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“They Want To Genetically Modify Us With The COVID 19 Vaccine” – Dr Andrew Kaufman interview

“They Want To Genetically Modify Us With The COVID 19 Vaccine” – Dr Andrew Kaufman interview


Spiro Skouras made a great interview with Doctor Andrew Kaufman who informs us on new Covid 19 vaccine that will genetically modify us.

Spiro Skouras is an Independent Journalist and contributor at


As per his comments on his website ( :


“Spiro and Dr. Kaufman discuss the expanding curtailment of basic civil liberties being normalized under the false pretext of a global health emergency.


Doctor Kaufman lays his reputation and his career on the line as he blows the whistle on what he describes as a manufactured crisis to carry out a pre-planned agenda to facilitate global governance and population control.


Doctor Kaufman is a well-educated medical professional who convincingly illustrates, using the CDC’s own technical data, how the public has been manipulated on the grandest scale.”


Below is video of full first interview between Spiro Skouras and Dr Andrew Kaufman:

Below is the second interview with Spiro Skouras and Dr Andrew Kaufman in which they discuss the new coronavirus Adeno vaccine which is designed to permanently modify human DNA.

The first video was quickly approaching 100k views when YouTube removed it.

Reuters also published an inaccurate report attempting to debunk Dr. Kaufman's claims that the new COVID-19 DNA vaccine would genetically modify humans (

 In this interview, Dr Kaufman sets the record straight – full video available in link below:

Dr Dan Erickson and Dr Artin Massihi - Controversial press conference that was pulled by YouTube

Dr Dan Erickson and Dr Artin Massihi - Controversial press conference that was pulled by YouTube

PCR test deemed to be unreliable

PCR test deemed to be unreliable