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Negative Efficacy Report In UK Shows More Death And Severe Disease Among The Vaccinated

Negative Efficacy Report In UK Shows More Death And Severe Disease Among The Vaccinated

The United Kingdom Government Health Security Agency [UKHSA] reported Negative Efficacy in those COVID-19 vaccinated patients versus those who remain unvaccinated.

Based upon the weekly reports published by the UKHSA for Week 11, 2022, vaccine effectiveness against Omicron in the 60 to 69 age group reached nearly NEGATIVE 300% meaning it was almost four times more likely for a triple-vaxxed person to get infected compared to an unvaxxed.

UKHSA announced that as of April 1, 2022, they would stop testing and keeping track of these numbers that apparently do no one any good, especially those who have been vaccinated and the vaccine manufacturers. It causes worry in the vaccinated, and it contradicts what we have all been told, that the vaccine is effective.

What's worse is that hospitalizations and deaths also show a similar Negative Efficacy with more death and severe disease among the vaccinated, the opposite of the expected effect.

In the illustration above, reflecting the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report of Week 8 in 2022, one can surmise that more than 70% of COVID infections and hospitalizations were in the vaccinated, while more than 85% of the deaths were in the vaccinated.

Sources :


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