many members of the Natural Health Community to put the Government of Malta on notice through the filing of a Judicial Protest on the 11th November, that any such coercive measures taken to force a vaccine on citizens against their will, even in the absence of specific legislation making it mandatory, will be met with fierce resistance in the Constitutional Court.

Any restrictions to travel, freedom of movement or schooling imposed upon members of our community who choose not to submit to the covid 19 vaccine will indeed be met with the most fierce resistance by this community, which will leave no stone unturned to safeguard the medical and human rights of its members.

Vaccines are medical interventions, and as such cannot be imposed without breaching fundamental human rights confirmed by the European Court of Justice in its judgement of the 9th October, 2001, in the case 377/98 The Netherlands vs European Parliament and Council ECR1-7079. Europe’s Supreme Court confirmed that a fundamental right to human integrity is part of Union Law, and encompasses, in the context of medicine and biology, the free and informed consent of the individual in medical interventions.