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Military Doctor Testifies In Court That She was Ordered to Cover Up Many Injuries Following COVID-19 Jab Regime

Military medical officer testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress her findings with regards to the DoD’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) after the vaccine mandate.

Dr. Theresa Long said while giving testimony in court that she and two other medical professionals found a rise in numbers  in cancer cases, neurological disorders and miscarriages after the vaccine mandate went into place. She and the others were ordered to keep quiet.

“I have so many soldiers being destroyed by this vaccine. Not a single member of my senior command has discussed my concerns with me … I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by talking about it. I’m OK with that because I am watching people get absolutely destroyed,” Long said in court.

The hearing took place on March 10 where the Department of Defense (DoD) requested for the injunction to be waived while the case is being appealed. Chairman of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver stated that the DoD is refusing to send witnesses to be cross-examined, suggesting the possibility of a cover-up.

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