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To grow together in a world that shows full respect for people’s fundamental right to forge their own path to health and wellbeing, and to seek the age old wisdom of harmonising with nature and the body’s own physical, energetic, mental and emotional structures.

Lawyers & Experts Reveal Evidence For World Dictatorship Under The Guise Of Pandemics

Lawyers & Experts Reveal Evidence For World Dictatorship Under The Guise Of Pandemics



A group of international lawyers, top level experts, and renowned scientists present the evidence before a Grand Jury that the COVID-19 pandemic is a criminal operation, with the purpose of installing a world dictatorship.


Among the expert witnesses are World Health Organization advisors, a United Nations official, members of British Intelligence Services, former officers from the U.S. and U.K. military, an expert from the Center for Disease Control, a former vice-president from Pfizer, a Nobel prize winner for medicine, and many other high-level witnesses.



The experts show how mind control, psychological manipulation and hypnosis techniques are used to control the opinions and behavior of the public worldwide. The information is backed up with official documents issued by the governments and the named organizations.


The evidence is presented during six Grand Jury legal proceedings, that each last about six hours. The length of these proceedings, make it hard for the majority of the public to receive this information. That’s why Stop World Control is creating easy-to-read summaries of each six hour session, so these extremely important revelations can reach a greater audience. The first summary is now available, and can be downloaded for free .

More information, to download evidence from Grand Jury and more please check link below :

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Toxic Heavy Metals And MRI’s — What Radiologists Don’t Tell You

New Pfizer Documents Released, 80,000 Pages-Data Shows Covid Jabs Have 12% Efficacy Rate, Not 95% And No Human Clinical Trials For Safety For Pregnant Women

New Pfizer Documents Released, 80,000 Pages-Data Shows Covid Jabs Have 12% Efficacy Rate, Not 95% And No Human Clinical Trials For Safety For Pregnant Women