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Is it Really about some super dangerous virus? Or is it really about globalisation and the coming global economic reset?

Right from the word go nothing made sense really, did it?

  • the dress rehearsal of lockdowns in the Desktop simulation organised last October 2019 called Event 201 (and why 201? Any link to 20/01?

  • the declaration by the WHO of a pandemic in March 2020 when the numbers did not seem to justify this declaration

  • the ridiculously inaccurate projections of the outbreak

  • the immediate response by so many countries shutting down their economies, allegedly in order to protect the vulnerable

  • the use of the PCR tests which are obviously not good for the purpose of detecting or isolating a virus

  • the crazy insistence of rewriting the rules of death certificates, so that anyone found positive for covid 19, regardless of the accuracy or otherwise of the PCR tests, is listed as “a covid death”, sending people into panic

  • the suppression of any information on successful treatments, which would counter the need to take drastic measures

  • the suppression of civil liberties and human rights on the pretext of managing a disease

  • the suppression of studies, scientists and doctors speaking out the world over challenging the official narrative about covid 19 and the measures being taken to manage it.

  • the rush to use ventilators which only aggravated the situation, leading to many unnecssary deaths

  • the rush to impose masks when there is no science that they work or that they are safe

The list of anomalies goes on and on, leading one to pose the obvious question; why all the hype, all the extreme measures, all the misinformation and the censorship?

So many answers to questions come when we follow the money - the money in Big Pharma, the money in increased globalisation, and the economy in light of the coming global economic reset.

This economic reset is no fantasy but something bankers have been discussing for years in order to address major economic woes that started to come to the surface in the 2008 crash and massive bailouts. The problem according to many economists is that the financial world was trying to solve a problem by using the same measures that lead to the problem in the first place - DEBT AS A FORM OF ECONOMIC GROWTH.

The global debt can never be repaid. Interest rates plummeted to zero to reduce the financial burden of debt, but even then the repayments are not possible. Many global banks are on the verge of bankruptcy. A massive global economic storm of gargantuan proportions could be on the horizon. So the World Economic Forum has put a great economic reset high on its agenda. And this is set to happen in 2021.

Diversion tactics have always been used when something big is planned.

Has the covid 19 scare been just a diversion tactic all along?

Let’s keep our ears to the ground and watch out for every move in the official narratives.

Let us not be fooled any longer.