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The Last Time a Vaccine Was Rushed, 40,000 Kids Got Polio

That was back in 1955, when the vaccine gold rush to vaccinate kids against polio threw caution to the wind - The result: Out of 200,000 kids vaccinated, one fifth, 40,000 got polio, 200 ended up paralysed and 10 kids died.

Some things never change.

When such caution is thrown to the wind, it is never about safeguarding people’s health. No, sir, no. It is always about safeguarding company profits. It has always been that way.

Oh, and by the way, From 1955 to 1963, between 10% and 30% of polio vaccines were contaminated with simian virus 40

But all these doctors singing the praise of the manufacturers’ vaccines never tell you that, do they? All you ever hear is how allegedly safe all those vaccines are. And that is what most people believe, until that is, they decide to do a little research of their own.